1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

A person would have to be remarkably stupid to think the only thing that distinguishes freedom fighting from terrorism is point of view.

What do you consider the difference between a "freedom fighter" and a "terrorists" and what groups do think fit into each category?

I don't think the line is always so clear.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?
In Israel's case, terrorist is a propaganda campaign.
Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

A person would have to be remarkably stupid to think the only thing that distinguishes freedom fighting from terrorism is point of view.

What do you consider the difference between a "freedom fighter" and a "terrorists" and what groups do think fit into each category?

I don't think the line is always so clear.
Terrorist has a distinct definition.

It is anyone we do not like.
What do you consider the difference between a "freedom fighter" and a "terrorists" and what groups do think fit into each category?

I don't think the line is always so clear.

The line is only malleable for propagandists who wish to pursue a dishonest agenda, or for those such as yourself who are incapable of moral reasoning

A freedom fighter is motivated by just that -- the desire for freedom. They engage in guerilla actions that target those who are actually preventing them from expressing their freedom by selecting military and strategic targets.

Palestinian terrorists are motivated by their desire to kill Jews above all else, as their entire culture rewards those who succeed in killing the most. They target innocent people just going about their business, and do so BECAUSE they are innocent civilians.

Any person with a working brain and a scrap of human decency should be able to see the difference.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.
Ooooh, Terrorists... Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Ah! Illegal aliens! They'd get a pardon, of course.

The line is only malleable for propagandists who wish to pursue a dishonest agenda, or for those such as yourself who are incapable of moral reasoning

A freedom fighter is motivated by just that -- the desire for freedom. They engage in guerilla actions that target those who are actually preventing them from expressing their freedom by selecting military and strategic targets.

But you don't think the Palestinian defines freedom as not being oppressed by the Zionists?

Palestinian terrorists are motivated by their desire to kill Jews above all else, as their entire culture rewards those who succeed in killing the most. They target innocent people just going about their business, and do so BECAUSE they are innocent civilians.

Any person with a working brain and a scrap of human decency should be able to see the difference.

Tell me, how many Palestinians died in the last round of fighting compared to how many Jews? If you are going to define "terrorism" by how many "innocents" are being killed, the Zionists are going to have a real problem.
Tell me, how many Palestinians died in the last round of fighting compared to how many Jews? If you are going to define "terrorism" by how many "innocents" are being killed, the Zionists are going to have a real problem.
Funny! What was the american/iraqi ratio? Must've been disproportionate. A real problem, indeed.
What do you consider the difference between a "freedom fighter" and a "terrorists" and what groups do think fit into each category?

I don't think the line is always so clear.

The line is only malleable for propagandists who wish to pursue a dishonest agenda, or for those such as yourself who are incapable of moral reasoning

Just can't make an argument without insults can you? Ok, I can play along.

A freedom fighter is motivated by just that -- the desire for freedom. They engage in guerilla actions that target those who are actually preventing them from expressing their freedom by selecting military and strategic targets.

Ok. That's a reasonable distinction.

Palestinian terrorists are motivated by their desire to kill Jews above all else, as their entire culture rewards those who succeed in killing the most. They target innocent people just going about their business, and do so BECAUSE they are innocent civilians.

You claim to know the motivation of all the Palestinians? That's quite an achievement. But it's also a distraction from the questions asked.

You defined "freedom fighters": [those who] engage in guerilla actions that target those who are actually preventing them from expressing their freedom by selecting military and strategic targets.

But you gave yourself a nice little loophole didn't you? "strategic targets" which could justify civilian targets and the killing of civilians with "strategic" being in the mind of the bomber.

You define terrorists as: [those who] target innocent people just going about their business, and do so BECAUSE they are innocent civilians. I would add to that definition: with the intent of creating terror to force their agenda.

I agree with the definitions but submit it's not always so clear as many "freedom fighters" end up employing terrorist tactics to accomplish their goals. I can't think of any group that has not ended up employing some form of terrorism.

What groups do you consider examples of "freedom fighters"?
What groups do you consider examples of "terrorists"?

I will state - and I have done so many times on this board - that I categorically oppose the deliberate targeting of civilians.

Any person with a working brain and a scrap of human decency should be able to see the difference.

Yes. I'm holding high hopes for you :)
You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.
Maybe our honorable joeb131 knows who was that shakh, sheikh, emir, sultan, pasha, president, prime-minister of that "palestine"?

Why is that relevent in any way?

the point is, there was a nationality of Palestinians, as opposed to "Israelis", who were a cobble of refugees attracted from all over the world with the promise of "Free Stuff">
Tell me, how many Palestinians died in the last round of fighting compared to how many Jews? If you are going to define "terrorism" by how many "innocents" are being killed, the Zionists are going to have a real problem.
Funny! What was the american/iraqi ratio? Must've been disproportionate. A real problem, indeed.

Yeah, it was, especially considering the Iraqis hadn't actually done anything wrong other than not overthrowing Saddam.
Tell me, how many Palestinians died in the last round of fighting compared to how many Jews? If you are going to define "terrorism" by how many "innocents" are being killed, the Zionists are going to have a real problem.
Funny! What was the american/iraqi ratio? Must've been disproportionate. A real problem, indeed.
Yeah, it was, especially considering the Iraqis hadn't actually done anything wrong other than not overthrowing Saddam.
While arabs did, in 1948, of course.
You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.
Maybe our honorable joeb131 knows who was that shakh, sheikh, emir, sultan, pasha, president, prime-minister of that "palestine"?
Why is that relevent in any way? the point is, there was a nationality of Palestinians, as opposed to "Israelis", who were a cobble of refugees attracted from all over the world with the promise of "Free Stuff">
Well, there have never been a nationality of "palestinians", of course. But major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did swoop in on jewish development opportunities and "free stuff", indeed.
You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.
Maybe our honorable joeb131 knows who was that shakh, sheikh, emir, sultan, pasha, president, prime-minister of that "palestine"?
Why is that relevent in any way? the point is, there was a nationality of Palestinians, as opposed to "Israelis", who were a cobble of refugees attracted from all over the world with the promise of "Free Stuff">
Well, there have never been a nationality of "palestinians", of course. But major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did swoop in on jewish development opportunities and "free stuff", indeed.

Guy, did anyone teach you "capitalization" in Home Skule?

Anyway, there were Palestinians before 1948. There were not Israelis before 1948. There were Polish Jews and German Jews and Hungarian Jews who all joined the British Jews who were already there.
You defined "freedom fighters": [those who] engage in guerilla actions that target those who are actually preventing them from expressing their freedom by selecting military and strategic targets.

But you gave yourself a nice little loophole didn't you? "strategic targets" which could justify civilian targets and the killing of civilians with "strategic" being in the mind of the bomber.

You define terrorists as: [those who] target innocent people just going about their business, and do so BECAUSE they are innocent civilians. I would add to that definition: with the intent of creating terror to force their agenda.

I agree with the definitions but submit it's not always so clear as many "freedom fighters" end up employing terrorist tactics to accomplish their goals. I can't think of any group that has not ended up employing some form of terrorism.

What groups do you consider examples of "freedom fighters"?
What groups do you consider examples of "terrorists"?

I will state - and I have done so many times on this board - that I categorically oppose the deliberate targeting of civilians.

You and your typical Arab double talk.

You claim to oppose terrorism immediately after offering your intentional sophistry by way of attempting to create the impression that innocent people can be considered strategic as long as your murderous friends think they are. Again, you fall back on the point of view ruse to justify terrorism.


Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?

Actually, I did a quick google search, and no, Hamas is not beheading people like a fad now.

I did find this though...

Man who beheaded maid wanted to fight Hamas - The Local

Federico Leonelli, 35, was shot outside a gated house in Rome on Sunday morning, after allegedly beheading 38-year-old Oksana Martseniuk.

Homeowner Giovanni Ciallella has now said that his guest Leonelli was obsessed with “the military world” and wanted to fight in Gaza alongside the Israeli army.

“He told me that he had met a rabbi in Rome and was ready to join the Israeli army against Hamas and terrorists armed with missiles,” Ciallella told La Repubblica.

Hamas beheaded people who resisted it without any trial.

Don't you find that kind of hypocritical, when it constantly blames Israel for cutting TV channels, but then goes and kills of palestinian randomly?
You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.
Maybe our honorable joeb131 knows who was that shakh, sheikh, emir, sultan, pasha, president, prime-minister of that "palestine"?
Why is that relevent in any way? the point is, there was a nationality of Palestinians, as opposed to "Israelis", who were a cobble of refugees attracted from all over the world with the promise of "Free Stuff">
Well, there have never been a nationality of "palestinians", of course. But major arab settlers and squatters from the hood did swoop in on jewish development opportunities and "free stuff", indeed.

Guy, did anyone teach you "capitalization" in Home Skule?

Anyway, there were Palestinians before 1948. There were not Israelis before 1948. There were Polish Jews and German Jews and Hungarian Jews who all joined the British Jews who were already there.

There were no "Palestinians" before 48, there were the Jews and Arabs of the place called "Palestine" by foreign occupiers.

If you go with the "Palestine existed while Israel didn't" then ALL the residents should have been 'Palestinians'. including the Jews of that time.

Following THAT logic, I am a Palestinian.

But no, thankfully, Im not. We're just Israelis.

You and your typical Arab double talk.

You claim to oppose terrorism immediately after offering your intentional sophistry by way of attempting to create the impression that innocent people can be considered strategic as long as your murderous friends think they are. Again, you fall back on the point of view ruse to justify terrorism.


So when we bombed Dresden, Hiroshima, Hanoi, Baghdad and killed a lot of innocent people, was that okay because they were "strategic"?

THere was this great film about the Algerian uprising against France, and they had an Algerian leader, and they asked him why they delivered bombs in women's baskets, and he replied, "You deliver bombs in planes. I'll gladly trade you our baskets for your planes."

Hamas beheaded people who resisted it without any trial.

Don't you find that kind of hypocritical, when it constantly blames Israel for cutting TV channels, but then goes and kills of palestinian randomly?

I tried to find a link to what you are babbling about and couldn't.

The last forray into Gaza, the Zionists killed 2191 Palestinians. 76% of them were civilians.
There were no "Palestinians" before 48, there were the Jews and Arabs of the place called "Palestine" by foreign occupiers.

If you go with the "Palestine existed while Israel didn't" then ALL the residents should have been 'Palestinians'. including the Jews of that time.

Following THAT logic, I am a Palestinian.

But no, thankfully, Im not. We're just Israelis.

And what are you "Israelis" going to do when Palestinians are in the majority. Because they are having more babies than you are and a lot of your folks are going back to Europe.

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