19 Months....And NOTHING!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
I have a feeling Mueller's "investigation" will last as long as Trump is a president. It's just another way to restrict his actions and to deligitimize him as a president.

It's areal shame for the country because whole bunch of crooks like both Clintons, Obama, Soros and all his puppets are still running free ans influencing the life and the future of your country.
We should have a special council investigate every newly elected president and his associates from now on. Cast a wide enough net and crimes will be found. Do not give them the Hillary Clinton treatment in which grand juries are not used and crimes ignored.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
Isn't Mueller supposed to investigate "Russian collusion"? What do the people he has been "investigating" have in common with Russia? Let's just take a look at Manafort, he was framed by Ukraine, American "friend" in order to hurt Trump when he was still a candidate.

Dimitri Simes to a Russian Channel One:
Dimitri K. Simes – Center for the National Interest
For years Manafort worked as a political operator in Ukraine, providing pro-American tilt in Ukrainian foreign policy and according to American Media was a law-abiding person. But Manafort was discouraging Yanukovich from entering the EU, on the contrary, he suggested to be very very careful about that (making current Ukrainian rulers pretty mad).

We are seeing more and more Ukrainian fingerprints in 2016 elections. As you know Manaforts’ problems started when Ukrainian prosecutors found a document (without Manafort’s signature) with his “confession” about receiving millions of dollars for serving Yanukovich. It’s interesting that Ukrainian prosecutors launched that process during elections so that Mamafort had to leave Trump’s team. And shortly after that the case has died down and Ukrainian prosecutors have NEVER charged Manafort. Many Republicans think Kiev just wanted to create problems for Manafort during elections time.

Mueller has been “investigating” Russian collusion. Manafort never has been involved with any Russians, but they subscribe him working for pro-Russian president Yanukovich. How come Yanukovich is called pro-Russian if all his advisers were Americans?
American patriots did collude in taking back the country.
'No collusion' by Trump with Russia shown in new Cohen and Manafort court filings

"Unquestionably, this is a fishing expedition..."

"There is no “smoking gun” saying there was Trump-Russia collusion to defeat Hillary Clinton and install Trump in the Oval Office."

"How long will this investigation go on? How wide a net will it cast? How far back in time will it go? How many more millions of dollars will it cost American taxpayers?

And finally, is the cloud the Mueller probe is casting over the Trump administration benefitting our nation, or simply weakening the president and preventing him from accomplishing the many things the American people elected him to do on our behalf?"

"...what we know on the public record, Mueller has failed to prove the Trump-Russia collusion that he was appointed to investigate 19 months ago."

The butt-hurt coup marches on....
There is no federal crime called "collusion," an the order for the Special Counsel does not say anything about "collusion."

so you're saying that a non-existent crime hasn't been shown in an investigation that wasn't about that non-existent crime anyway. Duh. They haven't proved that Trump is a Justin Bieber fan either. c

I know this may come as a shock to you, but the Russian government likes to spy on the U. S. As part of that, they like to recruit Americans through bribery or blackmail to give them inform or other advantages.The

These attempts are usually discovered in counter-intelligence investigations, such as the one conducted concerning Carter Page.

Here's the catch: intelligence and counter-intelligence investigations CANNOT be used in law enforcement investigations (with some specific exceptions).

So IF an intelligence or counter-intelligence investigation showed possible crimes, a separate law enforcement investigation would have to be started which would independently establish those crimes.

So the FBI most likely already knows what if any crimes have been committed, they just have to prove it independently from the intelligence information. That 's not fishing.
In 2050, president Baron Trump announces end to Mueller "investigation".
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.

yo derp -

its not about getting Russians to trial ,,, it was about exposing them and getting their KGB asses out of MY COUNTRY

Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.

yo derp -

its not about getting Russians to trial ,,, it was about exposing them and getting their KGB asses out of MY COUNTRY

He indicted bots from Russia..............Your side stated look at these indictments............How the hell you gonna bring them to trial when they are in Russia.....

derp.......they aren't here........but it makes your numbers look better doesn't it............
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.

yo derp -

its not about getting Russians to trial ,,, it was about exposing them and getting their KGB asses out of MY COUNTRY

He indicted bots from Russia..............Your side stated look at these indictments............How the hell you gonna bring them to trial when they are in Russia.....

derp.......they aren't here........but it makes your numbers look better doesn't it............

reference one quote from any part of the investigation that said a trial for the Russians was the end game ...

or stfu
I see no reason why DJ can't call Bob into his office, slap his face and have a SS agent throw the piece of shit through a window.....Then while he's laying out on the grass bleeding...."Bob? YOU'RE FIRED! and Bob? YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR TREASON".

Bob replies: "D'oh!"

Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.

yo derp -

its not about getting Russians to trial ,,, it was about exposing them and getting their KGB asses out of MY COUNTRY

He indicted bots from Russia..............Your side stated look at these indictments............How the hell you gonna bring them to trial when they are in Russia.....

derp.......they aren't here........but it makes your numbers look better doesn't it............

reference one quote from any part of the investigation that said a trial for the Russians was the end game ...

or stfu
STFU...........from the beginning it was about Collusion and the hacking that was done by the GRU...........But the whole dang thing is now find any dang thing they can find.

Nice under the Republic when the investigation is looking for a crime..........not investigating one...........most are perjury traps who were dumb enough to testify to the assholes.........Only reason they got Flynn at all.........simple perjury trap...............others the same......

Tie this shit to Russia and the GRU who hacked the DNC.........hmmm......waiting ....waiting.......for years waiting .........LOL
I see no reason why DJ can't call Bob into his office, slap his face and have a SS agent throw the piece of shit through a window.....Then while he's laying out on the grass bleeding...."Bob? YOU'RE FIRED! and Bob? YOU'RE UNDER ARREST FOR TREASON".

Bob replies: "D'oh!"


I see no reason to believe you have the mental capacity to process complex thought.

So what was the investigation begun about? It has been ever-changing.

Illegal Collusion...

Russian Interference...


Cohen paying off women...

A crime committed before Obama was elected President involving Manafort and Podesta...

....anything that may be found to take down the President in this coup....
Multiple indictments and convictions

Mueller has wrapped up Flynn, Manafort, Cohen and others and is getting “substantial cooperation”

Trump has reason to be worried as he attacks former key aids
How is the Wonder boy going to get those Russian bots he indicted to trial.........Will he invade Russia...........LOL

What have we got ..........perjury trap......perjury trap.........perjury trap........perjury trap......tax evasion.......tax evasion.....small money laundering charges.....

He would hardly have a dang thing if those guys would have told him to shove his questions up his ass........and pleaded the 5th......and you know it..

Tell me when you tie it to Russia and the GRU agents..............Good luck getting them to trial.....your gonna need it.

yo derp -

its not about getting Russians to trial ,,, it was about exposing them and getting their KGB asses out of MY COUNTRY

He indicted bots from Russia..............Your side stated look at these indictments............How the hell you gonna bring them to trial when they are in Russia.....

derp.......they aren't here........but it makes your numbers look better doesn't it............

reference one quote from any part of the investigation that said a trial for the Russians was the end game ...

or stfu
STFU...........from the beginning it was about Collusion and the hacking that was done by the GRU...........But the whole dang thing is now find any dang thing they can find.

Nice under the Republic when the investigation is looking for a crime..........not investigating one...........most are perjury traps who were dumb enough to testify to the assholes.........Only reason they got Flynn at all.........simple perjury trap...............others the same......

Tie this shit to Russia and the GRU who hacked the DNC.........hmmm......waiting ....waiting.......for years waiting .........LOL

there ya go -

no answer so - move the goal post - yammer, slobber, spin away.


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