1st CRT, Now Democrats Want To Teach 'Pornography Literacy' To Children?!

Stop and frisk is used on known criminals. I lived in Minneapolis and my parents owned a neighborhood grocery store in the early 60s. Many of our customers were on welfare and over half were Black single mothers. I lived it. You're full of shit.
Bullshit. I've seen too many documentaries on stop and frisk. Innocent men getting bum rushed by 10 cops because they "fit" the description. Fuck you liar.
Not at all. I never said anything like that. You are trying too hard for someone with no ammunition, brainless.
You said you are ok with a cop coming up to you and demanding you empty your pockets. You're an idiot and liar, racist.
Bullshit. I've seen too many documentaries on stop and frisk. Innocent men getting bum rushed by 10 cops because they "fit" the description. Fuck you liar.
If you believe everything you see on TV you're dumber than an empty box of Raisin Bran. I lived it.
I was stopped by police walking down the street a few times when I was a young man. We talked, they checked my coat, thanked me for my time, and I wished them well finding the man they were looking for. I was happy to voluntarily cooperate with the police because they were working to solve a crime and make the area safer.
Trump even admitted Bloomberg is a racist for using it. Of course before Trump was president he loved stop and frisk. He only wants to say to black people, "look Democrats are for stop and frisk too"

The only problem is Bloomberg isn't really a Democrat.

How many stops are conducted? Who gets stopped? According to a report from the Public Advocate's office, 532,911 stops were conducted in 2012, down from 685,724 in 2011. The vast majority of those stops were of black or Hispanic people:

So yea sure you're fine with it because it isn't happening to you. The VAST majority of these stops are on brown people. It's racist and wrong.

You said you are ok with a cop coming up to you and demanding you empty your pockets. .....
I said I was happy to cooperate and help a police officer keep the place I live safer. If he asks me to empty my pockets I have no objection because, unlike you, I don't keep illegal things there.
Stop and frisk. You wouldn’t allow that policy in your neighborhood. You’d say it was unconstitutional.

Also in the past you treated them differently when it came to welfare. Denied poor black women but not whites.

And you defend cops when they wrongfully shoot blacks but not if it was you or someone you love. Then you’d finally admit we don’t need a militarized police department. You wouldn’t tell blacks they are wrong to complain about this.

Dude you're long on rhetoric ( look it up) and short on brains.
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England outlawed slavery long before white southern democrats like Robert e lee murdered northerners to defend his right to own blacks.

And today conservatives still treat blacks like 2Nd class citizens

No they don't but then you've never met a real Conservative, we tend to not congregate in the Hood for safety reasons.
Yea but I'm talking about Republican Americans. Oh excuse me, back then they were Democrats. Today they are Republicans. Not just down south we have white racist Republicans in the north too. Going to Klan rallies and proud boy meetings. Hell they even had the President's ear. Stand by. Not stand down. Stand by.

America is great if it wasn't for the Republican party. And I don't want to do away with the party. I just want it to be shrunk down so I can drag it to the bathtub and drown it.

You could try butt wheat.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.

LOL THE INTENT FOR CRT was/is to be taught in schools.
I'm starting to see the demographic that benefits from affirmative action the most are women and they don't appreciate it. Neither do the blacks here. Nothings ever enough for them.

So while I believe there is a need for diversity programs because 95% of our white collar in this country are white men and that's a problem in a country as diverse as ours. It shows bias exists. It must. Can't all be coincidence. Impossible. But, since women and blacks don't appreciate us white male liberals for giving them AA, fuck them. I'm with you on this now bro. Fuck them. Blacks aren't qualified and women will quit at some point to start a family. And I'm sure there is a reason so few Mexican's, asians, indians and anyone else who's not white are so under represented in the executive boardrooms in America. No bias here. They just aren't as smart as us white men. Any woman who's a VP or higher is so only because of Affirmative Action. And even with Affirmative action they are way under represented in the boardrooms. Why? Not because of bias but because they won't put in the long hours and they will put their careers on hold at some point to start a family before it's too late.

You aren't as good as the women or the white men, your color earns you nothing.
I said I was happy to cooperate and help a police officer keep the place I live safer. If he asks me to empty my pockets I have no objection because, unlike you, I don't keep illegal things there.
The nothing to hide argument states that individuals have no reason to fear or oppose surveillance programs, unless they are afraid it will uncover their own illicit activities. An individual using this argument may claim that an average person should not worry about government surveillance, as they would have "nothing to hide".

Arguing that you don't care about the right to privacy because you have nothing to hide is no different than saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say."

At this point, Clinton is right that the stops and frisks carried out in New York were found to be unconstitutional
You aren't as good as the women or the white men, your color earns you nothing.
You don’t understand bias but then again you probably believe in an invisible man, that you’re a god after you die and the election was stolen.

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