2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!
What do you know....models analyzing models without the first piece of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the models in the first place. Pseudoscience at its best.
Awesome ...

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!
Nice to see the Mathew propaganda machine is in full operation..

A failed model being propped up by ANOTHER FAILED MODEL..:cuckoo::dig:

Tell me Mathew where is your empirical observed evidence?
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!

"I wish I was like you, easily amused..."
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!
Nice to see the Mathew propaganda machine is in full operation..

A failed model being propped up by ANOTHER FAILED MODEL..:cuckoo::dig:

Tell me Mathew where is your empirical observed evidence?

Where's yours? I ask you seriously, wheres yours? There isn't one ounce of data in the entire fucking world that supports your views and that is a goddamn fact.It would be like arguing that BIG FOOT is real but without proof or a line of evidence showing differently.

You have no DATA! What's to debate? You bring nothing to the table as you can only attack science and the temperature data with BULLSHIT. NOT FACTS, and sure as fuck not empirical evidence. What a joke.

Global Climate Report - June 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Global Temperature Report :: The University of Alabama in Huntsville

What do you have? I doubt you have one single database that disproves what I am saying. Even UAH and RSS agrees with me.
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!

"I wish I was like you, easily amused..."

Believe me, this isn't amusing.
Global warming is a contest now? Nobody debated this thirty years ago, this is your legacy. Thirty years ago, this wasn't on the plate. Back then we went to INS offices to stop illegal aliens or volunteered to help the needy. We might have volunteered to clean up oil spills or clean shore birds. But deny the fact of man made global warming?Absurd.
This board has some wonderfully stupid asses on it. They actually believe Briebart and the National Enquirer articles carry more scientific weight than the articles in the PNAS, Nature, and Geology. Not to mention all the other scientific journals.

Cash Market Moves
June Frost Hits South Dakota Corn; US Northern Plains Drought Intensifies

That's not a typo in the title of this week's column. Over the last weekend of June, some of the already drought-stricken areas in north-central South Dakota saw a damaging frost on their corn. The frost didn't hit the winter or spring wheat, but that could be partially due to the fact that there isn't much winter wheat left in the fields. At least 75% of the winter wheat in the drought-stricken areas of South Dakota has been baled or sprayed out. Some authorities have declared that at least $20 million of crops in South Dakota have already been destroyed by drought or the June 24 frost, with more losses expected. Farmers have also recently started to bale drought-damaged spring wheat.

The June 29 U.S. Drought Monitor showed that 2% of South Dakota is in extreme drought, 29% is rated in severe drought versus 18% the prior week, and the rest of the state is in moderate drought stage to abnormally dry. In North Dakota, 8% of the state is in extreme drought, 32% in severe drought, 27% in moderate drought and 33% is abnormally dry. In Montana, 48% of the state is facing some degree of drought, with 17% rated moderate, 18.4% rated severe and 6.8% rated extreme, with the ratings for these three categories growing over the past week.

Todd LaPlant, elevator manager at EGT, LLC, Glasgow, Montana, told me wheat conditions have not improved in northeast Montana (from Havre to the North Dakota border). "Spring wheat is beginning to turn this week, and anything that is up is heading, whether it's 6 inches tall or a foot tall. There is still probably 15% of the spring wheat crop that has not emerged yet. The very early planted spring wheat -- maybe 10% of the crop -- will make 20-30 bpa; the rest will maybe make 10 bpa if we don't see some rain in early July. The golden triangle is in good shape (west of Havre), but they are primarily winter wheat. Pulse crops are also in very poor shape with most peas blooming 6-8 inches tall."

June Frost Hits South Dakota Corn; US Northern Plains Drought Intensifies

Ditch all the talk of the earth being destroyed, this is what the scientists have been warning about.
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!
Nice to see the Mathew propaganda machine is in full operation..

A failed model being propped up by ANOTHER FAILED MODEL..:cuckoo::dig:

Tell me Mathew where is your empirical observed evidence?

Where's yours? I ask you seriously, wheres yours? There isn't one ounce of data in the entire fucking world that supports your views and that is a goddamn fact.It would be like arguing that BIG FOOT is real but without proof or a line of evidence showing differently.

You have no DATA! What's to debate? You bring nothing to the table as you can only attack science and the temperature data with BULLSHIT. NOT FACTS, and sure as fuck not empirical evidence. What a joke.

Global Climate Report - June 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Global Temperature Report :: The University of Alabama in Huntsville

What do you have? I doubt you have one single database that disproves what I am saying. Even UAH and RSS agrees with me.
Lets show just how stupid you really are..


The rise and fall of the earths temp is well within its historical 12 deg C range over 450 million years.


IF we increase resolution of time and shorten the duration we can see the wide swings, which are far greater and faster than today's warming.

CO2 and Ice Ages.JPG

If we take it further in time resolution to just our current interglacial, it gets far worse for your ilk.

greenland ice cores -.jpg

The graphing I have shown you, shows that our current warming is nothing to fear and not unusual in earths history. CO2 has risen and fallen in respect to the natural warming and cooling laging by 200-800 years.

Now these are empirically observed and documented facts... Not the failed models you base your claims on. Lets see just how well your so called scientists do when they put their models up for real world empirical review..


Not only do your models fail but CO2 is a lagging indicator (which means it is not driving the climate). You've taken the lie, hook, line, and sinker... Your so called "evidence" (modeling) shows they are total failures and unreliable for any purpose.. I will call them simply, Garbage.

I'll put my Masters degree in Atmospheric Physics against your cult beliefs any day of the week..
Last edited:
if you want to see what kind of cooling were going to see in the near future one need only look back at the length of past interglacials' which range from 8,000 to 16,000 years. Our current interglacial is at 14,600 years and we are overdue for a very serious bout of cooling, lasting 90,000 years..

Holecene 2.JPG

A 6 to 8 deg C. drop will make things real interesting...
Where's yours? I ask you seriously, wheres yours? There isn't one ounce of data in the entire fucking world that supports your views and that is a goddamn fact.It would be like arguing that BIG FOOT is real but without proof or a line of evidence showing differently.


What a joke. The observed, measured, quantified data supports the skeptics...it is you warmers who have no data....in fact, I can confidently challenge you to provide even a single shred of observed, measured, quantified data that supports the man made climate change hypothesis over natural variability and be quite sure that you won't be able to provide it...not even one piece of data...and do you know why?...because none exists...you literally don't have a single piece of observed, measured, quantified data to support your position.
2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

August 10th, 2017 by Steve Hanley

2 degrees Celsius has become the catchphrase that people around the world use when talking about climate change and how much average global temperatures will rise by the end of this century. It was the talisman that empowered the Paris climate accords in December 2015. It’s the amount of heating that many climate scientists say the earth can tolerate without global warming going completely off the rails and over a cliff.
climate change
The new projected global average temperature change by 2100 is 3.2 degrees C, with a 90% chance it will fall within 2.0-4.9 degrees C. Source: Adrian Raftery/University of Washington

But a new study by researchers at the University of Washington and funded by the National Institute of Health finds that average temperature rise will most likely be 3.2 degrees Celsius by 2100. They say 2°C is the “best case scenario.” In fact, they say there is a 90% chance that global temperatures will increase between 2° and 4.9° Celsius. That upper number is equivalent to just under 9° Fahrenheit.
“Our analysis shows that the goal of 2 degrees is very much a best-case scenario,” says lead author Adrian Raftery, a UW professor of statistics and sociology. “It is achievable, but only with major, sustained effort on all fronts over the next 80 years. Our analysis is compatible with previous estimates, but it finds that the most optimistic projections are unlikely to happen,” Raftery says. “We’re closer to the margin than we think.”

Statistically, the researchers found there is only a 5% chance that Earth will warm 2 degrees or less by the end of this century. The chance that warming will be at or below 1.5 degrees is less than 1%.

The most recent report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) included future warming rates based on four scenarios for future carbon emissions. The scenarios ranged from “business-as-usual” emissions from growing economies to serious worldwide efforts to transition away from fossil fuels.

“The IPCC was clear that these scenarios were not forecasts,” Raftery said. “The big problem with scenarios is that you don’t know how likely they are, and whether they span the full range of possibilities or are just a few examples. Scientifically, this type of storytelling approach was not fully satisfying.”

Rather than use the IPCC approach, the researchers focused on three factors they believe are more relevant to predicting climate change — total world population, gross domestic product per person, and the amount of carbon emitted for each dollar of economic activity, a factor known as carbon intensity.

2° Celsius Rise In Global Temperature Is Climate Change “Best Case Scenario”

wow is all I will say!
Nice to see the Mathew propaganda machine is in full operation..

A failed model being propped up by ANOTHER FAILED MODEL..:cuckoo::dig:

Tell me Mathew where is your empirical observed evidence?

Where's yours? I ask you seriously, wheres yours? There isn't one ounce of data in the entire fucking world that supports your views and that is a goddamn fact.It would be like arguing that BIG FOOT is real but without proof or a line of evidence showing differently.

You have no DATA! What's to debate? You bring nothing to the table as you can only attack science and the temperature data with BULLSHIT. NOT FACTS, and sure as fuck not empirical evidence. What a joke.

Global Climate Report - June 2017 | State of the Climate | National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)
Global Temperature Report :: The University of Alabama in Huntsville

What do you have? I doubt you have one single database that disproves what I am saying. Even UAH and RSS agrees with me.
Lets show just how stupid you really are..


The rise and fall of the earths temp is well within its historical 12 deg C range over 450 million years.

View attachment 143204

IF we increase resolution of time and shorten the duration we can see the wide swings, which are far greater and faster than today's warming.

View attachment 143206

If we take it further in time resolution to just our current interglacial, it gets far worse for your ilk.

View attachment 143207

The graphing I have shown you, shows that our current warming is nothing to fear and not unusual in earths history. CO2 has risen and fallen in respect to the natural warming and cooling laging by 200-800 years.

Now these are empirically observed and documented facts... Not the failed models you base your claims on. Lets see just how well your so called scientists do when they put their models up for real world empirical review..

View attachment 143209

Not only do your models fail but CO2 is a lagging indicator (which means it is not driving the climate). You've taken the lie, hook, line, and sinker... Your so called "evidence" (modeling) shows they are total failures and unreliable for any purpose.. I will call them simply, Garbage.

I'll put my Masters degree in Atmospheric Physics against your cult beliefs any day of the week..
You just put an end to all the progtard global warming dumbfuckery in this thread.

So back to the pic of all the hotties in bikinis, I'll take the little red head on the far left...

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