2 neo-Nazi Group Members Sentenced To 9 Years In Prison


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
Two more crazy and violent far right wingers are off the streets and no longer able to harm people. At least for the next 9 or so years.

Their excuses were lame. I fell in with the wrong crowd. Well an adult should be able to recognize a "wrong crowd" and avoid them. Not join them and plan acts of violence in our nation.

One of them was here illegally. He just wants to go back home to Canada but he fled Canada because he was outed as the potentially violent criminal he is. He's not going back to Canada for several years.

Two more crazy and violent far right wingers are off the streets and no longer able to harm people. At least for the next 9 or so years.

Their excuses were lame. I fell in with the wrong crowd. Well an adult should be able to recognize a "wrong crowd" and avoid them. Not join them and plan acts of violence in our nation.

One of them was here illegally. He just wants to go back home to Canada but he fled Canada because he was outed as the potentially violent criminal he is. He's not going back to Canada for several years.

they will be out in 2 years for good behavior.....now if they were busted for a quantity of pot,they would have gotten 30 to life.....
Two more crazy and violent far right wingers are off the streets and no longer able to harm people. At least for the next 9 or so years.

Their excuses were lame. I fell in with the wrong crowd. Well an adult should be able to recognize a "wrong crowd" and avoid them. Not join them and plan acts of violence in our nation.

One of them was here illegally. He just wants to go back home to Canada but he fled Canada because he was outed as the potentially violent criminal he is. He's not going back to Canada for several years.

What exactly did they DO?
Wonder why no black racists and La Raza thugs never get arrested for their murder plots. Must be because they're considered too stupid and since they end up shooting each other or black kids in schoolyards and strollers black pols and the MSM don't see any bling or 'Teachable Moments' to be had in those, I guess.
Wonder why no black racists and La Raza thugs never get arrested for their murder plots. Must be because they're considered too stupid and since they end up shooting each other or black kids in schoolyards and strollers black pols and the MSM don't see any bling or 'Teachable Moments' to be had in those, I guess.

THe only possible explanation is that young male Sun People are so full of Love, that they never sit around talking shit about the people they hate.
No evidence of Nazi involvement. No evidence of weapons or overt threats or action. The case is based on surveillance of (drunken?) private conversations. They are kicking murderers and felons out of prison on the left coast and these guys get 9 years because a judge labeled them "neo-nazis". WTF?
What exactly did they DO?

They 'plotted' n stuff.
No evidence of Nazi involvement. No evidence of weapons or overt threats or action. The case is based on surveillance of (drunken?) private conversations. They are kicking murderers and felons out of prison on the left coast and these guys get 9 years because a judge labeled them "neo-nazis". WTF?

Nearly all of those 'white supremacist' groups are kept alive by FBI informants subsidizing their 'leaders' in the first place. It beats having to infiltrate or arrest genuine gangsters, and its an easy media circus for them to create the fiction they're Doing Something to justify their existence. Their main job the last few years was to conduct pogroms against the Democratic Party's enemies, i.e. being a another Cheka working for The Party and fabricating false evidence, covering up crimes committed by Democrats, etc. They need to be dismantled and replaced from the ground up by real cops who really want to serve the public interests and go after real criminals and organized crime, instead of chasing a few fat white guys with bad haircuts and dumb tattoos around Idaho who spend their days drinking beer and writing stupid screeds about Da Joooos all day.

It's hilarious how most of the violent attacks against Jews and Asians and black people are committed by black thugs and hood rats, but the media runs around sniveling about a 'movement' that only exists because the FBI pays it to stay in business and run a couple of websites almost nobody ever visits.
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No evidence of Nazi involvement. No evidence of weapons or overt threats or action. The case is based on surveillance of (drunken?) private conversations. They are kicking murderers and felons out of prison on the left coast and these guys get 9 years because a judge labeled them "neo-nazis". WTF?
they are members of "the base" neo-nazi group.
And they were intending to bring down US government and kill people.
Two more crazy and violent far right wingers are off the streets and no longer able to harm people. At least for the next 9 or so years.

Their excuses were lame. I fell in with the wrong crowd. Well an adult should be able to recognize a "wrong crowd" and avoid them. Not join them and plan acts of violence in our nation.

One of them was here illegally. He just wants to go back home to Canada but he fled Canada because he was outed as the potentially violent criminal he is. He's not going back to Canada for several years.

Good. Let's lock up the communists, too.
Read the article. It will answer your question.

Sounds like they talked in general terms about what they would like to do. And that is what they are doing time for.

I was hoping some lefty could explain to me, why I was wrong about that.
They 'plotted' n stuff.

Nearly all of those 'white supremacist' groups are kept alive by FBI informants subsidizing their 'leaders' in the first place. It beats having to infiltrate or arrest genuine gangsters, and its an easy media circus for them to create the fiction they're Doing Something to justify their existence. Their main job the last few years was to conduct pogroms against the Democratic Party's enemies, i.e. being a another Cheka working for The Party and fabricating false evidence, covering up crimes committed by Democrats, etc. They need to be dismantled and replaced from the ground up by real cops who really want to serve the public interests and go after real criminals and organized crime, instead of chasing a few fat white guys with bad haircuts and dumb tattoos around Idaho who spend their days drinking beer and writing stupid screeds about Da Joooos all day.

It's hilarious how most of the violent attacks against Jews and Asians and black people are committed by black thugs and hood rats, but the media runs around sniveling about a 'movement' that only exists because the FBI pays it to stay in business and run a couple of websites almost nobody ever visits.

I think more and more they are using the white prison gangs as a whipping boy too. Pretending that white criminals that get out of prison and return to crime are "w.s." because they were in a white prison gang.
Two more crazy and violent far right wingers are off the streets and no longer able to harm people. At least for the next 9 or so years.

Their excuses were lame. I fell in with the wrong crowd. Well an adult should be able to recognize a "wrong crowd" and avoid them. Not join them and plan acts of violence in our nation.

One of them was here illegally. He just wants to go back home to Canada but he fled Canada because he was outed as the potentially violent criminal he is. He's not going back to Canada for several years.

So that's 50% of the nation's neo-Nazis down.

When can we expect the other two?
I think more and more they are using the white prison gangs as a whipping boy too. Pretending that white criminals that get out of prison and return to crime are "w.s." because they were in a white prison gang.

Yes, the media needs to hype up maybe 500 'Aryan Nation' types as if they do more damage and are far more dangerous than several hundred thousand gangbangers like Crips n Bloods or several hundred thousand MS-13's and drug cartel wetbacks running amuck, cuz 'Racism N Stuff'. Don't even bring up the dozens of other ethnic-based gangs like the Jamaicans, Cubans, Columbians, Haitians, Chinese, Vietnamese, etc., etc., who also dwarf them.
I wonder how much the FBI informant made off the deal? At least the Feds didn't burn the place down like they did in Waco.

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