2/3 of Americans refuse to pay one hundred dollars per year, to prevent global warming

Rome wasn't built in a day and the world doesn't fall apart in a day either but mankind fucks shit up, always.

Good, we'll watch you fry son.
I'll be dead before it gets really bad and I, unlike the deniers, am already making adjustments. Where I am the weather is whacked...
Have you personally ceased to emit carbon dioxide? No. Well, then...f**k off. As long as you're sucking O2, you're a part of the problem.
So-o-o-ooo...why are you still here?
Things to do and I've yet to figure out how to take all seven billion of you with me. When I do, the game is up...
I don't know what the future holds. Or what conclusion historians will come to. All I know is Obama has screwed a lot of people and some of us don't forget. And Chickens come home to roost, Obama. Better believe it.
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Good, we'll watch you fry son.
I'll be dead before it gets really bad and I, unlike the deniers, am already making adjustments. Where I am the weather is whacked...
Have you personally ceased to emit carbon dioxide? No. Well, then...f**k off. As long as you're sucking O2, you're a part of the problem.
So-o-o-ooo...why are you still here?
Things to do and I've yet to figure out how to take all seven billion of you with me. When I do, the game is up...
Why do you libtards constantly assume that you are the arbiters for the rest of us. You think gorbal warming is a problem, you take appropriate action. For those of us who think the gorbal warming/climate change thing is a farce...well, we get to decide what action we will take.
Given that, why are you still here?
The libs claim the public is concerned about globull warming. The public more concerned about dandruff than they are about globull warming, as this poll demonstrates.

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming.

According to Rasmussen;

Most voters still aren’t ready to pay much, if anything, to fight global warming, but a slightly higher number are willing to spend more for the cause.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are willing to pay nothing more in higher taxes and utility costs annually to to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. But that’s down from 48% last August and the lowest level measured in regular tracking since January 2013. Another 24% are willing to spend only $100 more per year, unchanged from earlier surveys. Twenty-six percent (26%) are ready to spend $300 or more a year to combat global warming, with six percent (6%) who are ready to spend at least $1,000 more annually. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

If we need to change the way we are doing things to help the earth, then we make changes. It shouldn't be a "fight". When you look at the solutions being offered, it's nothing but money changing hands and the lion's share of it ending up in the pockets of Goldman Sachs and other corrupt entities. That doesn't fight global warming. Shoring up public pension funds in bankrupt countries doesn't fight global warming.

It's the proposed solutions that are not getting discussed. The left is merely pushing global warming as fact but never explains this so-called fight they are launching against it. That is where the real story is and whether you believe that we can make a difference or not, or whether there is a problem, you have to be a total sheep to go along with the money redistribution.

Many scientists have come forth to say that once you eliminate the junk science, the problem disappears. Either way, the solution is nothing more than a plot to redistribute money, give government total power over energy, food and all resources. This very plan has been suggested throughout history by those seeking to have a one world government with complete power over our lives. While the little indoctrinated liberals cry about the planet, they are too stupid to realize that the answers being offered by the radicals have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with absolute power.
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2/3rds would actually pay 3000.00 to see Obama quit his job and let Romney finish out the term.
The libs claim the public is concerned about globull warming. The public more concerned about dandruff than they are about globull warming, as this poll demonstrates.

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming.

According to Rasmussen;

Most voters still aren’t ready to pay much, if anything, to fight global warming, but a slightly higher number are willing to spend more for the cause.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are willing to pay nothing more in higher taxes and utility costs annually to to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. But that’s down from 48% last August and the lowest level measured in regular tracking since January 2013. Another 24% are willing to spend only $100 more per year, unchanged from earlier surveys. Twenty-six percent (26%) are ready to spend $300 or more a year to combat global warming, with six percent (6%) who are ready to spend at least $1,000 more annually. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

You can only prevent something that either hasn't yet happened or isn't in the process of already happening. Global warming/Climate change IS happening. There is no way to prevent it. What MIGHT be possible is to minimized it, or mitigate it. It's simply too late to prevent it.
The libs claim the public is concerned about globull warming. The public more concerned about dandruff than they are about globull warming, as this poll demonstrates.

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming.

According to Rasmussen;

Most voters still aren’t ready to pay much, if anything, to fight global warming, but a slightly higher number are willing to spend more for the cause.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are willing to pay nothing more in higher taxes and utility costs annually to to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. But that’s down from 48% last August and the lowest level measured in regular tracking since January 2013. Another 24% are willing to spend only $100 more per year, unchanged from earlier surveys. Twenty-six percent (26%) are ready to spend $300 or more a year to combat global warming, with six percent (6%) who are ready to spend at least $1,000 more annually. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

If we need to change the way we are doing things to help the earth, then we make changes. It shouldn't be a "fight". When you look at the solutions being offered, it's nothing but money changing hands and the lion's share of it ending up in the pockets of Goldman Sachs and other corrupt entities. That doesn't fight global warming. Shoring up public pension funds in bankrupt countries doesn't fight global warming.

It's the proposed solutions that are not getting discussed. The left is merely pushing global warming as fact but never explains this so-called fight they launching against it. That is where the real story is and whether you believe that we can make a difference or not, or whether there is a problem, you have to be a total sheep to go along with the money redistribution.

Many scientists have come forth to say that once you eliminate the junk science, the problem disappears. Either way, the solution is nothing more than a plot to redistribute money, give government total power over energy, food and all resources. This very plan has been suggested throughout history by those seeking to have a one world government with complete power over our lives. While the little indoctrinated liberals cry about the planet, they are too stupid to realize that the answers being offered by the radicals have nothing to do with the environment and everything to do with absolute power.
thinking about this post, I feel like I am living in the year 1600, Where children are posting a opinion the earth is flat

If it was dId it matter much? Or at all?

The climate changes always have always will and not a damn thing man can do about it unless you want to live in tents.
thinking about this post, I feel like I am living in the year 1600, Where children are posting a opinion the earth is flat

If it was dId it matter much? Or at all?

The climate changes always have always will and not a damn thing man can do about it unless you want to live in tents.

The solutions being offered up are all about money redistribution and I would submit that this whole thing is nothing more than a plot to accomplish that.

The radicals have suggested something like this for decades. Must have a global crisis to convince people to cede all power to one government. Only those brainwashed by liberal professors think this is a genuine crisis and they don't question the way the government wants to "fix" it.

There is a reason that the left doesn't talk about the massive wealth redistribution. Obama hints now and then when he says things like energy costs will necessarily skyrocket. He talks about reducing energy usage without having any alternate source. He knows it's impossible to reduce it to the suggested levels and that means grossly expensive bills and huge fines for not staying within the limit. Cap and trade means Goldman Sachs can buy carbon credits dirt cheap and sell them to companies for big money. It's all about the money and the control and there will be no measurable difference in the environment.

I guess us poor folks will all be moving south and living in tents so we don't freeze to death in winter.
by the time greenies get done with your energy bill you will be paying multiples of that
By the time they get done it will be free, from the sky. All you'll be paying for is the cost of the solar panels, and delivery and storage systems.
There's no such thing as global warming.
Of course there is.

And man has nothing to do with it.

In truth, climates frequently change.

Sometimes the climate gets warmer.

And sometimes it gets colder.

That's been going on for as long as the planet has been orbiting the Sun. Or, as long as it's had a climate, at least.

And man has never had the slightest influence on it.

Manmade Global Warming has no factual backing whatsoever.

The people who say you should pay your $100 to help "fight global warming", are the same people who say you should pay your money or this fine bottle of snake oil that will cure all your ills. They are merely liars, charlatans, and con artists.

And this poll shows that 2/3 of Americans know exactly what these con artists are, and ignore them with the contempt they deserve.

Even the leftist loons who scream about how we have to use government to change everything, go back to the stone age, etc., to prevent some unknown catastrophe, have never been able to come up with even ONE study or example that backs up their claims.

What's funny is that, when they do name some study, it invariably turns out to be nothing but a bunch of long-winded claims which, finally, refer to some other "study" for proof. And what is in that other "study"? You guessed it - more long-winded claims, and eventually a reference to yet another study. And you can guess what is in that one, too.

The leftist global-whatever loons have been insisting on impending doom, and the urgent need to give government massive powers to change every bit of our lives to "avoid" that doom, for at least 40 years by my count. Literally billions of dollars have changed hands - usually into their hands - all over the world. And they still haven't come up with one shred of proof that man has had the least bit of influence on the climate changes that happen regularly around us. Nor is there any proof that man can do anything to change it.

***40 YEARS*** of screaming, caterwauling, and doomsaying. All without the slightest proof. Just references to references to references, ad infinitum. And demands that they be given complete power over all of us, to change what they cannot change.
Is there any choice in the matter? Obama's affordable health care gave me medicine that costs 44 bucks that used to cost 50 cents. And I gotta pay a Bazillion dollars deductible now. AND I lost my last job because of this malarkey. How does that making health care cheaper to non productive lazy welfare dependents make for a better society? I sacrifice my well being for idiots that vote to create a vicious cycle of dependence on the government makes me rather cynical.
Universal single-payer fixes that.

ROFL! If you look up the word "gullible" in the Dictionary you'll see your picture there.

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