2 Americas : Americans views of Europe

It’s as much unwarranted fear as it is ignorance that drives most on the American right; similar to that among the European right: unwarranted fear of immigrants, change, and diversity.

You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

To tell the truth, Tommy, you are kinda right. There are many in this country who have had the opportunity to travel and see how people do things in other parts of the world. I remember my first port visit in the Navy, had duty the first day in, so my friends told me where to find them the next day.

Next day? Went to the beach, but because I was so busy looking for my friends, I didn't notice much else around me. Found Moose, ran into the water, and threw him down. Well, he then picked me up (he was about twice my size and the only reason I was able to take him down was because he didn't expect it and I tackled him from the back), threw me over his shoulder, for about 10 ft. When I popped my head out of the water, there were 2 of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen, wearing nothing but G strings and smiles. They then asked if I was an American sailor. I said yep, and they asked if they could join my friends and I for some drinks. Then, I started noticing that ALL beaches over there are top optional. Stuff like that would never fly in the States, because there are too many prudes here.
I remember my first trip to a nudist beach. It was amazing. I was only 14 and thought that they were all sluts.

I've been to a nudist beach or two myself. But, those (even in Europe) are clearly posted so there are no surprises.

However...................all the other public beaches are top optional. It took me a week or so to get used to all the bare breasts (had a hard time not staring). But, after I got used to it, there were no problems, and by the end of the cruise it didn't faze me at all.

However....................whenever I left sea duty, went to shore duty and then back to sea? I'd have to take a week or so of the first deployment to get used to it again.

Like I said, if you tried that here? Women (and some men) would be calling you all sorts of unseemly names, as well as shielding the eyes of their children.

Me? I now wonder why Americans don't do it as well. There isn't really much sexual about it if everyone is doing it.

I really liked going to the beach overseas.
I think I might have seen you on the beach.

Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

And because of our antiquated election system that allows the loser to win, they have a fellow sewer dweller shouting their conspiracy theories and racism to the world. What the rest of us in the US have discovered that maybe wasn't plain before is this group of weirdos that support orange stool and the like will believe anything their cult leader says and excuse anything he says and does. They reject the Constitution, our allies, our laws, and everything that has made America America the last 100 years. They have so readily embraced a wannabe Mussolini with the slightest of effort.

That is the eye opener. 52% of Republicans polled said they would be ok with suspending the 2020 elections in the US if Trump said so. Imagine for a minute, if two years ago Barack Obama had suggested suspending the 2016 elections. All these same people would have lost their minds and had no map to find their way back. They are the part of the population in America that long for a strongman daddy figure to be dictator and make them feel safe. In every sense, they are not Americans, they are more like the easily fooled parts of the German population of the 1930s.
Anyone else get the feeling Tommy Taint has never left the island?

That's OK, our technology is based on coconuts and bamboo ... and we have at least two decent women.

Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

To tell the truth, Tommy, you are kinda right. There are many in this country who have had the opportunity to travel and see how people do things in other parts of the world. I remember my first port visit in the Navy, had duty the first day in, so my friends told me where to find them the next day.

Next day? Went to the beach, but because I was so busy looking for my friends, I didn't notice much else around me. Found Moose, ran into the water, and threw him down. Well, he then picked me up (he was about twice my size and the only reason I was able to take him down was because he didn't expect it and I tackled him from the back), threw me over his shoulder, for about 10 ft. When I popped my head out of the water, there were 2 of the most gorgeous women I had ever seen, wearing nothing but G strings and smiles. They then asked if I was an American sailor. I said yep, and they asked if they could join my friends and I for some drinks. Then, I started noticing that ALL beaches over there are top optional. Stuff like that would never fly in the States, because there are too many prudes here.
I remember my first trip to a nudist beach. It was amazing. I was only 14 and thought that they were all sluts.

I've been to a nudist beach or two myself. But, those (even in Europe) are clearly posted so there are no surprises.

However...................all the other public beaches are top optional. It took me a week or so to get used to all the bare breasts (had a hard time not staring). But, after I got used to it, there were no problems, and by the end of the cruise it didn't faze me at all.

However....................whenever I left sea duty, went to shore duty and then back to sea? I'd have to take a week or so of the first deployment to get used to it again.

Like I said, if you tried that here? Women (and some men) would be calling you all sorts of unseemly names, as well as shielding the eyes of their children.

Me? I now wonder why Americans don't do it as well. There isn't really much sexual about it if everyone is doing it.

I really liked going to the beach overseas.
I think I might have seen you on the beach.

Wasn't me. If you had actually seen me there it would have been between 1983 and 1998. Was the only timeperiod that I went overseas.

And, I would have had a moustache, but no glasses.
It’s as much unwarranted fear as it is ignorance that drives most on the American right; similar to that among the European right: unwarranted fear of immigrants, change, and diversity.

You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy
It’s as much unwarranted fear as it is ignorance that drives most on the American right; similar to that among the European right: unwarranted fear of immigrants, change, and diversity.

You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.

Actually, it was a bit more than just reporting on something.

EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

Tommy Robinson, the founder of the far-right English Defence League, has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court.

The 35-year-old’s sentence can be revealed after a judge lifted reporting restrictions on the case on Tuesday. The case had been widely discussed on social media, where rightwing activists claimed that the restrictions amounted to state censorship.

Robinson was arrested on Friday after broadcasting an hour-long video over Facebook from outside Leeds crown court. In the video he made comments that risked causing a trial to collapse.

Robinson pleaded guilty to contempt of court. He was arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.
Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

I'm very well educated. I've lived in England and traveled all over Europe. After decades of careful observations I have come to some conclusions.

Left wingers are never as smart as they think they are and Right Wingers are never a dumb as the Left Wingers think that they are.

White Liberals believe that they are superior to mainstream white people…..which makes Liberals a form of White Supremacist. It's just like how the Nazis thought they were superior to other Europeans.

Liberals profess to be against racism, bigotry, prejudice, stereotyping and discrimination, but those are their favorite activities.

Liberals demand higher taxes, but they take all of their tax deductions

Liberals hate rich people, unless they are rich themselves.

Democrat Voters believe that they are being exploited by rich white racist, and they are correct, but it’s rich white Democrat politicians

Left Wingers invert victims and villains.

Liberals are totally blind to obvious media bias.
You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.

Observations on the USMB over two years have led me to this.

There seems to be two Americas.

One is educated. Well read,well travelled and able to discern propaganda from fact. They are slightly left leaning and have decent liberal values.

The other America is uneducated, they drink up fake news as if it tastes of nectar. They have probably only been abroad with a gun in their hand. They are stupid,they have failed in life and they need someone to blame for it.
Gays,Blacks,Muslims,NFL players, Parkland survivors, its a growing list.

Which leads me to the absolute sshite that I see posted on this site about Europe in general and the UK in particular.

When I joined this board I was told that Europe was "gone". We were all being poisoned by halal burgers and sentenced to death by sharia courts for entering no go zones in all of our big cities.

Puzzling to one who lives here.

Then there was the faux outrage over London electing a Mayor who was "shock horror" a muslim.
M Khan is not to my taste but he is an affable character who is as westernised as any loon would want.

Then we come to poor Alfie Evans whose dying body was exploited by nutters who have no shame at all. Government death squads at work I was told,

Bit of a shock to me. I have a basic understanding of UK civics and I could not discern a direct line from Alder Hey to Downing St.And yet fuckwits a thousand miles away could work it all out on the basis of a few breitbart articles written by partisan hacks.

And on we go to Stephen Yaxley Lennon. Over here he iss seen as a drug dealing football hooligan/ fraudster. A neo nazi from the violent fringes of the UK underclass.Over in the states he is seen by some nuts as a modern day Robin Hood, saving white virgins from evil mooslims.

Again, the vacuous spout their ignorance of British law by trying to concoct a conspiracy theory that has no basis in fact.

I may be a bit late coming to the party but I have realised that lack of knowledge is not an issue for these shit kickers. They dont need to know anything and in fact they cant be arsed to fill in the vast canyons of emptiness in their knowledge banks.

That is because their concerns are 100% about the US.

Shit US healthcare = Look at Alfie
Crazy US gun laws = Someone got shot in London
Immigration = Lets not import rape gangs

It really does make me weary readng all this ignorant shite.
Dems are racist.
Blacks are violent.
Muslims are rapists.
Gays are paedos.

On and on it goes.

My sympathies are with my American friends and those educated individuals on this board. It cant be easy having to deal with this level of dumb every day.

And because of our antiquated election system that allows the loser to win, they have a fellow sewer dweller shouting their conspiracy theories and racism to the world. What the rest of us in the US have discovered that maybe wasn't plain before is this group of weirdos that support orange stool and the like will believe anything their cult leader says and excuse anything he says and does. They reject the Constitution, our allies, our laws, and everything that has made America America the last 100 years. They have so readily embraced a wannabe Mussolini with the slightest of effort.

That is the eye opener. 52% of Republicans polled said they would be ok with suspending the 2020 elections in the US if Trump said so. Imagine for a minute, if two years ago Barack Obama had suggested suspending the 2016 elections. All these same people would have lost their minds and had no map to find their way back. They are the part of the population in America that long for a strongman daddy figure to be dictator and make them feel safe. In every sense, they are not Americans, they are more like the easily fooled parts of the German population of the 1930s.
And we voted for Brexit.

Ive just been watching a doc about Turkey and the point was made that Erdogan got his support from the backward provincials. The urban educated people were not as ethusiastic. Ditto Brexit and ditto Trump. How do we raise these backwaters up to civilised levels of education ?
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.


Actually, if you went to a real British news site, you would have seen that he was live streaming on Facebook for about an hour outside of a court room and the comments he made over Facebook could have put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial.

I have a link a couple of posts back if you need it. Page 3, post 29.
You ever read up on the problem of Muslim Rape Gangs in the UK?

It is worse than you can imagine.

It is worse than I would have believed possible.

And it is caused by people like Tommy and you.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.

Actually, it was a bit more than just reporting on something.

EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

Tommy Robinson, the founder of the far-right English Defence League, has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court.

The 35-year-old’s sentence can be revealed after a judge lifted reporting restrictions on the case on Tuesday. The case had been widely discussed on social media, where rightwing activists claimed that the restrictions amounted to state censorship.

Robinson was arrested on Friday after broadcasting an hour-long video over Facebook from outside Leeds crown court. In the video he made comments that risked causing a trial to collapse.

Robinson pleaded guilty to contempt of court. He was arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.

So, you are accepting the Judge's stated reasons at face value?

The judge that initially banned the Press from reporting on the fact that a reporter was arrested and jailed?
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.

Which policy ?
Quote the statute and which party introduced it.
When was it passed ?
Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.


Actually, if you went to a real British news site, you would have seen that he was live streaming on Facebook for about an hour outside of a court room and the comments he made over Facebook could have put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial.

I have a link a couple of posts back if you need it. Page 3, post 29.
It was even worse than that. Some of the names he gave out were not even on trial.
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.

Actually, it was a bit more than just reporting on something.

EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

Tommy Robinson, the founder of the far-right English Defence League, has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court.

The 35-year-old’s sentence can be revealed after a judge lifted reporting restrictions on the case on Tuesday. The case had been widely discussed on social media, where rightwing activists claimed that the restrictions amounted to state censorship.

Robinson was arrested on Friday after broadcasting an hour-long video over Facebook from outside Leeds crown court. In the video he made comments that risked causing a trial to collapse.

Robinson pleaded guilty to contempt of court. He was arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.

So, you are accepting the Judge's stated reasons at face value?

The judge that initially banned the Press from reporting on the fact that a reporter was arrested and jailed?

Not just the judges, but the dude's as well. He was arrested and charged, and at trial, he pleaded GUILTY to the offenses. Not only did the judge say he did it, but the dude admitted to doing it as well. Sorry, he's guilty.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.


Actually, if you went to a real British news site, you would have seen that he was live streaming on Facebook for about an hour outside of a court room and the comments he made over Facebook could have put the trial in jeopardy of a mistrial.

I have a link a couple of posts back if you need it. Page 3, post 29.

I read the link. THere was no discussion of the "comments" that could have put the trial at risk.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.
1. Robinson is not a reporter. he was jailed for breaching the terms of his suspended sentence. No proper reporters got in any trouble at all. Do you actually understand why he got sent down or are you genuinely that fucking stupid.

2. Well you did matey.
Because they do not have champions like you making policy

1. He was reporting on the results of government policy and was arrested for it. The excuses that your repressive government puts on the paper work is of no importance.

2. "Like YOu". Not "YOU". My answer to your stupid question, which I have answered many times before, FOR YOU, STANDS.

Which policy ?
Quote the statute and which party introduced it.
When was it passed ?

Why are you pretending that we have not discussed this many times before?
And right on cue.............................
Are there non muslim rape gangs in the UK ?
Or are they less important ?

Because they do not have champions like you making policy to protect and encourage them.

Hell, just how many reporters have been jailed for reporting on this issue? I know of one, but at least sometimes your judges ban the Press from reporting on reporters being jailed.

So that raises the question, how many have been jailed that we never heard about?
No reporters have been jailed. Name one ?

This is a perfect example of a bigoted ,low information fuck building a fantasy scenario out of scraps of info wars and bretbart bullshit

What policy have I made ?
What is the actual wording of it ?
Who drafted it ?
What happens in the States when people breach their bond /

1. Tommy Robinson. Jailed for reporting on the trial of a Muslim rape Ring.

2. I did not say you MADE the policy. Nice attempt at moving the goal post. You are dishonest like that, because you know that you are in the wrong.

Actually, it was a bit more than just reporting on something.

EDL founder Tommy Robinson jailed for contempt of court

Tommy Robinson, the founder of the far-right English Defence League, has been jailed for 13 months for contempt of court.

The 35-year-old’s sentence can be revealed after a judge lifted reporting restrictions on the case on Tuesday. The case had been widely discussed on social media, where rightwing activists claimed that the restrictions amounted to state censorship.

Robinson was arrested on Friday after broadcasting an hour-long video over Facebook from outside Leeds crown court. In the video he made comments that risked causing a trial to collapse.

Robinson pleaded guilty to contempt of court. He was arrested, charged and sentenced within five hours.

So, you are accepting the Judge's stated reasons at face value?

The judge that initially banned the Press from reporting on the fact that a reporter was arrested and jailed?
Again your tin foil hat comes out. Why would you not believe the Judge ?
You know his name so why dont you outline his previous cases where he was a governemnt toady ?
What the Judge did was a standard procedure.
Even yaxley Lennon accepted that which is why he pled guilty as charged.

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