2/3 of Republicans believe voting is a privilege - Not a right

Cool, then you should learn how to READ :rolleyes-41:

Section 1​

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

kaz: The Constitution does give a list of reasons that cannot be used to deny voting, but it doesn't say anywhere you do have a right to vote.

This is how stupid you are and how you can't read. You told me EXACTLY what I said then claimed it proved me wrong.

Nowhere does that quote say that voting is a "right." My God you're stupid. You really are, the real thing
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.
Say what? Would you like to list the measures used to suppress gun ownership or just keep talking out your ass?
There are more guns in the U.S. now than ever before and we're paying for it in people's lives.

Something in excess of ninety five percent of American gun crime is caused by a very small group of violent criminals. Lock them up and keep them locked up and the problem goes away.

Section 1​

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude
What if this right was denied because of some other reasons, except of these three mentioned? If say people are denied to vote because they haven't paid taxes for 3 years. Is this rule at odds with the paragraph?
Thanks for proving right-wingers are just parrots regarding natural rights. Absolutely no understanding of the concept.
As I have said, our founders were 1) Extremely smart men 2) Thought most people were idiots and shouldn't have a say in how the government is ran. Sorry that you can't handle the truth.

Morons, town drunks, fools, those living on welfare or in their mother's basement--should not and should never have a say in how the government is ran. They aren't invested in making good decisions and often make awful ones. Our founders wanted a system where only the intelligent and hard working would have a say in picking representatives and for that matter ever be allowed in government to boot. They were really very snobbish and rightly so.

Town drunks/druggies do not have a natural right to make decisions for everyone else. Their opinion doesn't matter nor do their feelings. Only a moron would want this group making decisions for everyone else.
As I have said, our founders were 1) Extremely smart men 2) Thought most people were idiots and shouldn't have a say in how the government is ran. Sorry that you can't handle the truth.

Morons, town drunks, fools, those living on welfare or in their mother's basement--should not and should never have a say in how the government is ran. They aren't invested in making good decisions and often make awful ones. Our founders wanted a system where only the intelligent and hard working would have a say in picking representatives and for that matter ever be allowed in government to boot. They were really very snobbish and rightly so.

Town drunks/druggies do not have a natural right to make decisions for everyone else. Their opinion doesn't matter nor do their feelings. Only a moron would want this group making decisions for everyone else.
These people are not the main reason why the level of politicians is lowering. Maybe the main cause is that the moral standards of the society is also lowering. Love of easy money, longing for too comfort life, ego centrism etc.
Our Founders were all immigrants from other countries. US citizenship did not exist at that time. Try again.
Good grief ---learn to research before you post. Our founders were still operating under English Common Law---which Jus Soli at the time of the revolution. Born of the soil, Assuming that there were ties to the soil, not to tourists or invaders basically.
These people are not the main reason why the level of politicians is lowering. Maybe the main cause is that the moral standards of the society is also lowering. Love of easy money, longing for too comfort life, ego centrism etc.
Nahhhhhhh....it is STUPIDITY. You don't let stupid people make decisions for everyone else and same goes for non-contributors.-----they are easily bribed and manipulated. You don't pay taxes, you just collect taxes from others who pay in, you shouldn't have a say in how the government is run. You a college kid---who is supported by mommy and daddy or the government, you also shouldn't have a say. Town drunk/druggy who has never done anything and owns nothing--you don't get say either.
Nahhhhhhh....it is STUPIDITY. You don't let stupid people make decisions for everyone else and same goes for non-contributors.-----they are easily bribed and manipulated. You don't pay taxes, you just collect taxes from others who pay in, you shouldn't have a say in how the government is run. You a college kid---who is supported by mommy and daddy or the government, you also shouldn't have a say. Town drunk/druggy who has never done anything and owns nothing--you don't get say either.

Madison Horndog is definitely YOUR guy! :D

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Nahhhhhhh....it is STUPIDITY. You don't let stupid people make decisions for everyone else and same goes for non-contributors.-----they are easily bribed and manipulated. You don't pay taxes, you just collect taxes from others who pay in, you shouldn't have a say in how the government is run. You a college kid---who is supported by mommy and daddy or the government, you also shouldn't have a say. Town drunk/druggy who has never done anything and owns nothing--you don't get say either.
Well, overall I support the idea that a person should contribute to the society to have a say how this society should be run.

But in practice it is hard to get a good government by this. I know plenty of people who have a job, pay taxes, some have property, but who are quite ignorant in politics and ready to vote for someone who will offer easy solutions to serious problems.
Voting is not really a right. Nor is it a privilege. This is one of those asinine ideas that modern Americans have that corrupts the political process here. Voting is a responsibility that should be taken seriously. Most of the electorate votes without a single second spent actually understanding the candidates, positions or impact of what they are doing and it is pathetic.

Americans are proud to vote but have no shame if they cannot name a single plank that the people they voted for actually propose. It is why politics is all about the 10 second soundbites or candidates constantly run on a plethora of things that they do not even have the power to do. Instead, we are more interested in slogans or who they were sleeping with.
People will believe what they want to believe. Until I came to accept that as not a problem, mostly, it about drove me crazy. Which is a short trip anyways.
I guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Context time. something dr.derp doesn’t understand. While voting itself is a right, having the ability to vote for leadership is a privilege. See, around the world there are people who do not have that privilege. Like most of your favored countries. Class dismissed.
Don't be a weasel and try to spin it.
Just admit that 2/3 of Republicans don't understand the Constitution.
Driving is a privilege - Voting is a RIGHT.
Now trying desperately to spin your lie into truth. You got busted as a know nothing. Again.

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