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2.5 Trillion barrels of Oil Shale Oil

Take 14 minutes out of your all-knowing lives, and watch these two short videos...

I'm not spending 14 minutes watching a video that isn't worth the same time picking my nose. How about you post the transcript instead of trying to waste my time?.

My video is only 10 minutes long, and is just as credible a source.:eusa_angel:
Take 14 minutes out of your all-knowing lives, and watch these two short videos...

I'm not spending 14 minutes watching a video that isn't worth the same time picking my nose. How about you post the transcript instead of trying to waste my time?.

My video is only 10 minutes long, and is just as credible a source.:eusa_angel:
Okay... your video... I'll ignore too. ;) I can't get that time back you know and it cuts seriously into my woolgathering and naval gazing time I have allotted myself every day while I wait for something better to happen.
I'm not spending 14 minutes watching a video that isn't worth the same time picking my nose. How about you post the transcript instead of trying to waste my time?.

My video is only 10 minutes long, and is just as credible a source.:eusa_angel:
Okay... your video... I'll ignore too. ;) I can't get that time back you know and it cuts seriously into my woolgathering and naval gazing time I have allotted myself every day while I wait for something better to happen.


You were probably one of those guys who slept through all the Mr. Science Films in 8th grade!!!!
My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL
My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.
My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.

Your perpetual arrogance belies you. You'll learn. But then, considering the state of the world, and your continued ignorance to the symptoms, maybe you won't.

They've been right for 40 years.

Unfortuantely, to gluttonous cons like yourself who are sure God will solve everything via technology, if it doesn't occur overnight, it's apparently not happening at all.
Here, I'll spell it out for you, since you clearly don't have more than a couple of brain cells to rub together:

Anyone can make a Youtube Video about Anything.:cuckoo:

And you are an idiot for BELIEVING that someone's youtube rant qualifies as evidence for your hair-brained theories.


What a convenient little world of self-rationalization you tools all live in whereby you can just trump any argument, and any credentials listed, by pretending that because it's on youtube, it's fraud.

Your argument, essentially, and the argument of that moron Fitz above, is that those men are all lying.
My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.

They've been right for 40 years.



Yes, every year, for the past 40 years, they've predicted peak oil in 15-20 years.

My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.

Your perpetual arrogance belies you. You'll learn. But then, considering the state of the world, and your continued ignorance to the symptoms, maybe you won't.

They've been right for 40 years.

Unfortuantely, to gluttonous cons like yourself who are sure God will solve everything via technology, if it doesn't occur overnight, it's apparently not happening at all.
All hail King Chicken Little the Last! with his mighty decree!

"We're all going to die, soon!"
My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.

Your perpetual arrogance belies you. You'll learn. But then, considering the state of the world, and your continued ignorance to the symptoms, maybe you won't.

They've been right for 40 years.

Unfortuantely, to gluttonous cons like yourself who are sure God will solve everything via technology, if it doesn't occur overnight, it's apparently not happening at all.
All hail King Chicken Little the Last! with his mighty decree!

"We're all going to die, soon!"
Unfortuantely, to gluttonous cons like yourself who are sure God will solve everything via technology, if it doesn't occur overnight, it's apparently not happening at all.

Let's break down this panicked little screed for a second.

"Gluttonous Cons". Okay Mr. Zero-Carbon ass-put. Why should I allow someone else to control my consumption if I can afford it? Why not let me say sorry, you are using too much energy, this winter your house may not be over 58 degrees? yeah... life's a bitch ain't it. Better start weaving those wool sweaters. What? You plan to buy them? Ohhhh no no no... that's too much energy usage for you.

Thank you for proving your rampant anti-capitalist, nihilism, yet again. King Chicken Little the Last.

"God will solve everything via technology"

Now what pray tell is that you're posting with? I didn't realize you had an iGuttenberg press in your basement? That phone of yours is just naturally grown? Did you raise your car up from the go-cart it was as a kid? Don't overfeed it or you'll have an SUV! What the fuck is your problem with technology? Maybe you should try living off the land for a while and see if that cures your goddamn sanctimony and utter retardation fuckwit. Maybe God can take away all your technology for a year and see how well that suits you? How about it? No electricity and oil products or usage for ONE year? You gonna butch up and back off or just pop off another cretinous lie to soothe you like a valium?

"occur overnight, it's apparently not happening at all.".

You're the one touting the end of the world overnight, dingleberry! We're saying the opposite. Do you even recognize the shit you're shoveling and have welcomed onto yourself?

I won't even credit you with the two braincells Samson did. You got a howling void in that empty brainpan of yours, and for Pete's Sake shut your mouth cause the rest of us are getting a draft and sick of the noise!
Take 14 minutes out of your all-knowing lives, and watch these two short videos...

I'm not spending 14 minutes watching a video that isn't worth the same time picking my nose. How about you post the transcript instead of trying to waste my time?

What's the difference? It would take you 14 minutes to read it, no doubt.

You won't watch it because you couldn't possibly refute it. Meanwhile, you're certain they're lying, even though you obviously have no idea what they said because you weren't brave enough to watch it. There's your position, in a nutshell.


If global oil depletion is some myth

No no no. You do NOT get to redefine the argument. We are not ARGUING that we live on a FINITE world. You do not get to make that lie.

Actually, clown, you guys are all over the place, and some of you DO insist it's a myth. It's no lie to claim your allies here do just that. STFU.

We ARE arguing that your timeline is obscenely compressed! What you have happening in minutes and hours and days are going to take years and decades and centuries in reality. We are saying that technology, and economics are going to be fundamental bulwarks of both retrieving, processing and using oil as well as motivating people to find alternatives.

How can this be possible in the evil free markets!? Oh noes! It CAN'T be true that something simple such as PRICING SCARCITY acts as a negative feedback loop enticing people to produce new types of energy because it's PROFITABLE! :eek:

Yes, you've used this tired rationale before. And it was countered. Unfortunately, you bailed from the exchange.

So, again. Free market change the price points for new investment. Great. So what happens in the 20-30 years until that new investment brings new oil, or new energy sources to the market? In the meantime, what does that super high price point mean for the lower- to -middle-class consumer and businessperson? How many industries go under waiting for your genius "market solutions" to work themselves out? Perpetual recession is the RAMIFICATION of peak. Get it yet? Hope so, because it will only get worse.

See, this is why you arrogant fools have no idea what you're ever talking about, and no idea how the logistics of this whole house of cards actually works.

You can squawk about "market solutions" all you like. This is about time frame, as much as anything. Your hope-based fixes are decades off. Collapse is beginning right now.

You fucking Peaker retards always seem to think that people are not motivated by cash, or if they are, they're evil and they shouldn't be and must be stopped. That somehow, because you hate money that makes it invalid as a motivator for the rest of the world, and incapable of doing ANYTHING good!

Wow. That's one big paragraph of straw man.

But here's a thought! When oil gets rare... it will get expensive! Is it getting expensive because of rarity right now? NO! New finds of millions billions and TRILLIONS of barrels are being found every year in new areas that are finally being explored thanks to technology.

This is completely and utterly false... Liar.

But but but... it's getting expensive! Yeah, it is. Why? POLITICS! Oh my gawrsh! Asshole environazis are blocking domestic production and now trying to stop foreign production. This is not true scarcity, it is politically enabled scarcity.

Politics have nothing to do with it. Again, if it's not scarce, WHERE is it? How many times do I have to ask that question before you actually acknowledge it without lamely saying "it's out there!" Oh? That nails it shut. ...

See, you can't allude to any significant finds because you can't find any. This is confirmed by the men in that video you can't bare to watch, as well as the IEA, the Pentagon, ASPO, the EIA and our own Dept. of Energy.

Oh wait, ... they must all be lying. :rolleyes:

That's why you can't buy a supporter here. You're too easily debunked by elementary logic, economics and sociology. I suggest you study these things and maybe... MAYBE you'll see why we've already killed, skinned, gutted, seasoned, baked and eaten Chicken Little.


Loser, I don't come here to "buy a supporter." I come here to counter typical connish fraud regarding the greatest crisis facing mankind, ... and I thoroughly enjoy it. You and your short-sighted pals here are no different then the denialists I deal with every day. ... In fact, you're far less knowledgeable of this subject matter than I'm used to dealing with. This is like slow-pitch softball on this sub forum. You didn't even know what EROEI was before May.

Blessed by God.

LOL. Just as I thought. Unfortunatley, hope is not an viable energy policy, Godder.

Or, are they somehow collectively lying?

That's more likely. I'd like to audit them and see where their money is coming from.

Right. Retired Big Oil executives are all lying. They're also in cohoots with the federal government, and international energy analysts. It's all a grand conspiracy.

This rationalization brought to you by the same retarded minds who insist 9/11 would be too vast a conspiracy to ever keep silent.

Your situational ethics is showing again, chump-and-a-half.

Your support of their lies I predict is just due to rampant stupidity.

LOL... How do you get out of bed in the morning? Do you dress yourself?

My gawd, do you EVER suck at this. :cool:
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some of you DO insist it's a myth.

Some is NOT me. You are talking to me. Therefore you can STFU yourself, bitch.

In fact, you're far less knowledgeable at this subject matter than I'm used to dealing with.

But you've been debunked by elementary logic. Oh look at the graph! All the declines and leveling off correspond EXACTLY with political upheaval, legislation and war! Huh... I wonder why that is? Then after you have hard data, all your predictions smoothly decline like someone flipped a switch? Anomaly perhaps? That may fly with the slow group of third graders, but not anyone else.

This is like slow-pitch softball.

And yet... you're playing special Olympics badminton?

Unfortunatley, hope is not an viable energy policy, Godder.

Fucking bigot.

This is completely and utterly false... Liar.

Trillions may have been an exaggeration. But, billions is not. Of course... that's not "oil" by the King Chicken Little the Last standard. That's... oil...ish?

Right. Retired Big Oil executives are all lying. They're also in cohoots with the federal government, and international energy analysts. It's all a grand conspiracy.


Oh wait, ... they must all be lying.

Ding! For money and power. First correct thing you've said all thread. I bet there are people with enough hobby time out there that can find three times the hacks you have who think Imminent Peak Oil is full of shit.

This rationalization brought to you by the same retarded minds who insist 9/11 would be too vast a conspiracy to ever keep silent.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe in grand conspiracies. Too many people who can't keep their mouths shut. BUT I do believe in conspiracies of a small scale (say under 10 people or so) because they do happen. I do think your little 'pet experts' have an agenda to push, and I think they're doing so because they get something from it. Attention, money, fame, love, little boys... I don't fucking know... but they are profiting from your asshattery.

BTW, how's that IPCC panel working out for you? Conspiracy of 3 people created climategate. A conspiracy of two individuals destroyed the glacier melt theory and all it took was one man, the head of the IPCC to keep his mouth shut for it to continue. But he couldn't. And it all fell apart. But they all profiteered off of this by committing fraud. Now you Peakers wants theirs, but yet, I can smash the theory in a few logical steps.

Your situational ethics is showing again, chump-and-a-half.

Prove it, bitch. Where am I making it up as I go. I've been consistent this entire time.

LOL... How do you get out of bed in the morning? Do you dress yourself?

I'm at the point where you must be watered twice a week.
some of you DO insist it's a myth.

Some is NOT me. You are talking to me. Therefore you can STFU yourself, bitch.

Self-absorbed and sanctimonious much? I believe I'm taking on you and all your pals throughout this thread, ... and doing a bang-up job, to boot. :eusa_shhh:

I know this exchange is making you madder and madder, but do try and get over yourself.

In fact, you're far less knowledgeable at this subject matter than I'm used to dealing with.

But you've been debunked by elementary logic. Oh look at the graph! All the declines and leveling off correspond EXACTLY with political upheaval, legislation and war! Huh... I wonder why that is? Then after you have hard data, all your predictions smoothly decline like someone flipped a switch? Anomaly perhaps? That may fly with the slow group of third graders, but not anyone else.

LOL!!!!!!!! You've debunked precisely nothing throughout the ENTIRETY of this exchange. You declaring victory reminds me of when Plaxico Burress spiked the ball at the 5 yardline when he arrogantly thought he was in the end zone.

It's so bad for you now, that you can't even bring yourself to acknowledge any of my main overall points when challenged to do so... That's because you can't.

1. where is the oil?
2. what happens to the small businessman when oil gets above $100-150/bl and higher?
3. how/why are all those entities "lying," yet still keeping it secret?

And yet... you're playing special Olympics badminton?

That's a question? No, I'm playing All-Star clean-up hitter, launching your tired, hope-based narrative softballs deep into the night and touching all bases each time. Do better.

Fucking bigot.

LOL. You can worship God however you like... Doesn't make for much of an energy policy though, sorry.

Trillions may have been an exaggeration.

At least you finally admit it, oh great drama queen...

But, billions is not. Of course... that's not "oil" by the King Chicken Little the Last standard. That's... oil...ish?

The world consumes a billion barrels every 12 days, loser. When you can point to a new find in excess of 50 billion barrels (the kind we used to find constantly), you may have something. Otherwise, you're getting all mastubatory over kiddie pools and pretending you've debunked peak oil reality. You haven't even come close.

Ding! For money and power. First correct thing you've said all thread. I bet there are people with enough hobby time out there that can find three times the hacks you have who think Imminent Peak Oil is full of shit.

There's nothing I've said in this thread that was wrong. If I had, you'd have been man enough to acknowledge the multiple challenges put to you. Instead, you weaseled out, and punted to ineffectual personal ridicule. Yawn.

Your complete inability to counter the specific themes presented to you in this exchange prove, beyond any doubt, that you're getting your ass kicked on this topic. I'm sorry.

I am not a conspiracy theorist. I do not believe in grand conspiracies. Too many people who can't keep their mouths shut. BUT I do believe in conspiracies of a small scale (say under 10 people or so) because they do happen.

LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And yet, here you are claiming that retired petrol geologists for Big Oil, independent energy analysts, the IEA, the U.S. Dept. of Energy, the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs, the EIA, ASPO, Oxford, the German government and countless other entities are all lying for some unmentioned purpose you can't put your finger on. No, you don't believe in "grand conspiracies," or anything... :rolleyes:

BTW, how's that IPCC panel working out for you? Conspiracy of 3 people created climategate. A conspiracy of two individuals destroyed the glacier melt theory and all it took was one man, the head of the IPCC to keep his mouth shut for it to continue. But he couldn't. And it all fell apart. But they all profiteered off of this by committing fraud. Now you Peakers wants theirs, but yet, I can smash the theory in a few logical steps.

Man-made climate change is very real, regardless of how desperate you tool boxes play "gotcha" regarding IPCC. It's what you guys do. Find one anomoly, and cling to it out of sheer desperation in the hopes of creating doubt. It's the same game as when you try and claim the Dem party is "more racist than pubs are" because of goofy Robert Byrd. Yeah, makes sense. :cuckoo: Nevermind the mountain of evidence to the contrary. You have your one talking point, and you're sticking to it. LOL.

Your situational ethics is showing again, chump-and-a-half.

Prove it, bitch. Where am I making it up as I go. I've been consistent this entire time.

I don't need to. Anyone reading this exchange can see you treading water badly, and contradicting yourself left and right.

When stuck in a hole, the first thing you should do is stop digging. But you're just too arrogant and dumb to grasp that basic premise. Again, you SUCK at this.


Once more:
- Where is the oil?
- What will "market corrections" mean for the blue-collar consumer when energy is $150-bl? I mean, besides foreclosure?
- For what purpose are all those international entities lying, and how have they "kept the myth a secret" all this time?

Until you can offer plausible answers for those questions, your hysterical hand waving isn't convincing anyone of anything. You can insult me on a personal level all you like. I'm right here waiting for you to do the work presented for you. But you won't. You'll punt to God and hope and free market solution. Zzzzzz.

Grow up, watch the videos, and then you may have a leg to stand on if you feel you can counter what they've said.
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My state actually hired teachers to teach science, not just babysitters who ran projectors of teachers teaching science. I wish they had used more movies. LOL

See, if you'd had teachers that showed more movies, then perhaps you'd understand the shrill whine of Peak Oilists that have been Sounding the ALARM for the past 40 years.

Your perpetual arrogance belies you. You'll learn. But then, considering the state of the world, and your continued ignorance to the symptoms, maybe you won't.

They've been right for 40 years.

Speaking of perpetual.......you pointy-headed hysterics said in the 70's that we'd be hitting peak oil in the mid '80's

Then, in the mid-80's you said it would happen by 2000....

Now that its 2010, its going to happen in 2015...AT THE LATEST!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

The only question is are you an idiot for your being perpetually WRONG, or for wondering

why you have NO, Zero, NADA credability...:lol:

Happy, you at least have entertainment value.:clap2:
<ignores the rantings of a lunatic>

- Where is the oil?

Being announced all the time throughout even mainstream media.

- What will "market corrections" mean for the blue-collar consumer when energy is $150-bl? I mean, besides foreclosure?

You assume much of what never has been.

- For what purpose are all those international entities lying, and how have they "kept the myth a secret" all this time?

Read my previous post. I'm done repeating it for you.

Samson said:
Happy, you at least have entertainment value.

And like his predictions, it's an overinflated sense of his own entertainment value. That IS one thing I agree is rapidly waning. He's a very typical progressofascist as we've been seeing... standard Bush Derangement Syndrome, racism, Obama Worship Disorder, Christophobia, elitist narcissism. King Chicken Little the Last is far from above average. The only thing he excels in more is in staying focused on his sole psychosis better than Tardtard (Bfgrn) or RDolt.
Speaking of perpetual.......you pointy-headed hysterics said in the 70's that we'd be hitting peak oil in the mid '80's

I never said anything of the kind, and those people are not me. Regardless, this talking point about the claims from the 70s is rooted in the infamous report "Limits to Growth" from the 70s by the Club of Rome, which said no such thing about peak oil in the 80s. Regardless, the report was quite prescient and accurate, regardless of how some readers interpreted (and distorted) the main themes.

You should stop making up straw man arguments and enter the debate honestly, or not at all, limited poster. Mmm-kay?

Then, in the mid-80's you said it would happen by 2000....

I did? When? ... Heck, I'll humor you. Link to anyone from the 80s saying such about 2000.

You're making up crap again. It's what you do.

Now that its 2010, its going to happen in 2015...AT THE LATEST!!!!:lol::lol::lol:

The International Energy Agency, the Joint Chiefs and the Dept. of Energy said 10 million barrel shortfall by 2015, yes. I'm simply making idiots like yourself aware of their data.

If they're wrong, please show the forum how they're wrong.

The only question is are you an idiot for your being perpetually WRONG, or for wondering

There is irony here. You see it, yes? Why don't you get back to your strong suit, classy one. Like debating which hair style makes Garafolo "fuckable."


why you have NO, Zero, NADA credability...:lol:

Clown-and-a-half, I've put your tired argument away wet many months ago. You keep coming back for more beatings on the coat-tails of others who have to do the work (poorly) for you.

My credibility is impeccable, because I have the data on my side. You have straw man arguments, misrepresentations, and an utterly retarded grasp of market forces.

Run along now, asshat. Adults are talking.
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<ignores the rantings of a lunatic>

You need to keep telling yourself that, because your argument is failing badly. You can repeat the claim to yourself 100 times if you like, but this "lunatic" continues to deconstruct your piss-poor, hope-based logic.

- Where is the oil?

Being announced all the time throughout even mainstream media.

That's a classic non-answer, and further proof that you're completely out of bullets.

Once again, where? In what proven amount? Why don't you actually man-up, and provide some links? Are you afraid that you'll fail again, and offer a list that totals a whole 10 billion barrels? Or stuff with wording like "could contain 100 years of oil!!!!!" from energy companies, themselves, looking to spark investment. ... LOL.

You won't provide a falsifiable claim because you can't. It doesn't exist. Better to punt to "announced all the time thoughout the media... ." Riiiiiiight.


- What will "market corrections" mean for the blue-collar consumer when energy is $150-bl? I mean, besides foreclosure?

You assume much of what never has been.

Wrong again, Godder. I make rational assessments based on data, the exponential function and the basic laws of Thermodynamics. A few concepts you appear completely unable to grasp.

- For what purpose are all those international entities lying, and how have they "kept the myth a secret" all this time?

Read my previous post. I'm done repeating it for you.

ROFLMAO! ... You never answered it. You punted to "audit them!!" You didn't explain why they would be lying, you merely repeated the claim a different way.

You are so awful at this, I almost feel sorry for you. Keep dancing your way around these direct challenges, and anyone reading this is now convinced you're completely full of shit. I was convinced within my first 3-4 exchanges with you many months ago.

You're dumb, but worse, you're unabashedly arrogant. A terribly dangerous combination.

And like his predictions, it's an overinflated sense of his own entertainment value. That IS one thing I agree is rapidly waning. He's a very typical progressofascist as we've been seeing... standard Bush Derangement Syndrome, racism, Obama Worship Disorder, Christophobia, elitist narcissism. King Chicken Little the Last is far from above average. The only thing he excels in more is in staying focused on his sole psychosis better than Tardtard (Bfgrn) or RDolt.

LOL... There is so much fail in this paragraph. Progressofascist? That's a lovely made-up term by cons who can't come to grips with the fact that they've been unyieldingly supporting corporate fascism since Reagan took office. You guys have distorted the term fascism to such a degree that you actually try and apply it to your polar opposites. That's rich. But you're not fooling anyone here, neo-fascist.

You do the same with the baseless (and ironic) "racism" claim, even though your ideological kin have personified racism in America for all to behold. Next you'll be telling us blue is red, night is day, circles can have corners and oil is unlimited... oh wait.

I've said nothing racist, I've expressed no "phobia" of Christ, and I've not uttered one iota of support for Obama's policies. He is, in fact, failing on energy. ... So, no... That's just you making up straw man arguments. It's what you guys do when your own position becomes wholly untenable and desperate.

Again, Big Fit... Where is the oil? How much?

If you can't do it, then I'd suggest it's time for you to :eusa_shhh:
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