2/3 of Republicans believe voting is a privilege - Not a right

2/3 of Republicans are correct, rights don’t come from government. They come from our humanity, thus voting can’t be a right.

Of course the people that don’t know the difference between Natural Law Theory and Positivism don’t get that and still believe that their rights are handed down from on high by other men written on pieces of paper, generally we call such folks SLAVES.

“Massa say I can has me some free speech, say so right cheer on dis piece of paper”
Most of the morons who whine about so-called voter suppression have no problem suppressing our right to bear arms. I have seen no measures on voting that are anywhere near as harsh as the measures used to suppress gun ownership.

I can't recall a voting right ever killing anyone.
I can't recall a voting right ever killing anyone.
Apparently you missed the whole Jim Crow Era in the American South, perhaps you should do some homework since it illustrates the problem with the belief that rights come from government.
Apparently you missed the whole Jim Crow Era in the American South, perhaps you should do some homework since it illustrates the problem with the belief that rights come from government.
Apparently you missed the whole Jim Crow Era in the American South, perhaps you should do some homework since it illustrates the problem with the belief that rights come from government.

I know what your talking about. Again, voting rights don't kill people. It's when people are denied the right to vote which causes the problem.
I know what your talking about. Again, voting rights don't kill people. It's when people are denied the right to vote which causes the problem.
There is no right to vote, if you subscribe to the fallacy that government grants rights then you must also acknowledge that they can be taken away by government which makes them nothing more than permission slips. Some African Americans in the South did die to get that permission slip given to them.

Their rights on the other hand never disappeared because they came not from other men scribbling things on paper but by virtue of their humanity.

By arguing that government is the source of rights you’re arguing against your own humanity and effectively saying that the only morality is what government says it is.

The founders didn’t add the bill of rights to create rights the founders added it to protect rights that pre-existed government from intrusion by government.
Good grief ---learn to research before you post. Our founders were still operating under English Common Law---which Jus Soli at the time of the revolution. Born of the soil, Assuming that there were ties to the soil, not to tourists or invaders basically.
Ask him to list the supposed Countries the founders came from.
There is no right to vote, if you subscribe to the fallacy that government grants rights then you must also acknowledge that they can be taken away by government which makes them nothing more than permission slips. Some African Americans in the South did die to get that permission slip given to them.

Their rights on the other hand never disappeared because they came not from other men scribbling things on paper but by virtue of their humanity.

By arguing that government is the source of rights you’re arguing against your own humanity and effectively saying that the only morality is what government says it is.

The founders didn’t add the bill of rights to create rights the founders added it to protect rights that pre-existed government from intrusion by government.

You're being over pedantic.
The fact remains white republicans have tried to stop blacks from voting since the 60s. They are still closing booths etc as we speak.
Don't be stupid to think it's for any other reason but to hinder them because they believe they are all drmocrats.
It mightnt be palatable to you but fact nonetheless.

The government has given everyone the right to vote if they choose. No one has a right to stop it hinder them.
If we let only the wealthy vote we cannot survive as a nation. Their only concern is the wealthy.
If we let only the wealthy vote we cannot survive as a nation. Their only concern is the wealthy.

Correct. But if Republicans have their way, they will form their own utopian dictatorship like trump tried.
They rail against communism but dream of the power that Kim Jung Un has.
The riot in the capitol proves their attitude towards democracy.
I don't think it's only republicans though. Since the nation is divided big time by socio economic classes it's the class at the top that seems they know how to run everything.
I guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

I guess women have the right to vote

Too bad the vast majority of them vote like absolute dunderheads. And yes, I say this as a woman
What if you had to get a doctorate to participate in the market for labor and the minimum wage was one hundred k?
You would still live in poverty, because everything you would buy would reflect you making a hundred k. A minimum wage job is suppose to be a starter job. I made minimum wage once. My first job as a bag boy.
When ever I asked all you democrats claiming that current laws passed by republicans were hurting blacks and minorities you never can link to the supposed offensive part of the bill. I say again LINK to any supposed law that restricts blacks from voting. Link to the specific section and cite the offensive stuff.
You're being over pedantic.
The fact remains white republicans have tried to stop blacks from voting since the 60s. They are still closing booths etc as we speak.
Don't be stupid to think it's for any other reason but to hinder them because they believe they are all drmocrats.
It mightnt be palatable to you but fact nonetheless.

The government has given everyone the right to vote if they choose. No one has a right to stop it hinder them.
People that believe that rights come from government are the reason why The Regime in North Korea exists.

You’ll never understand it because you’ve been brainwashed by your rulers to believe that you’re nothing more than a slave to their whims, which in function YOU ARE.

I guess women have the right to vote

Too bad the vast majority of them vote like absolute dunderheads. And yes, I say this as a woman
Or maybe most of them are cool, and YOU'RE the dunderhead? ;)
You would still live in poverty, because everything you would buy would reflect you making a hundred k. A minimum wage job is suppose to be a starter job. I made minimum wage once. My first job as a bag boy.
It is not poverty if you can afford it.
You constitutional literists are amusing. Demand utter fealty to every word you wish to hang your hats on / Slice and dice those you do not.

Where in that question does it mention constitution?

Where in the constitution does it say children, non-citizens and cons have a right to vote?

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