2/3 of Americans refuse to pay one hundred dollars per year, to prevent global warming

Good, we'll watch you fry son.
I'll be dead before it gets really bad and I, unlike the deniers, am already making adjustments. Where I am the weather is whacked...
Have you personally ceased to emit carbon dioxide? No. Well, then...f**k off. As long as you're sucking O2, you're a part of the problem.
So-o-o-ooo...why are you still here?
Things to do and I've yet to figure out how to take all seven billion of you with me. When I do, the game is up...
I'll be dead before it gets really bad and I, unlike the deniers, am already making adjustments. Where I am the weather is whacked...
Have you personally ceased to emit carbon dioxide? No. Well, then...f**k off. As long as you're sucking O2, you're a part of the problem.
So-o-o-ooo...why are you still here?
Things to do and I've yet to figure out how to take all seven billion of you with me. When I do, the game is up...
Why do you libtards constantly assume that you are the arbiters for the rest of us. You think gorbal warming is a problem, you take appropriate action. For those of us who think the gorbal warming/climate change thing is a farce...well, we get to decide what action we will take.
Given that, why are you still here?

The whole point of the AGW scam is so they can control us. These people are thugs.
The Left is shocked that the majority of Americans are smarter than they are. AGW is just a scam to redistribute wealth and income to government cronies...like the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty.
The libs claim the public is concerned about globull warming. The public more concerned about dandruff than they are about globull warming, as this poll demonstrates.

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming.

According to Rasmussen;

Most voters still aren’t ready to pay much, if anything, to fight global warming, but a slightly higher number are willing to spend more for the cause.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are willing to pay nothing more in higher taxes and utility costs annually to to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. But that’s down from 48% last August and the lowest level measured in regular tracking since January 2013. Another 24% are willing to spend only $100 more per year, unchanged from earlier surveys. Twenty-six percent (26%) are ready to spend $300 or more a year to combat global warming, with six percent (6%) who are ready to spend at least $1,000 more annually. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

You can only prevent something that either hasn't yet happened or isn't in the process of already happening. Global warming/Climate change IS happening. There is no way to prevent it. What MIGHT be possible is to minimized it, or mitigate it. It's simply too late to prevent it.

The point is nobody cares or believes your scary stories.
Sounds like 2/3 of America is onto the scam. It's the 1/3 that hasn't figured it out who is being laughed at. Duped dunces
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Have you personally ceased to emit carbon dioxide? No. Well, then...f**k off. As long as you're sucking O2, you're a part of the problem.
So-o-o-ooo...why are you still here?
Things to do and I've yet to figure out how to take all seven billion of you with me. When I do, the game is up...
Why do you libtards constantly assume that you are the arbiters for the rest of us. You think gorbal warming is a problem, you take appropriate action. For those of us who think the gorbal warming/climate change thing is a farce...well, we get to decide what action we will take.
Given that, why are you still here?

The whole point of the AGW scam is so they can control us. These people are thugs.
You people are morons...
Who could have guessed that 2/3rds of Americans were skookum enough to see through the Great Algore Save The Planet Scam?
Sounds like 2/3 of America is onto the scam. It's the 1/3 that hasn't figured it out who is being laughed at. Duped dunces
It's just the typical human inability to see what's coming. Since most of you are as dumb as dog shit it makes perfect sense that you can't see the future.
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Thats their plan..............trying to make their wet dreams more affordable.
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Thats their plan..............trying to make their wet dreams more affordable.
What dreams are those?
For those of us who think the gorbal warming/climate change thing is a farce...well, we get to decide what action we will take.

Of course we do, when Walker is elected President this nonsense will end.
You really do like in a fantasy world...

Actually you do, you think Hillary is a "lock".

She is going to be the reason the Presidency will change hands.
The libs claim the public is concerned about globull warming. The public more concerned about dandruff than they are about globull warming, as this poll demonstrates.

A recent survey by Rasmussen Reports reveals that 2/3 Americans are unwilling to pay even $100 / annum additional costs to prevent global warming.

According to Rasmussen;

Most voters still aren’t ready to pay much, if anything, to fight global warming, but a slightly higher number are willing to spend more for the cause.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters say they are willing to pay nothing more in higher taxes and utility costs annually to to generate cleaner energy and fight global warming. But that’s down from 48% last August and the lowest level measured in regular tracking since January 2013. Another 24% are willing to spend only $100 more per year, unchanged from earlier surveys. Twenty-six percent (26%) are ready to spend $300 or more a year to combat global warming, with six percent (6%) who are ready to spend at least $1,000 more annually. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

You can only prevent something that either hasn't yet happened or isn't in the process of already happening. Global warming/Climate change IS happening. There is no way to prevent it. What MIGHT be possible is to minimized it, or mitigate it. It's simply too late to prevent it.

The point is nobody cares or believes your scary stories.
The GAO and the US military do. Read their reports.
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Thats their plan..............trying to make their wet dreams more affordable.
What dreams are those?
Solar Panels from the east coast to the west coast dotting the landscape...................
For those of us who think the gorbal warming/climate change thing is a farce...well, we get to decide what action we will take.

Of course we do, when Walker is elected President this nonsense will end.
You really do like in a fantasy world...

Actually you do, you think Hillary is a "lock".

She is going to be the reason the Presidency will change hands.
Hillary is a lock if she wants it. All you guys have so far are loons like Palin. When you run one of those, we win.
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Thats their plan..............trying to make their wet dreams more affordable.
What dreams are those?
Solar Panels from the east coast to the west coast dotting the landscape...................
Good idea. Wish I had them on my roof right now, powering my AC.
I will not pay an extra dollar. Not a dime. Not a penny to "fight global warming".

I work for a utility company and I'll tell you flat out that we aren't going t to he charging LESS as we push towards more "clean" energy. $100 a YEAR? Try $30-50 a MONTH. That's $360-600 a YEAR.
Thats their plan..............trying to make their wet dreams more affordable.
What dreams are those?
Solar Panels from the east coast to the west coast dotting the landscape...................
Good idea. Which I had them on my roof right now, powering my AC.
Why aren't they on your roof.....................already

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