2,000 Mules was a Fraud

I dont think that is enough. People cant go round making up any old shit. I hope the victim rinses them.
But still the election fraidster is silent. It isnt the first time he made shit up. He needs to do time for this.
Lots of spelling errors in this one.

I dont think that is enough. People cant go round making up any old shit. I hope the victim rinses them.
But still the election fraidster is silent. It isnt the first time he made shit up. He needs to do time for this.

A state investigation found that Andrews was dropping off ballots for himself, his wife and their three adult children, who all lived at the same address. That is legal in Georgia, and an investigator said there was no evidence of wrongdoing by Andrews.

The film uses research from True the Vote, a Texas-based non-profit, and suggests that ballot “mules” aligned with Democrats were paid to illegally collect and deliver ballots in Georgia and four other closely watched states. An Associated Press analysis found that it is based on faulty assumptions, anonymous accounts and improper analysis of cellphone location data.

Salem said it “relied on representations by Dinesh D’Souza and True the Vote, Inc (‘TTV’) that the individuals depicted in the videos provided to us by TTV, including Mr Andrews, illegally deposited ballots”.

Lawyers for D’Souza and True the Vote did not immediately respond to emails Friday afternoon seeking comment on Salem’s statement.

Andrews filed a federal lawsuit in October 2022 against D’Souza, True the Vote and Salem. The case continues, and representatives for Salem and for Andrews’ legal team did not immediately respond to emails asking whether the statement came as a result of the lawsuit.

We need to go after the people at that nonprofit.
To the thrust of the OP:

The film '2000 Mules' was a phony.

The film-makers and distributors faked and and falsely described the depictions of ballot fraud they illustrated on film.
They have admitted so.
They have paid at least one large settlement about it.

This is a development that, honestly, tickles me. I suspected as much. Was convinced it was manipulated videos. And videos that were egregiously mischaracterized.

And now it is widely known it was faked.
The folks responsible for the film have apologized.

The whole development reminds me of the fiasco that the Cyber Ninjas proved to be.

Both Cyber Ninjas and '2000 Mules' were promoted on this venue by the very same set of MAGA Squeaky Frommes.

They are RWNJobs and conspiracists corrosive to America. Without honor.

hahaha…oh the ambiguity.
Pretending you don’t get it is always a fools refutation.
I'd ask for clarification on what you mean by "globalist", but I've never found that kind of request fruitful with you.

I assume it has something to do with brown people?
I'd ask for clarification on what you mean by "globalist", but I've never found that kind of request fruitful with you.

I assume it has something to do with brown people?
It has everything to do with embracing the idea of American culture and demography morphing into something other than what it’s always been and what it was always intended to be.
Worse…you complain that todays American voter doesn’t vote with you.
NEWSFLASH- Todays voter doesn’t think like the traditional American did/does.
This video is not fake. And either is the mules. Watch and learn. Trump won AZ.,WI and GA. Those are FACTS. No one is being held accountable.

This video is in the Rubber room when it should be in Politics or election forums. I guess I will hear from you in 20 minutes after you watch it.

They're not saying that the election wasn't stolen. But that 2000 mules was fiction. A fake. And they admitted it was fake.
It has everything to do with embracing the idea of American culture and demography morphing into something other than what it’s always been and what it was always intended to be.
Worse…you complain that todays American voter doesn’t vote with you.
NEWSFLASH- Todays voter doesn’t think like the traditional American did/does.
And ....
I am always a bit confused as it seems to be those bashing "globalist" that also support our military having bases in 80 plus countries and butting our noses in everyone else's affairs
Think once….”peace through strength”
Real Vets understand the importance in America maintaining command of the world. You get to sleep peacefully because we are in command, because you don’t have to worry about World War 3
Think once….”peace through strength”
Real Vets understand the importance in America maintaining command of the world. You get to sleep peacefully because we are in command, because you don’t have to worry about World War 3

So, globalism is bad, unless it is our military doing it then it is good? o_O
So, globalism is bad, unless it is our military doing it then it is good? o_O
Cool spin “Vet”.
Try selling that retarded bullshit to the sane.
“For world peace and global security I think we should have bases in the Middle East therefore I must also believe American taxpayers need 50 million desperate, illiterate thirdworlders living among them.”
Cool spin “Vet”.
Try selling that retarded bullshit to the sane.
“For world peace and global security I think we should have bases in the Middle East therefore I must also believe American taxpayers need 50 million desperate, illiterate thirdworlders living among them.”
White supremacist is having a bad day
The fact remains there are very few conservatives left in this country.

Which is why the last conservative elected president was a guy named Calvin
That is the quandary. Guaranteed unalienable freedoms that have decreased as the size of government has grown with the fiat currency. And Coolidge did not cause the Great Depression. The Federal Reserve did.
Cool spin “Vet”.
Try selling that retarded bullshit to the sane.
“For world peace and global security I think we should have bases in the Middle East therefore I must also believe American taxpayers need 50 million desperate, illiterate thirdworlders living among them.”

Perhaps is you could articulate just what it is you think "globalism" is, it would help.

But you cannot ever seem to do that, you just throw out catch phrases that your party put in their talking points emails and do not even know what they mean.
Perhaps is you could articulate just what it is you think "globalism" is, it would help.

But you cannot ever seem to do that, you just throw out catch phrases that your party put in their talking points emails and do not even know what they mean.
hahaha…HOLY SHIT!
This shit isn’t complicated bud…A globalist believes America is the worlds nation. That “DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH”, that American taxpayers should be required to foster the world’s most desperate, that some crazy ass melting-pot theory can actually work for Earths most tribal creatures.

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