16 facts that prove America is in deep, deep trouble

#14 In 2007, 54 percent of all Americans were opposed to gay marriage and only 37 percent wanted it to be legalized. Today, 62 percent of all Americans support gay marriage and only 32 percent are still against it.

Well that is a fact......just not a sign of being in 'deep, deep, trouble'

Gotta love the comments on the website of the people that agree with him....

#5 Millions of illegals don't speak English well and putting fluoride in water lowers IQ. Many other countries do not dump fluoride in water. (apparently the writer of this has been drinking fluoride directly...)

#8 These diseases are transmitted in several ways. For example a person should be very careful if they need blood &
if you go see a movie check the seat for needles. (lol)
America survived a Civil War and was victorious in two World Wars. The Trump administration is barely a half a year old and survived window smashing and car torching on inauguration day and threats by rich crazy Hollywood celebs and even a crazy democrat Sanders supporter trying to take out Republicans with a semi-automatic rifle during a baseball practice. Angry Hollywood idiots and angry kid editorialist opinions aside, the greatest Country and the world' and the last Super Power ain't in nearly as much trouble as the criminal conspiracy between the MSM and the DNC in the age of information.

The United States will always have challenges- and always have doomsayers.

But we will survive the Trump era- the United States is bigger than any President.
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

That's what MSM fed the world. Controlled media remember.

Is there some type of global mainstream media that you are fantasizing about?
Media around the world mocks and condemns Trump (except for Pravda)

I think he's got his talking points all fucked up.
Reports of our demise are grossly exaggerated
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Must be why liberals want to go back and model the US after the Britain they so diligently saved us from.

You are full of shit.
Coming from the party whose President was selected by Russia
Wrong as usual. The Russians thought Cankles would win, so they did their best to screw things up. I don't think they realized how stupid the Left and their media would react, but they must be pleased. They really played the Left very well.
America survived a Civil War and was victorious in two World Wars. The Trump administration is barely a half a year old and survived window smashing and car torching on inauguration day and threats by rich crazy Hollywood celebs and even a crazy democrat Sanders supporter trying to take out Republicans with a semi-automatic rifle during a baseball practice. Angry Hollywood idiots and angry kid editorialist opinions aside, the greatest Country and the world' and the last Super Power ain't in nearly as much trouble as the criminal conspiracy between the MSM and the DNC in the age of information.

The United States will always have challenges- and always have doomsayers.

But we will survive the Trump era- the United States is bigger than any President.
True we survived that America hating dipshit Obama you morons elected.
Reports of our demise are grossly exaggerated
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Must be why liberals want to go back and model the US after the Britain they so diligently saved us from.

You are full of shit.
Coming from the party whose President was selected by Russia
Wrong as usual. The Russians thought Cankles would win, so they did their best to screw things up. I don't think they realized how stupid the Left and their media would react, but they must be pleased. They really played the Left very well.
Wrong Comrade

Trump is a Manchurian candidate
(By Michael Snyder) Is this the generation that is going to witness the end of America? If our country stays on the path that it is currently on, it is very difficult to see how we are possibly going to make it. Throughout human history every great society has eventually entered a period of decline, and sadly that is happening to us as well. My hope is that we can wake the American people up while there is still time, and that we can return to the values and the principles that this nation was originally founded upon. Below are 16 facts that prove that America is in deep, deep trouble. Many of these numbers come from my new book, and many of them seem almost too crazy to believe…
16 Facts That Prove That America Is In Deep, Deep Trouble

Well you can lead the horse to the water but you can't make him drink it. Warnings have gone out more and more but let those who are under the gov. spell plow along in their fantasy world things will be getting ugly and they will be caught totally off guard begging for their parental Gov's help. They ain't coming lmao.

It reminds me of the speech Paul Harvey gave years ago where he talked about what he would do if he were the devil. We would end up on the same road we're on now.

Interesting list, though no doubt no a comprehensive one.

1. National debt. Much can be credited to the left for their never ending social programs that don't do what's promised.

2. Unwed mothers went from 5% to 40%. Again, leftist policies that encourage this are behind it. They make it seem virtuous to avoid marriage and instead turn to government.

3. Majority of Americans used to be considered middle class and even the low middle class people lived in nice houses and had cars. Now, the middle class has shrunk, largely thanks to overregulation that killed many small businesses.

4. More and more people can't even afford the homes they are living in. The housing bubble hurt many, too, and that was primarily caused by Dems defending the poor practices that led to the crisis. The Dems lined up to attack Repubs when they sought to investigate the practices of Freddie and Fannie. It was Clinton who pushed the Community Reinvestment Act on banks and forced them to make risky loans. Of course, F and F backed those toxic loans, which was at the heart of the housing bubble.

5. Education has suffered. Which party has all but taken over our schools these past decades? Inner city schools have consistently been the worst. And, yes, it's usually a Dem controlled area. Billions are pumped into schools and so much shores up teacher's union coffers instead of directly going to help students. Then there was the leftwing outcome based education, now followed by Common Core. Dumb those kids down and change history books to rewrite the past.

6. The number of married men is half of what it was in the 70s. That's not to say they aren't living with their baby mamas. They just don't get married because that way they can receive state aid.

7. This is something that needs to be addressed. People aren't just hooked on illegal drugs, but legal ones. Too many doctors these days are beholden to Big Pharms and they are more apt to write prescriptions for every little thing rather than advise people to change their lifestyle. They are too free with pain pills and people get hooked, then keep going to their doctor, or several, and complain that they hurt. Not enough questions are asked and it would seem not enough are monitoring the length of time they prescribe pain killers for patients.

8. Sexually transmitted diseases are an epidemic. All that free love in the 60s and a general deterioration of morals means more people having sex without thought.

9. Unchecked illegal immigration means gangs- extremely large gangs, 150,000 in Chicago alone, and they outnumber police 10 to 1.

10. Porn at your fingertips. And easy for anyone, even youngsters, to find it. Thanks to people, like Larry Flint, darling of the left, it's gotten to the point where porn is a widely accepted form of entertainment

11. Income tax started simple and it was promised that it would never go over a small percent of income. Now, we have a tax code that is over 2 million words long and the regulations more than 7 million words long.

12. Government goes through money like it's air. The military spent $42 million on Viagra. Of course, with the millions of porn sites out there, I'm sure sales have increased. Big Pharma is smiling.

13. 250 million prescriptions for anti-depressants each year. Of course, many of these people could benefit more from therapy but that wouldn't help Big Pharms. And the number of children given meds for ADHD increased. The new rule has been to drug people for every little thing.

14. The majority support gay marriage now, which I have no problem with. I have a problem with men using women's bathrooms and teachers telling young students that they need to figure out which of the 26 sexes they are.

15. Slow economic growth over the last 10 years.

16. Abortions, mainly with minorities, are too high and will likely increase if the left gets their way and passes the cost onto tax payers. When anything is subsidized, you get more of it and that's a fact.
Imagine what a wonderful world it would be...without Leftism.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Must be why liberals want to go back and model the US after the Britain they so diligently saved us from.

You are full of shit.
Coming from the party whose President was selected by Russia
Wrong as usual. The Russians thought Cankles would win, so they did their best to screw things up. I don't think they realized how stupid the Left and their media would react, but they must be pleased. They really played the Left very well.
Wrong Comrade

Trump is a Manchurian candidate
Yeah...I tend to think you really believe that. This clearly indicates you have a major mental problem.
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

That's a twist, last time I remembered Israel's Netanyahu, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, and Russia's Putin, Iraq's President, & Pakistan's Presidents are a few of many that will disagree with you about Obama.
With Trump a Few Europeans who you want for the right reasons to hate our tough negotiations, but those you were told should hate him get along fine.
Your post=Epic fail. Propaganda rating=9.
We would still be British subjects without Liberalism
Blacks would still be slaves
Women would not have the vote
The environment would be free to dump whatever you want
Must be why liberals want to go back and model the US after the Britain they so diligently saved us from.

You are full of shit.
Coming from the party whose President was selected by Russia
Wrong as usual. The Russians thought Cankles would win, so they did their best to screw things up. I don't think they realized how stupid the Left and their media would react, but they must be pleased. They really played the Left very well.
Wrong Comrade

Trump is a Manchurian candidate
Yeah...I tend to think you really believe that. This clearly indicates you have a major mental problem.
Melania is his handler

He does what Putin commands
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

That's a twist, last time I remembered Israel's Netanyahu, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, and Russia's Putin, Iraq's President, & Pakistan's Presidents are a few of many that will disagree with you about Obama.
With Trump a Few Europeans who you want for the right reasons to hate our tough negotiations, but those you were told should hate him get along fine.
Your post=Epic fail. Propaganda rating=9.
Some list of Obama haters

America survived a Civil War and was victorious in two World Wars. The Trump administration is barely a half a year old and survived window smashing and car torching on inauguration day and threats by rich crazy Hollywood celebs and even a crazy democrat Sanders supporter trying to take out Republicans with a semi-automatic rifle during a baseball practice. Angry Hollywood idiots and angry kid editorialist opinions aside, the greatest Country and the world' and the last Super Power ain't in nearly as much trouble as the criminal conspiracy between the MSM and the DNC in the age of information.
And Obama had to put up with racist fucks & bigots. The racist Tea Party started pretending to be patriots.sells his position to line his own pockets & the white House is now known for talking about grabbing pussies & sucking their own cocks.

My God the audacirty of you assholes to defend that is sick.
America survived a Civil War and was victorious in two World Wars. The Trump administration is barely a half a year old and survived window smashing and car torching on inauguration day and threats by rich crazy Hollywood celebs and even a crazy democrat Sanders supporter trying to take out Republicans with a semi-automatic rifle during a baseball practice. Angry Hollywood idiots and angry kid editorialist opinions aside, the greatest Country and the world' and the last Super Power ain't in nearly as much trouble as the criminal conspiracy between the MSM and the DNC in the age of information.
And Obama had to put up with racist fucks & bigots. The racist Tea Party started pretending to be patriots.sells his position to line his own pockets & the white House is now known for talking about grabbing pussies & sucking their own cocks.

My God the audacirty of you assholes to defend that is sick.
You clearly are delusional and a dupe for the 1% establishment....just like Leftnutter.
Here is a condensed list of worries:

1. Debt
2. Unwed mothers
3. shrinking of the middle class
4. 32 million can not afford the house they live in
5. Educational system is a mess. US is last in Math
6. Men not getting married and living with parents
7. Number one in illegal and legal drug abuse
8. 1/3 of the nation have STDs
9. Unchecked immigration has lead to an explosion in criminal gangs
10. Access to adult websites and no one is doing anything.
11. Complicated tax code
12. US military waste, (42 million for Viagra)
13. The US is unhappy because doctors write so many scripts for anti-depressants
14. Increase in support for gay marriage.
15. Weak economic growth that mimics the growth in 1930
16. High abortion rates.
Reviewing the list, I think most of it, while true, is BS. Rome came down when they were no longer able or willing to defend themselves from outside forces. (very simply)

I don't see gay marriage as bring down the country. Although I think it should have been some sort of contract and not that of the contract between a man and a woman I don't see that bring down the country. I do see the SCOTUS making law as a bigger concern.

Abortion, is an indicator of the the morality of a nation. First the immorality of sex out of wedlock, and then the evil of abortion.

Adult websites, really? Although I have read where viewing porn sites effects a person's thinking were there not Playboys magazines and such way before Internet pages? And what would the man have done about the "problem?"

The tax code needs fixed. But that is not going to fix any of the problems on the list. The country's tax revenue is setting new record highs but spending is increasing too. I am thinking that SS is driving the debt since all SS revenue is invested in federal securities. So every dime that comes in become debt. That is why I fear that the ruling elite want to change SS and are priming the well by telling us it is going bankrupt.

Unchecked immigration. Really, we need immigrants. Really having a source of seasonal farm work is really necessary. But it should be done legally. If I were Trump the easiest first solution is end the anchor baby BS. (anchor baby for lack o a better word)

What I don't see on the list is the escalating price of health care. Way out of proportion to the inflation rate and I see nothing that is going to change it. The fight in congress is not over the vast majority of health care coverage but it is over a relatively small percentage, approximately 5 to 10 percent who do not have government sponsored health care. The more health care takes from the economy the less we have to spend on the military and debt reduction. Also the SCOTUS writing actual law should be a problem that everyone is upset about.
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

That's a twist, last time I remembered Israel's Netanyahu, Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte, and Russia's Putin, Iraq's President, & Pakistan's Presidents are a few of many that will disagree with you about Obama.
With Trump a Few Europeans who you want for the right reasons to hate our tough negotiations, but those you were told should hate him get along fine.
Your post=Epic fail. Propaganda rating=9.
Some list of Obama haters


See, not 1 bit of honesty in yas, which is why you accepted their lies.
No countries on your list like the left said there were no illegal voters this election and Baghdad Bob said no troops at the Baghdad airport.
Post=dishonest, epic fail Propaganda rating=10
We are still the greatest nation in the history of mankind

yes and no...............

If Trump pulls us out of this we will be ok
Most nations since Obama have hated us msm makes it out to be America is hated since Trump NOT TRUE.

Tech. nobody can pull us out the DEBT past Presidents have put us under................

I don't know where you get your news but Obama was immensely popular around the world....a Rock Star
Trump is mocked and distrusted

That's what MSM fed the world. Controlled media remember.

Is there some type of global mainstream media that you are fantasizing about?
Media around the world mocks and condemns Trump (except for Pravda)
The foreign media has picked up their cues from the Democrat American media.
If we didn't have the world's reserve currency we'd already be toast..........

Lose that and we are done..................

Our military ensures that we remain the reserve currency of the world..................

6 major players in history controlled most of the world's currency..............History shows them fall.

If we didn't have the world's reserve currency we'd already be toast..........

Lose that and we are done..................

Our military ensures that we remain the reserve currency of the world..................

6 major players in history controlled most of the world's currency..............History shows them fall.

Of that list, which countries are you saying "fell?"

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