16 year old trans girl stabbed to death

The hate generated by creatures like you leads to these tragedies.

It is not “hate to recognize the clear scientific distinction between male and female, and to recognize that one has to be severely fucked up in the head to be confused about this distinction.

It would be sensible to wait until we know more about the circumstances of this crime, and the likely motives of the killers, before we draw any such conclusions.

We do already know that the victim was very badly fucked up in the head. After all, he was a boy that thought he was a girl That is certainly never a good sign of being mentally sound. Who knows what sort of dangerous circumstances his madness might have led him into, that he might have avoided if he was sane?

And by the way…

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

Being a worthless welfare parasite that has surely never done an honest day of work in your entire life, what makes you think you're in any position to look down on me for what I do for a living?
The hate generated by creatures like you leads to these tragedies. You are still trying to make political capital from tis incident.

You are once more spreading disgusting filth , this timed insinuating that other posters are in part responsible for this murder .

You truly are a nasty , mean spirited and ignorant old man.

A massive result for the anti trans hate lobby.You must be very proud.
"Brianna was a transgender girl but detectives said there was no evidence to suggest it was a hate crime."

Just jonesing for someone to hate, Tommy?
People like you killed her.

That's bullshit, even for Tainted Tommy values of bullshit.

The hard, undeniable, immutable scientific fact, is that a boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl.

No matter what turns out to be the true story behind the death of this fucked-up freak, the culpability for that death cannot rationally be blamed on anyone for merely giving greater credence to biological truth than to the insane delusions of anyone who is mad.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

What do you do for a living, and how is it that you delusionally believe that your profession makes you better (or even nearly as good) as me?
That's bullshit, even for Tainted Tommy values of bullshit.

The hard, undeniable, immutable scientific fact, is that a boy is not a girl, and cannot become a girl.

No matter what turns out to be the true story behind the death of this fucked-up freak, the culpability for that death cannot rationally be blamed on anyone for merely giving greater credence to biological truth than to the insane delusions of anyone who is mad.

What do you do for a living, and how is it that you delusionally believe that your profession makes you better (or even nearly as good) as me?
This is your "fucked up freak" you sick bastard. Animals like you killed her.
This is your "fucked up freak" you sick bastard. Animals like you killed her.

That's a boy, you freak. Not a “her”, in any rational or valid use of that pronoun, no matter how convincingly he has been mutilated to try to make him look like a girl, and no matter how many mentally-defective retards such as yourself are fooled thereby.

And whatever turns out to be the cause of his death, it will not be on anyone for merely recognizing the hard scientific truth of the distinction between boys and girls.
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This is your "fucked up freak" you sick bastard. Animals like you killed her.

Hey, Tainted Tommy

Is this the “girl” that you were falsely accusing me, yesterday, in another thread, now closed, of murdering?

Im [sic] not laughing that a young girl was murdered by people like you. God sees that you sick fuck.

And what makes a Godless faggot such as yourself think that you have any stranding to speak for God?

I guess you won't be responding for a while. It looks like you are currently temp-banned, apparently since some time yesterday afternoon.

Well Bob if you were academically gifted ,or even applied yourself in school, you would have a better job with better working conditions.

And what do you do for a living, that you think puts you in any place to look down on me for how I make my living?

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