2/3 of Republicans believe voting is a privilege - Not a right

Don't be a weasel and try to spin it.
Just admit that 2/3 of Republicans don't understand the Constitution.
Driving is a privilege - Voting is a RIGHT.
Don't be obtuse you cherry pick what amendments you agree with
Many rights can be taken away from citizens who do not obey the law. The right to freedom for instance.
But your clownery about synonyms is as goofy as it is patently absurd.
If you don't know WTF a synonym is I can't help that.
To Republicans a "Right" is the same as a "Privilege". Look them up.
So far, there is no proof of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Therefore, the votes were legitimate. That takes care of #3. States have voting rules that you need to meet. They have been met based on certification of the vote by all 50 states. That takes care of #1. That leaves #2 which is the crux of your gripe and your baseless claims of voter fraud. No evidence to suggest ANY Democrat is rigging anything. You're pissed cause your man lost. So the Republican led legislatures of these states seek to suppress the vote, targeting minorities and elderly for the most part. Restrict voting days and hours, no holiday to vote, cut down on the number of polling places and drop boxes, and severely restrict mail in voting, which a lot of states and the military have been using for decades without incident...up until the man who was going to return your country to you...lost. Coincidence? I think not. He after all was telegraphing he would contest the election if he lost months before.

And lest you think the right for states and municipalities to throw out election results for bullshit reasons isn't being considered...here you go.
1. I like the way you qualify your answer with the word "widespread". Was there ANY voter fraud, yes or no? Until the various state audits are formalized we don't know what the result is. The "rule of thumb" in PA is that about 3% of of urban democrat votes are fraudulent.

2. Not a baseless claim, yet. Stay tuned. I can point to the 2012 election where Romney got zero votes in 59 Philadelphia voting divisions even where many Republicans were registered. Fraud happens.

3. No Republicans are suppressing any votes, that is a straight up lie. Republicans have to follow the same fucking voting laws, duh. The Constitution refers to "Election Day" not election "week", or election "month". Mail-in voting is NOT allowed in most EU countries because it so easy to cheat.
I guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
Right-wingers don't actually care about being "legal" to the Law. They prefer being hypocrites upon the less fortunate to prove their false Christian morality.
Gridlock is a good thing. The harder it is for congress to pass laws, the better it is for the freedom of the American people. The Federal Government is far too intrusive as it is. If I had my way, every law would have a two year sunset date and would have to individually debated and voted on again by a different congress. That would get rid of most of the stupid laws.

The Constitution was drafted with intent to limit government, not empower it.
Uh..that makes voting a "right" according to your definition. And BTW, the Constitution declares it a right.
And by the way again, throwing out elections and rigging votes are EXACTLY what Republicans are looking
to do with these restrictive voting measures.

That's what Democrats seek to do with limiting ballot count observers and letting anyone, citizen or not be allowed to vote.
guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.

I guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
I think voting should be licensed. You have to pass a very strict civics and US history test

So many stupid people voting in ignorance. I thought abortion would solve this but the wrong people are being aborted
I guess Democrats know more about the Constitution. :) See Section 2 - Time for the filibuster carveout to end this BS. In any case where such a right is being upended by power-hungry piglets, 50 votes shall be all that is needed.

Fifteenth Amendment

Section 1

The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

Section 2

The Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation.
and yet 2/3 democrats believe gun ownership is a privilege and not a right
So far, there is no proof of widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election. Therefore, the votes were legitimate. That takes care of #3. States have voting rules that you need to meet. They have been met based on certification of the vote by all 50 states. That takes care of #1. That leaves #2 which is the crux of your gripe and your baseless claims of voter fraud. No evidence to suggest ANY Democrat is rigging anything. You're pissed cause your man lost. So the Republican led legislatures of these states seek to suppress the vote, targeting minorities and elderly for the most part. Restrict voting days and hours, no holiday to vote, cut down on the number of polling places and drop boxes, and severely restrict mail in voting, which a lot of states and the military have been using for decades without incident...up until the man who was going to return your country to you...lost. Coincidence? I think not. He after all was telegraphing he would contest the election if he lost months before.

And lest you think the right for states and municipalities to throw out election results for bullshit reasons isn't being considered...here you go.
Hanging chad, etc. ....
So you would have no problem having the same requirements to vote as to purchase a firearm? Valid ID, background check, so on and so forth.
As long as it is free to the voter with no roadblocks.
As long as it is free to the voter with no roadblocks.
buying a permit to exercise your second amendment right is not free and plenty of road blocks happen in democrat controlled states to prevent a citizen from accessing that right.
how many republicans push gun control versus democrats
Republicans also don't push for being legal to express law, except in border threads.

The defense and protection of the state and of the United States is an obligation of all persons within the state. The legislature shall provide for the discharge of this obligation and for the maintenance and regulation of an organized militia.

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