2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

At the end of the day, Eric Holder, and his boss, the Preasantpimp of the Union States are responsible for the murder of these two police officers. With there being virtually no distinction between their culpability and that of the Leftist who repeatedly pulled the trigger.

But hey... Such is the nature of evil.
I would love to see the cops in NY walk off the job.

I wonder how long it would take before all those piss ant progressives in the Rotten Apple would be begging them to get back to workk

Hmmm... interesting. They walk off until the mayor resigns.

Them walking off the job is a criminal act.

It's better than getting assassinated.

Until a few get "accidentally" put in Rikers Island general population...................
I would love to see the cops in NY walk off the job.

I wonder how long it would take before all those piss ant progressives in the Rotten Apple would be begging them to get back to workk

Hmmm... interesting. They walk off until the mayor resigns.

Them walking off the job is a criminal act.

It's better than getting assassinated.

Until a few get "accidentally" put in Rikers Island general population...................
If all the cops walk off the job who will be left to arrest them?
I wouldn't be surprised if the Mayor puts up a fight not to resign but then the police commissioner sides with the NYPD or quits and then the cops go on strike and quit, and the city is left defenseless. That police commissioner is the key if he goes they all go.

the union is after him too

the only ones supporting him

are the thugs


December 7, 2014

NYPD cops warned militant group Black Guerilla Family ‘preparing to shoot on-duty police officers’
EXCLUSIVE: An NYPD confidential informant learned of the threat on Friday evening — three days after a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict Officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner. Cop union confirmed the threat late Saturday and were ordering all police officers, on duty and off, to take extra precautions.

A tattooed gang of militants declared open season on the NYPD in the wake of the Eric Garner grand jury decision, according to a threat a police union verified Saturday.

Ten Black Guerrilla Family members are “preparing to shoot on duty police officers,” Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins said.

The gang, formed in the 1960s in the California prison system, recently surfaced on the East Coast and Maryland, where members are at the heart of a drug-trafficking and corruption probe within the Baltimore prison system.

NYPD warned militant group plans to shoot cops - NY Daily News
Two dead niiggers for two dead cops. Eye for an eye.

Why does this board allow the N word?

Just because people are so ignorant and racist that they will use the word here, doesn't mean it has to be accepted by rational human beings.

And, if you're going to use the word, why not have the balls to spell it out? Why hide behind cute spellings the way some vile slime hide behind white pillow cases?

Racists are such cowards - all this big talk here but I'll bet most of your friends and family have no idea just what hypocrites you are.

The board censors the regular spelling,

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

There are consequences for voting for Liberals. One is that they like to make victims of minorities. They preach victimization any chance they can. As long as the minorities think they are victims and they think the Left will save them then they will be a core voting block of the Left. It is scam.

When the protestors in NY were marching in the streets chanting "kill the cops" they were responding to Obama, Holder, Sharpton and deBlazio that had told them that police are racist in America.

The blood of the policemen are on the hands of the race baiters in this country and Obama, deBlazio, Holder and that nitwit Sharpton are at the top of that list.

If you are liberal then you probably would have voted for Obama, that appointed Holder as his AG and Sharpton as his "race relation advisor" and if you lived in New York would have probably voted for deBlazio as Mayor.

You would have a degree of responsibility.

I said I lean left on social issues, but I did not vote for Obama this term.

Even if I had I don't agree that it holds me responsible.

I did not blame voters of Bush for decisions Bush made.

There are no current representatives in office that I believe truly represent me, and I also do not reside in New York.

I don't think anyone should kill a cop just because of some perceived injustice, I just don't believe in that kind of thinking.
Barack Obama. That's why he spoke out and condemned it.

Let's see if he attends the cops' funerals. Talk is cheap.

Oh he'll be there. I'll be shocked if he's not. Pleasantly shocked, but shocked nonetheless.

If he fails to be present at that funeral, he telegraphs his culpability. By being at the funeral, he cloaks his culpability. He's a relativist, thus a liar, therefore he will do what a liar must... .

PS> I lean liberal on social issues and I don't agree with this act at all. It makes me feel really bad.

There are consequences for voting for Liberals. One is that they like to make victims of minorities. They preach victimization any chance they can. As long as the minorities think they are victims and they think the Left will save them then they will be a core voting block of the Left. It is scam.

When the protestors in NY were marching in the streets chanting "kill the cops" they were responding to Obama, Holder, Sharpton and deBlazio that had told them that police are racist in America.

The blood of the policemen are on the hands of the race baiters in this country and Obama, deBlazio, Holder and that nitwit Sharpton are at the top of that list.

If you are liberal then you probably would have voted for Obama, that appointed Holder as his AG and Sharpton as his "race relation advisor" and if you lived in New York would have probably voted for deBlazio as Mayor.

You would have a degree of responsibility.

I said I lean left on social issues, but I did not vote for Obama this term.

Even if I had I don't agree that it holds me responsible.

I did not blame voters of Bush for decisions Bush made.

There are no current representatives in office that I believe truly represent me, and I also do not reside in New York.

I don't think anyone should kill a cop just because of some perceived injustice, I just don't believe in that kind of thinking.

If you're not part of the race-pimp industry, and I don't believe you are, then don't feel accused of it. This isn't your fault.
Barack Obama. That's why he spoke out and condemned it.

Let's see if he attends the cops' funerals. Talk is cheap.

Oh he'll be there. I'll be shocked if he's not. Pleasantly shocked, but shocked nonetheless.

If he fails to be present at that funeral, he telegraphs his culpability. By being at the funeral, he cloaks his culpability. He's a relativist, thus a liar, therefore he will do what a liar must... .
Like an arsonist returning to his crime to admire his work.
Indeed, those "die-in" things are very much psychotic.

Perhaps no participant in such a thing should ever be licenses to handle anything dangerous. No gun. No motor vehicle. Not even a kitchen knife.

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