1994 Treaty REQUIRES USA to Defend Ukraine From Invasion!


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2013
Revealed: Forgotten 1994 Treaty US Promised to Protect Ukraine From Invasion

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin's troops cross into the country.

Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine - agreed to the The Budapest Memorandum as part of the denuclearization of former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.

The revelation comes as reports suggest the Kremlin was moving up to 2,000 troops across the Black Sea from Novorossiysk to their fleet base at Sevastopol.

At least 20 men wearing the uniform of the Russian fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post in a standoff near the port yesterday.

Scroll down for video

Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online

Holy shit!

This treaty REQUIRES we defend Ukraine from an invasion like this!!!


Oh, I just remembered who our POTUS is.

He can weasel out of that with absolutely no problem.



I almost got worried.
Nuclear weapons and Ukraine

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the newly independent Ukraine had on its territory what was the third largest strategic nuclear weapons arsenal in the world.

It was larger than those of Britain, France, and China combined.

On June 1, 1996 Ukraine became a non-nuclear nation when it sent the last of its 1,900 strategic nuclear warheads to Russia for dismantling.[1] The first shipment of nuclear weapons from Ukraine to Russia (by train) was in March 1994.[2] In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea.[3]

Nuclear weapons and Ukraine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In return for giving up its nuclear weapons, Ukraine, the United States of America, Russia, and the United Kingdom signed the 1994 Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, pledging to respect Ukraine territorial integrity, a pledge that was arguably broken by Russia's 2014 invasion of Crimea."
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Revealed: Forgotten 1994 Treaty US Promised to Protect Ukraine From Invasion

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin's troops cross into the country.

Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine - agreed to the The Budapest Memorandum as part of the denuclearization of former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.

The revelation comes as reports suggest the Kremlin was moving up to 2,000 troops across the Black Sea from Novorossiysk to their fleet base at Sevastopol.

At least 20 men wearing the uniform of the Russian fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post in a standoff near the port yesterday.

Scroll down for video

Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online

Holy shit!

This treaty REQUIRES we defend Ukraine from an invasion like this!!!


Oh, I just remembered who our POTUS is.

He can weasel out of that with absolutely no problem.



I almost got worried.

Everything is a matter of point of view. From the Russians point of view, they are also honoring the same treaty. When the US and the EU used billions of dollars to foment the coup that toppled the democratically elected government and caused the instability in the Ukraine in the first place, it was their job to send in troops to stabilize the situation as per the treaty.

Any further involvement on the West's part would be a violation of the treaty.
Revealed: Forgotten 1994 Treaty US Promised to Protect Ukraine From Invasion

Revealed: The forgotten treaty which could drag the US and UK into WAR with Russia if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine

A treaty signed in 1994 by the US and Britain could pull both countries into a war to protect Ukraine if President Putin's troops cross into the country.

Bill Clinton, John Major, Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kuchma – the then-rulers of the USA, UK, Russia and Ukraine - agreed to the The Budapest Memorandum as part of the denuclearization of former Soviet republics after the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Technically it means that if Russia has invaded Ukraine then it would be difficult for the US and Britain to avoid going to war.

The revelation comes as reports suggest the Kremlin was moving up to 2,000 troops across the Black Sea from Novorossiysk to their fleet base at Sevastopol.

At least 20 men wearing the uniform of the Russian fleet and carrying automatic rifles surrounded a Ukrainian border guard post in a standoff near the port yesterday.

Scroll down for video

Treaty would mean 'British war with Russia' if Putin's troops intervene in Ukraine | Mail Online

Holy shit!

This treaty REQUIRES we defend Ukraine from an invasion like this!!!


Oh, I just remembered who our POTUS is.

He can weasel out of that with absolutely no problem.



I almost got worried.

Everything is a matter of point of view. From the Russians point of view, they are also honoring the same treaty. When the US and the EU used billions of dollars to foment the coup that toppled the democratically elected government and caused the instability in the Ukraine in the first place, it was their job to send in troops to stabilize the situation as per the treaty.

Any further involvement on the West's part would be a violation of the treaty.

I knew there would be a loophole for him to slither through to avoid having to honor our treaty.
Here is the content of the treaty;

Wikisource has original text related to this article:
Memorandum full text

According to the memorandum, Russia, the US, and the UK confirmed, in recognition of Ukraine becoming party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and in effect abandoning its nuclear arsenal to Russia, that they would:

Respect Ukrainian independence and sovereignty within its existing borders.
Refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
Refrain from using economic pressure on Ukraine in order to influence its politics.

Seek United Nations Security Council action if nuclear weapons are used against Ukraine.
Refrain from the use of nuclear arms against Ukraine.
Consult with one another if questions arise regarding these commitments.[6]

If you do the research, you will find that the US and it's proxies spent around 5 billion dollars, first to put pressure on its banking system and its economy, and second to instigate the fascist coup that occurred in Kiev. That is a clear violation of the fist three points of this Memorandum agreement.
I thought the Russians were just there to help out,,,,,,,as usual,,,,,,,,,
The treaty that Ukraine signed in 1997 with Russia trumps our treaty of 1994.

Sorry neo-con wimps: no war.
I knew there would be a loophole for him to slither through to avoid having to honor our treaty.

So I assume you went and signed up at your local recruiter's office?
Like we can deploy a massive military presence in the Ukraine as fast as the Russians, sure, buddy, sure,,,
I knew there would be a loophole for him to slither through to avoid having to honor our treaty.

So I assume you went and signed up at your local recruiter's office?

You know that when you ASSUME you make an ASS of U + ME.

Except, I'm not really an ass.

You are.

I volunteered and served in the Army while the fighting was still going on in Viet Nam and probably before you were born, son.

I could be yo Daddy.

Never use the word, "assume" when making an accusatory post.

You just ask to be smacked in the face with it.
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Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine

Obama traveled to Ukraine with Sen. Dick Lugar in 2005 just seven months after he became a senator, touring surplus weapons stockpiles

Most of the small arms and ammunition were left over when Soviets withdrew from Eastern bloc nations, and later dumped in Ukraine

The two senators secured U.S. funding to help destroy the weapons instead of leaving them intact Ukraine exported more than 700,000 small arms in 2004-2007, including 101,000 each to Libya and the UK, and 260,000 to the U.S.

But most of the ammunition stockpiles – crucial for keeping a standing army battle-ready – were destroyed

Ukraine is in a staring match with Russian President Vladimir Putin, who has designs on recapturing portions of the former Soviet nation


PUBLISHED: 01:58 EST, 5 March 2014 | UPDATED: 02:06 EST, 5 March 2014

As a U.S. senator, Barack Obama won $48 million in federal funding to help Ukraine destroy thousands of tons of guns and ammunition – weapons which are now unavailable to the Ukrainian army as it faces down Russian President Vladimir Putin during his invasion of Crimea.

In August 2005, just seven months after his swearing-in, Obama traveled to Donetsk in Eastern Ukraine with then-Indiana Republican Senator Dick Lugar, touring a conventional weapons site.

The two met in Kiev with President Victor Yushchenko, making the case that an existing Cooperative Threat Reduction Program covering the destruction of nuclear weapons should be expanded to include artillery, small arms, anti-aircraft weapons, and conventional ammunition of all kinds.

After a stopover in London, the senators returned to Washington and declared that the U.S. should devote funds to speed up the destruction of more than 400,000 small arms, 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles, and more than 15,000 tons of ammunition.


Flashback: Senator Obama pushed bill that helped destroy more than 15,000 TONS of ammunition, 400,000 small arms and 1,000 anti-aircraft missiles in Ukraine | Mail Online
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Cancel all treaties effective immediately, seems that all wars and police actions from the past 50 years are cause by treaties that have the US doing all the heavy lifting and bearing all the costs and getting nothing in return.
Cancel all treaties effective immediately, seems that all wars and police actions from the past 50 years are cause by treaties that have the US doing all the heavy lifting and bearing all the costs and getting nothing in return.

Uh, better idea.

Don't let Liberals or Democrats anywhere near the reins of Government without a Conservative there supervising things.
Neither the far left or the hard right reactionaries should be making decisions.

The mainstreams of both Dems and Pubs will do a good job if they can keep their crazies tamped down.
Neither the far left or the hard right reactionaries should be making decisions.

The mainstreams of both Dems and Pubs will do a good job if they can keep their crazies tamped down.

Who do you think makes up the Deciders of the DNC?

What 10 15 years ago were the crazies.

Now they are the mainstream of the Party.

The Conservative Republicans still respect and defend the Constitution.

And our Tea Party members, who y'all call 'crazy' believe in the Constitution even more than the mainstream republicans.

So, let's keep things in their proper perspective, shall we?

ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution.

ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution.
Statements from extremists like "ALL Dems = Crazy Leftists who support Obama's debasement of the Constitution. ALL Republicans = Support the Constitution." clearly prove my point they are wackos.

The mainstream GOP in yesterday's primaries kicked the TPM in the balls. Sorry Ms Pierson.

In our party, the Mojo2s are being ignored.

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