1st CRT, Now Democrats Want To Teach 'Pornography Literacy' To Children?!

Teenage boys have always been well versed in porno. They'd like nothing more than a female hottie teaching it to them!!
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Pick it back up and apologize. I just proved your article is crap. But then, it's HuffPo. It's nothing but leftist crap.
By quoting the Manhattan institute? I’m to believe them?
Not at all. I'm well aware you won't believe anything that reveals the truth about Democrats.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

The response from liberals tells me that the educators were implementing CRT and were caught off guard by the public reaction

We need cameras in the classroom to monitor the lib teachers
I'm sure you can find some liberal teachers in America who will teach some of the things that you learn when you study critical race theory because not everything in CRT is false.

I'll agree we shouldn't be teaching this to young kids but high schoolers should learn about bias and that it exists and who it hurts.

What if a teacher was teaching feminism? And how women are negatively affected by bias? It's not an opinion really it's the truth.

You white conservatives don't want your kids learning that you are racists and that America has a racist history.
People are racist because of the color of their skin?

That's racist itself.

Look, Skippy, we get it. You hate yourself because you're white. Yippee. You do you.

But don't insist everyone else share your self-loathing. The rest of us have self-respect.


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
These sick bastards want to show porn to 1ST GRADERS, btw...

But wait, there's more:

""Pornography literacy," Safronova, argues, teaches kids "how to recognize what is realistic and what is not, how to deconstruct implicit gender roles"




These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
Lefties are anti- Christian.
Wikipedia finds that “Justine” Ang Fonte isn’t even worthy of a page of her own.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
Lefties are anti- Christian.
Some of us yes. But we’re against Islam too


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
Some of us are anti christian. Christians suck. Not the cherry pickers I’m talking about real Christians. Bible Belt. Take the stories all literally. Wackos


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
Lefties are anti- Christian.
Some of us yes. But we’re against Islam too
Yeah, so much for upholding the Constitution, huh.


These people ARE sick!
CRT..the new boogie man of the wacko right. List it with war on Christmas, gay wedding cakes, babies pulled apart screaming from wombs, men in black helicopters coming to take your guns. As soon as CRT fears wear off they will come up with another one
Everything you mentioned is true. I suppose the attacks on Chik Fil A and Hobby Lobby are just a bad dream, huh.
They are included in the War on Christmas mentality. Wingers like to believe liberals are anti-Christian
Some of us are anti christian. Christians suck. Not the cherry pickers I’m talking about real Christians. Bible Belt. Take the stories all literally. Wackos
So? It's a Constitutional right. Go fuck yourself.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it
You leftists really dig the collective guilt thing.

Funny, innit? The entire Western world outlawed slavery -- and leftists keep blaming white people for it.

Meanwhile, the slave trade is still going on in north Africa and throughout the Muslim world...and you're utterly silent about it.

How about you take your pathetic white guilt, coat it in sand, and shove it up your ass in the town square? Racists blacks will appreciate your display of contrition, but they'll still hate you.

Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it
You leftists really dig the collective guilt thing.

Funny, innit? The entire Western world outlawed slavery -- and leftists keep blaming white people for it.

Meanwhile, the slave trade is still going on in north Africa and throughout the Muslim world...and you're utterly silent about it.

How about you take your pathetic white guilt, coat it in sand, and shove it up your ass in the town square? Racists blacks will appreciate your display of contrition, but they'll still hate you.

England outlawed slavery long before white southern democrats like Robert e lee murdered northerners to defend his right to own blacks.

And today conservatives still treat blacks like 2Nd class citizens
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it
You leftists really dig the collective guilt thing.

Funny, innit? The entire Western world outlawed slavery -- and leftists keep blaming white people for it.

Meanwhile, the slave trade is still going on in north Africa and throughout the Muslim world...and you're utterly silent about it.

How about you take your pathetic white guilt, coat it in sand, and shove it up your ass in the town square? Racists blacks will appreciate your display of contrition, but they'll still hate you.

England outlawed slavery long before white southern democrats like Robert e lee murdered northerners to defend his right to own blacks.

And today conservatives still treat blacks like 2Nd class citizens
How do conservatives treat Black people like second class citizens?
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it
You leftists really dig the collective guilt thing.

Funny, innit? The entire Western world outlawed slavery -- and leftists keep blaming white people for it.

Meanwhile, the slave trade is still going on in north Africa and throughout the Muslim world...and you're utterly silent about it.

How about you take your pathetic white guilt, coat it in sand, and shove it up your ass in the town square? Racists blacks will appreciate your display of contrition, but they'll still hate you.

England outlawed slavery long before white southern democrats like Robert e lee murdered northerners to defend his right to own blacks.

And today conservatives still treat blacks like 2Nd class citizens
Yup, there you are, pretending modern slavery doesn't exist because you can't blame Whitey.

Conservatives treat blacks like people. Leftists treat blacks like ignorant children who need their hands held.
Leftists sure do like to sexualize children.
We should all send our kids to private schools. Oh wait. this is a private school.
News flash, dumbass: Nobody cares what kind of schools are doing this. They're teaching kids things that aren't age appropriate.

Your GOTCHA attempt is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Either you don’t get it or you are playing dumb. It certainly does matter that this is a private school. The solution to this problem will be different if it’s a private school.

What do you say the solution is to this problem we are having at this private school? More regulations? I can’t wait to hear your solution to this.

As for public schools, we will cross that bridge when you can show me this is happening at a public school. Until then this is just republican spin and trying to control the false narrative.
This is a private school. No government intervention required, in this case.

The parents need to remind the school who works for whom. Hint: The school provides a service, making the parents the school's employers.

I know, I know, that's not what you want to hear. You're desperate for me to say I want government intervention. I hate to disappoint you, but...wait, no, I have no objection at all to disappointing you. Government has no business in this situation, unless a teacher is presenting obscene material to a minor -- which is a crime.

But it's funny how you pretend leftists aren't pushing for inappropriate sex education in public schools. NOTE: Your unwillingness to accept it does not mean it's not happening.

Sexualization, Pornography, and Grooming in the Schools

High School Caught Asking Students About Their Sexual Activity Without Parents' Knowledge

Parents Alarmed at Washington State K-12 'Sexxx Ed' That Would Offer 'Varieties of Sexual Stimulation'

Las Vegas school board wants to teach 5-yr-olds about masturbation

Sputter some more about it like an idiot.
Ha! You answered exactly how I wanted. You admit this is between the private school and parents. This isn’t a public education issue at all even though you wanted everyone to think this was happening in a public school.

We Dont lov3 private schools you do. So now you are showing us the flaws with private schools. Thank you for showing us why we shouldn’t support them. They may be promoting crt. One would hav3 assumed they didn’t teach such nonsense.
I made no claim that this instance was happening in a public school. Why do you have to lie so much?

Oh, and I can't wait to see your posts condemning CRT. Hop to it, boy. Links. Now.

Here is a great article showing what idiots and liars you Republicans are

Parents have swarmed school board meetings to rail against "CRT." Teachers we spoke to say they've hardly heard of it.

Don't you see what you are doing? It's like the Republican party tells you that we have a problem with Trannies in Bathrooms, next thing you know Republicans all over the country are railing on about it. Same with CRT.

So far all I've seen is that some private schools are teaching it and as you know, the solution to that problem is different than if it were a public school. Right stupid?

Critical race theory has, seemingly out of nowhere, become a hotbed issue ― at school board meetings, in conservative politicians’ speeches and in media outlets, predominantly Fox News.
In April, May and June, “critical race theory” was mentioned a whopping 1,640 times on the conservative cable news outlet. During that same period, the phrase was mentioned just 250 times on CNN and 264 times on MSNBC, according to some number-crunching from The Washington Post.

In the last year or so, the idea that “critical race theory” is being taught in K-12 schools has been pushed to forefront by, among others, Chris Rufo, a conservative activist who came to prominence in the wake of George Floyd’s murder

As Rufo and similarly minded ideologues claim, kids across the nation are being indoctrinated to believe that to be white in America is to be fundamentally racist.

Of course, teachers and school administrators being targeted at school board meetings have largely insisted that they aren’t teaching critical race theory. Instead, many educators have argued that conservative activists are weaponizing the legal scholarship term, using the trumped-up charge as a convenient way to ban diversity and equity initiatives among school staff and curtail teachings on race and U.S. history that they find too progressive. (Indeed; Rufo has made no secret of his hopes to turn CRT into the latest conservative boogeyman to stoke fears and motivate the right.)

Another propaganda parrot pissing on our shoes and telling us that it's raining.
Not buying it.
Looks like the Huffington Post didn't talk to ALL the teachers.
So you don't want this part of our American history taught to children. I understand. But it's not like CRT is on the agenda. If a teacher wants to tell her class about racism in America and how blacks are treated like second class citizens, they should be allowed. You don't want her "ideology" well what about her opinion.

Can a teacher use the word GOD in their classroom? That would be pushing their ideology.

Look at what the Republican said.

North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson touted a Republican-backed bill that would ban critical race theory in the state and told "Fox & Friends" that some teachers are "forcing their opinions" on students.

First, CRT isn't being taught. 2nd, a teacher can get fired for "forcing their opinions" on students? Oh boy. A lot of teachers are going to get fired.

All he said was SOME TEACHERS are forcing their opinions on students. Sorry Uncle Tom but all teachers force their opinions on students.
Blaming white kids for things that happened before they were born is insane.
They are benefitting from white privileg and bias. They should realize it
You leftists really dig the collective guilt thing.

Funny, innit? The entire Western world outlawed slavery -- and leftists keep blaming white people for it.

Meanwhile, the slave trade is still going on in north Africa and throughout the Muslim world...and you're utterly silent about it.

How about you take your pathetic white guilt, coat it in sand, and shove it up your ass in the town square? Racists blacks will appreciate your display of contrition, but they'll still hate you.

England outlawed slavery long before white southern democrats like Robert e lee murdered northerners to defend his right to own blacks.

And today conservatives still treat blacks like 2Nd class citizens
How do conservatives treat Black people like second class citizens?
They refuse to agree with leftists that black people are too dumb and stupid to succeed on their own.

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