1896 Film of Palestine and Jerusalem.

You get a PHD in bullshit. Israel is a democou hracy where all people are treated equally. Your beloved Palestinian Muslim Arabs enjoy such a high standard of living in Israel that they aren't even willing to leave Israel to go live anywhere else. Eat that.

Lebanon, a country taken over by Hezbollah terrorist thugs that want to Islamicize it, is DEMOCRATIC? And didn't the Arab spring start in Tunisia because people were sick and tired of the corruption and oppression? Ha ha ha. Have you thought of taking your comedy show on the road?

None of the countries you mention are holding millions of people in virtual Gulags as the Israelis are.

Virtual gulag, open concentration camp, blah blah blah...got any more stupid made up labels that are based on lies? You are so predictable. There, I threw a stick, go fetch it. LOL

Just a fact that you can't handle.

You have this habit of referring to bullshit as facts :lol:

I present only facts, you deny facts.

Sure you do Monti :rolleyes:

Constantly saying o doesn't make it true.
Israel is not a democracy, far from it. It controls a population of non-Jews greater than the number of Jews and gives the vote to only a small percentage of non-Jews it rules over. Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and even Lebanon are more democratic than Israel.
Palistanians must definitely run to those democracies to escape their virtual gulags!

Probably is better that the Jews go back to Europe. There are fewer of them.
Majority of Jews in Israel are either Sephardic or descendants of Jews who fled Muslim shitholes. Where do you suggest they go? According to your theory, since they aren't "European" they are back in the homeland of their ancestors which Muslims invaders squatted.

You see what a fulla shit propagandist you are?
I think it is the Jews who play the victims profiting from the millions that were killed by the Germans. But, I agree, the Jews of Palestine should agree to a secular democratic state where Palestinians of all religions have equal rights. If this were done, Hamas would disappear.
Yup. Them greedy Jooooos, always profiting, even from the Holocaust! Why don't they just lie down and let the Muslim savages stampede all over them? It's all about the Jooooooooooos ain't it?
Israel is not a democracy, far from it. It controls a population of non-Jews greater than the number of Jews and gives the vote to only a small percentage of non-Jews it rules over. Morocco, Tunisia, Turkey and even Lebanon are more democratic than Israel.
Palistanians must definitely run to those democracies to escape their virtual gulags!
Probably it is better that the Jews go back to Europe. There are fewer of them.
Nah, there's palistan for palistanians in Australia!
I think it is the Jews who play the victims profiting from the millions that were killed by the Germans. But, I agree, the Jews of Palestine should agree to a secular democratic state where Palestinians of all religions have equal rights. If this were done, Hamas would disappear.
With palistanian rights more equal, than those of others, of course.
Equal rights for all.
Nah, islamic supremacism forbids that, of course.
Dayam! What happened, when did it happen and who died?

Rachel Corey. Rachel Corey died when she asked why it was necessary to demolish the home of an innocent pharmacist.

That's when it became okay for me to ask why these religious fuckers get to dictate policy.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Why you're so bright I'll bet they called you Sunny.

He made an excellent point. I know if a bunch of Jews came to Martinsburg and threw my parents and grand parents out in 1948, they would have certainly fought back to get their land back. Hell, they would have used quarry and mine dynamite and would have blown the shit out of them. Yes, asshole I am from West Virginia.
Rachel Corrie died because she put herself in front of a bulldozer. Do you have any concern about the armed terrorist who hid in the offices of the group which Rachel Corrie belonged? This armed terrorist went into Mike's Place in Tel Aviv, blowing himself up, and in the process managed to kill people and injure others.

Ooooh, Terrorists...

Frankly, if a bunch of space Aliens occupied America tomorrow, we'd have a lot of "Terrorists', too.
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?

I'll make it really easy for you.

There was this guy in Afghanistan, who went around attacking Russians who had invaded the country. And Ronald Reagan went about praising him and his comrades as "Freedom Fighters".

Then after the Russians went home, he and his comrades started attacking Americans. Then we started calling him a "Terrorist".

His name was Usama bin Laden! You might have heard of him.

Same guy. Same tactics. Different targets.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.
1896 film showing the people in Palestine and Jerusalem in particular. Notice how Christians and Muslims are the clear majority walking the streets of Jerusalem. Will a film convince the Israel Firsters?

Would it have been nice if the three communities could live in one state, happy? Why did the Arabs need to force upon us all the war in 1948, just to destroy the Jews?

That's just the saddest thing...
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?

I'll make it really easy for you.

There was this guy in Afghanistan, who went around attacking Russians who had invaded the country. And Ronald Reagan went about praising him and his comrades as "Freedom Fighters".

Then after the Russians went home, he and his comrades started attacking Americans. Then we started calling him a "Terrorist".

His name was Usama bin Laden! You might have heard of him.

Same guy. Same tactics. Different targets.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?

I'll make it really easy for you.

There was this guy in Afghanistan, who went around attacking Russians who had invaded the country. And Ronald Reagan went about praising him and his comrades as "Freedom Fighters".

Then after the Russians went home, he and his comrades started attacking Americans. Then we started calling him a "Terrorist".

His name was Usama bin Laden! You might have heard of him.

Same guy. Same tactics. Different targets.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

What land was stolen?
Folks - please remember to include some content along with flames. Banter back and forth is fine, off topic flaming not so much.

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?

Actually, I did a quick google search, and no, Hamas is not beheading people like a fad now.

I did find this though...

Man who beheaded maid wanted to fight Hamas - The Local

Federico Leonelli, 35, was shot outside a gated house in Rome on Sunday morning, after allegedly beheading 38-year-old Oksana Martseniuk.

Homeowner Giovanni Ciallella has now said that his guest Leonelli was obsessed with “the military world” and wanted to fight in Gaza alongside the Israeli army.

“He told me that he had met a rabbi in Rome and was ready to join the Israeli army against Hamas and terrorists armed with missiles,” Ciallella told La Repubblica.

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?

I'll make it really easy for you.

There was this guy in Afghanistan, who went around attacking Russians who had invaded the country. And Ronald Reagan went about praising him and his comrades as "Freedom Fighters".

Then after the Russians went home, he and his comrades started attacking Americans. Then we started calling him a "Terrorist".

His name was Usama bin Laden! You might have heard of him.

Same guy. Same tactics. Different targets.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

What land was stolen?

You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.

Freedom fighters. I bet all those poor innocent guys in Gaza Hamas beheaded for no apparent reason, would agree with you

Hamas is beheading people? I thought that was ISIL. Is this like that Ice Bucket Challenge thing where all the cool kids are doing it? Am I openly mocking your ass?
Terrorists don't exist, right Joe ?? They are a made up phenomenon, right?
Or maybe a figment of our imagination?

I'll make it really easy for you.

There was this guy in Afghanistan, who went around attacking Russians who had invaded the country. And Ronald Reagan went about praising him and his comrades as "Freedom Fighters".

Then after the Russians went home, he and his comrades started attacking Americans. Then we started calling him a "Terrorist".

His name was Usama bin Laden! You might have heard of him.

Same guy. Same tactics. Different targets.

Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

What land was stolen?

You know, the land that as called "Palestine" before 1948.
Right before 1948 it was called Mandatory Palestine. I'm not denying that Palestinian lived there, but it was not a sovereign state and the Palestinian Arabs did not have any sovereignty over the land.
The Jews completed the steps prepatory to self determination and declared independence legally on the land allotted to them in resolution 181.
THE EXACT SAME WAY the Palestinian did so in 1988
Right before 1948 it was called Mandatory Palestine. I'm not denying that Palestinian lived there, but it was not a sovereign state and the Palestinian Arabs did not have any sovereignty over the land.
The Jews completed the steps prepatory to self determination and declared independence legally on the land allotted to them in resolution 181.
THE EXACT SAME WAY the Palestinian did so in 1988

What makes a state "sovereign" is that other states recognize it. Since most of the states in the region do not recognize the Zionist Entity, haven't you already delegitamized it by your own standard?
Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

A person would have to be remarkably stupid to think the only thing that distinguishes freedom fighting from terrorism is point of view.
Hamas might be "Terrorists" to the Zionists who stole the land of the Palestinians, but they are "Freedom Fighters" to those Palestinians.

A person would have to be remarkably stupid to think the only thing that distinguishes freedom fighting from terrorism is point of view.

No, a person would really have to be stupid to think that guys who were fighting the Russians because they wanted to teach girls how to read were really all that concerned about "Freedom".

To the Palestinians, 'Freedom" would be defined as getting the Zionists to go back to Europe where they came from and reclaiming their land.

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