Have you read 1984 by George Orwell?

  • I have read it

    Votes: 21 87.5%
  • I havent read it,but I have read a summary

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I havent read it,but I have heard of it

    Votes: 3 12.5%
  • I havent heard of it

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
A public service.

It's one of the worst books you've ever heard of....

But you have heard of it ]

I didn't say "one of the worst books I've ever heard of," so I don't know where you get that. But yes, I have heard of it and have read it many times. Why is this so personal for you?

Nobody ever gets my jokes... :(

Jokes are not permitted in the community. Precision in use of language is very important. You may have to be released...
Orwell knew that things could get much, much worse.

He couldn't have imagined how bad it's gotten. What were 'shocking' aspects of his fiction are now mundane aspects of our reality.

(My bold)

I wouldn't discount Orwell's experiences nor his imagination. He served as a British Imperial policeman, I believe, in India. That experience colored his literary career for life. He tramped across Britain, & experienced the prole life firsthand. He was always concerned about language in politics, & the fate of ordinary people under government. Literary critics & essayist, a bright light in the World.

He worked radio with BBC, working away on editing/writing copy, as I recall. He experienced empire @ the sharp end & @ the intellectual laborer end.

If you want dystopia, I suggest you read the Gil Hamilton series, by Larry Niven. The science fiction people have been the real groundbreakers in our modern World for the last few decades. (If you're squeamish, don't read these stories before a meal.)
I've read 1984 several times. In fact, you will find I occasionally respond to some of the tards on this forum who have a memory like that of a goldfish, "We have always been at war with Eastasia" to indicate the 180 degree turns, sometimes abruptly, of their behaviors based on which political party is at issue.

I also quote the ending to Animal Farm once in a while when the similarities between the GOP and the Democratic Party are too close to ignore.

There was the same hearty cheering as before, and the mugs were emptied
to the dregs. But as the animals outside gazed at the scene, it seemed to them
that some strange thing was happening. What was it that had altered in the
faces of the pigs? Clover’s old dim eyes flitted from one face to another. Some
of them had five chins, some had four, some had three. But what was it that
seemed to be melting and changing? Then, the applause having come to an
end, the company took up their cards and continued the game that had been
interrupted, and the animals crept silently away.

But they had not gone twenty yards when they stopped short. An uproar of
voices was coming from the farmhouse. They rushed back and looked through
the window again. Yes, a violent quarrel was in progress. There were shoutings,
bangings on the table, sharp suspicious glances, furious denials. The source of
the trouble appeared to be that Napoleon and Mr. Pilkington had each played
an ace of spades simultaneously.

Twelve voices were shouting in anger, and they were all alike. No question,
now, what had happened to the faces of the pigs. The creatures outside looked
from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already
it was impossible to say which was which.
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A public service.

theoldschool said:
It's one of the worst books you've ever heard of....

But you have heard of it ]

unkotare said:
I didn't say "one of the worst books I've ever heard of," so I don't know where you get that. But yes, I have heard of it and have read it many times. Why is this so personal for you?

theoldschool said:
Nobody ever gets my jokes... :(

That's because your jokes suck, dumbass. :badgrin:
It's not an easy read but I do recommend C.K. Chesterton's "The Flying Inn". Dates back about a hundred years and posits thoughts that would have been unthinkable by most folks until the last six or so years.

As appears in Wikipedia (I have added emphasis):

"The Flying Inn is a novel first published in 1914 by G. K. Chesterton. It is set in a future England where the Temperance movement has allowed a bizarre form of "Progressive" Islam to dominate the political and social life of the country. Because of this, alcohol sales to the poor are effectively prohibited, while the rich can get alcoholic drinks "under a medical certificate". The plot centres on the adventures of Humphrey Pump and Captain Patrick Dalroy, who roam the country in their cart with a barrel of rum in an attempt to evade Prohibition, exploiting loopholes in the law to temporarily prevent the police taking action against them. Eventually the heroes and their followers foil an attempted coup by an Islamic military force."

"The novel includes the poem, The Rolling English Road. The poem was first published under the title A Song of Temperance Reform in the New Witness in 1913."

OK, I admit it was the poem that first caught my attention but the rest is so improbable yet ultimately prophetic....
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Orwell knew that things could get much, much worse.

He couldn't have imagined how bad it's gotten. What were 'shocking' aspects of his fiction are now mundane aspects of our reality.
right. just the other day i got up, ate my rationed bread, lamented the butter shortage, made sure to keep my thoughts private and certainly not post them online, and then ended they day with a nice trip to the town square to watch the execution of eurasian spies.

the book is a good warning. it is not our current state of affairs.
Orwell knew that things could get much, much worse.

unkotare said:
He couldn't have imagined how bad it's gotten. What were 'shocking' aspects of his fiction are now mundane aspects of our reality.

ogibillm said:
right. just the other day i got up, ate my rationed bread, lamented the butter shortage,

Sounds like the rate of inflation under Obama at the grocery store hasn't hurt you and your family one bit.

Must be nice.

ogibillm said:
made sure to keep my thoughts private and certainly not post them online,

That's what conservatives hafta do in today's America.

Not the least bit surprised that you haven't noticed.

Most stupid people are like that.

ogibillm said:
and then ended they day with a nice trip to the town square to watch the execution of eurasian spies.

Nah, we don't execute them here.

We ship them off to ISIS-controlled lands as journalists, and then covertly bust out their whereabouts there to the barbarians in charge.

We're just better at that than Stalin was, because we still at least have the pretense of the First Amendment.

ogibillm said:
the book is a good warning. it is not our current state of affairs.

Stick to reading the Sunday funnies.

Hyperbole ain't your thing, moron.
ogibillm said:
and then ended they day with a nice trip to the town square to watch the execution of eurasian spies.

Nah, we don't execute them here.

We ship them off to ISIS-controlled lands as journalists, and then covertly bust out their whereabouts there to the barbarians in charge.
dumbest. statement. ever.
Orwell knew that things could get much, much worse.

unkotare said:
He couldn't have imagined how bad it's gotten. What were 'shocking' aspects of his fiction are now mundane aspects of our reality.

ogibillm said:
right. just the other day i got up, ate my rationed bread, lamented the butter shortage,

Sounds like the rate of inflation under Obama at the grocery store hasn't hurt you and your family one bit.

Must be nice.

ogibillm said:
made sure to keep my thoughts private and certainly not post them online,

That's what conservatives hafta do in today's America.
right, because you're not posting your thoughts online on this very forum, no matter how stupid they might be.

Nah, we don't execute them here.

We ship them off to ISIS-controlled lands as journalists, and then covertly bust out their whereabouts there to the barbarians in charge.

We're just better at that than Stalin was, because we still at least have the pretense of the First Amendment.
seriously? that might be the dumbest thing i've ever read on these forums - and believe me there's plenty of competition.
ogibillm said:
and then ended they day with a nice trip to the town square to watch the execution of eurasian spies.

uh mom i don't think this is hormel chili in a can said:
Nah, we don't execute them here.

We ship them off to ISIS-controlled lands as journalists, and then covertly bust out their whereabouts there to the barbarians in charge.

ogibillm said:
dumbest. statement. ever.

Comin' from you, that's a compliment. :badgrin:

Orwell knew that things could get much, much worse.

unkotare said:
He couldn't have imagined how bad it's gotten. What were 'shocking' aspects of his fiction are now mundane aspects of our reality.

ogibillm said:
right. just the other day i got up, ate my rationed bread, lamented the butter shortage,

ewwwwwww!!! said:
Sounds like the rate of inflation under Obama at the grocery store hasn't hurt you and your family one bit.

Must be nice.

ogibillm said:
made sure to keep my thoughts private and certainly not post them online,

the sharts said:
That's what conservatives hafta do in today's America.

ogibillm said:
right, because you're not posting your thoughts online on this very forum, no matter how stupid they might be.

Yet they're anonymous thoughts, aren't they, Copernicus? :badgrin:

hot dog and a shart said:
Nah, we don't execute them here.

We ship them off to ISIS-controlled lands as journalists, and then covertly bust out their whereabouts there to the barbarians in charge.

We're just better at that than Stalin was, because we still at least have the pretense of the First Amendment.

ogibillm said:
seriously? that might be the dumbest thing i've ever read on these forums - and believe me there's plenty of competition.

Yup. A veritable smorgasboard of which to choose from the moron who said this:

how important are street smarts US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Day. Umm. You're. Dumb. Son. :badgrin:

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