1992 NYT article...Bill Clinton was a notorious fast food eater, that wasn’t a big deal...

Here's a photo of President Clinton jogging. Let us know when you find one of our morbidly obese Emperor doing any kind of exercise at all.


You lefties obsess over the weirdest shit. Not to mention, he was in his fifties. He's the same age as Trump and he looks like death warmed over these days.

He's no longer President, genius. Plus it's Trump who makes fun of he appearances of others.

Gee, thank for the update. You do realize this is a thread about Clinton, right?

I do and while Clinton was President he at least exercised, using the fat ass in the white house now as a comparison I'd say Clinton took care of himself while President. You got a problem with that?
Trump is just getting back what he dishes out. He set the benchmark for nastiness and ugliness.

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Actually it's because the comedians don't have Trump's dick in their mouths like they did with Clinton.

How could they, you guys won't let go of it.

That was actually a good retort. You win a cookie.

Nothing funnier than the truth.

Now that's a bit of a stretch. But keep pretending you aren't a cheap, dime store hack if it allows you to cut your meds down.

It's proverbial, plus in reality you wouldn't be able to get through the secret service.
Tissue sweetie?

Fuck off, dipshit.

Just pointing out the obvious, not bitching about it.

Oh honey you seem upset. Did they poke fun at your lil Rumpythinskin?

again, not the poking fun, but the obvious fact that with Trump it comes from malice, and with Clinton it came with a fawning dick sucking type of love.

But keep trying to re-hash the snowflake thing, it makes you guys look "cool"

Do you and Rump have a safe space?

if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!
Actually it's because the comedians don't have Trump's dick in their mouths like they did with Clinton.

How could they, you guys won't let go of it.

That was actually a good retort. You win a cookie.

Nothing funnier than the truth.

Now that's a bit of a stretch. But keep pretending you aren't a cheap, dime store hack if it allows you to cut your meds down.

It's proverbial, plus in reality you wouldn't be able to get through the secret service.

And there you just lost your mojo.

No cookies for you.
Fuck off, dipshit.

Just pointing out the obvious, not bitching about it.

Oh honey you seem upset. Did they poke fun at your lil Rumpythinskin?

again, not the poking fun, but the obvious fact that with Trump it comes from malice, and with Clinton it came with a fawning dick sucking type of love.

But keep trying to re-hash the snowflake thing, it makes you guys look "cool"

Do you and Rump have a safe space?

if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.
Oh honey you seem upset. Did they poke fun at your lil Rumpythinskin?

again, not the poking fun, but the obvious fact that with Trump it comes from malice, and with Clinton it came with a fawning dick sucking type of love.

But keep trying to re-hash the snowflake thing, it makes you guys look "cool"

Do you and Rump have a safe space?

if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!
again, not the poking fun, but the obvious fact that with Trump it comes from malice, and with Clinton it came with a fawning dick sucking type of love.

But keep trying to re-hash the snowflake thing, it makes you guys look "cool"

Do you and Rump have a safe space?

if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.
Do you and Rump have a safe space?

if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?
if that's all you got I suggest going over to the Hello Kitty message board, which is probably more your speed.

Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?
Well it's obvious they do not have a board here slow enough for you, run along sweetie before your feelings get hurt again!

3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!
3/10 response. the old "I know you are but what am I" retort.

and rehashing the snowflake thing just shows a lack of vision.

Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?
Snowflake, yet your the pissing themselves because mean ole SNL was sooooo mean to Rumpy!

Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.
Who's pissing? Are you idiots so dense that you equate commenting with winge-ing like you clods do?

Snowflake means not being able to handle the information, and so far the only twats who need safe spaces are twats like you.

bring it you hack.

So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.

That's attacking you, not being butthurt about the topic at hand. If you can't dish it out don't start it.

And there is funny tinged with hate and funny tinged with slavish love. You see the hate with Trump, and you saw the slavish love with Clinton.
So why the tears about SNL being mean to Rump, puss-puss?

Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.

That's attacking you, not being butthurt about the topic at hand. If you can't dish it out don't start it.

And there is funny tinged with hate and funny tinged with slavish love. You see the hate with Trump, and you saw the slavish love with Clinton.

Could it be because Rump says all his excrement with nothing but hate, then cries, like you when he gets it back? Nah that just cannot be!
I have no problem with the way Trump eats and his lack of exercise. In fact, I see it as a possible escape for the nation. I, for one, would cheerfully donate as many McDonald's' as he is willing to eat.
Again, what tears?

Just pointing out the obvious bias when people in the media make fun of people they like vs. making fun of people they despise?

Are you dense, stupid, or both?

Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.

That's attacking you, not being butthurt about the topic at hand. If you can't dish it out don't start it.

And there is funny tinged with hate and funny tinged with slavish love. You see the hate with Trump, and you saw the slavish love with Clinton.

Could it be because Rump says all his excrement with nothing but hate, then cries, like you when he gets it back? Nah that just cannot be!

Again, what crying?
Nope, just not such an unhinged twat to take it seriously! Go on to your safe space young Lady!

Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.

That's attacking you, not being butthurt about the topic at hand. If you can't dish it out don't start it.

And there is funny tinged with hate and funny tinged with slavish love. You see the hate with Trump, and you saw the slavish love with Clinton.

Could it be because Rump says all his excrement with nothing but hate, then cries, like you when he gets it back? Nah that just cannot be!

Again, what crying?

Poor Rumpy is being treated so unfairly and mean, it is just to much go bear!
Again, what safe space am I looking for? I'm here discussing it. You on the other hand have nothing but "fuh fuh fuh, snowflake, fuh fuh fuh"

Any point germane to the topic at hand?

You started with the snowflake and name calling sister when it got dealt back to you you cried more. If was funny when they made fun of Bill and IG is funny when the make fun of Rump. It was also funny when they made fun of Ford always falling down.

That's attacking you, not being butthurt about the topic at hand. If you can't dish it out don't start it.

And there is funny tinged with hate and funny tinged with slavish love. You see the hate with Trump, and you saw the slavish love with Clinton.

Could it be because Rump says all his excrement with nothing but hate, then cries, like you when he gets it back? Nah that just cannot be!

Again, what crying?

Poor Rumpy is being treated so unfairly and mean, it is just to much go bear!

and right back to the non-posting posts.

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