2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

If it is true, it is time to bring NATO air power into play
U.S. official says Russian missiles hit Poland, killing two -Associated Press Now Joe Biden, the most incompetent President since Obama, has kept Ukraine funded with our money, thus enriching Ukraine's president, who has been sending kick backs to Hunter and 10% to the big guy. Now with Russian bombing a NATO country that is declaring war with that entity. But will spineless Joe tell Vlad the shirtless one, that he better not do it again, or else.

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Threatening war and going to war . . . two different very wild animals. One is easy to tame and stoke in the media, the other—actually putting your money where your mouth is—is something else entirely (feral). We WILL NOT go to war with Russia simply because all parties involved love to make money on trade and worship their hedonistic paradisical "ideal" stations of wealth and neo-nobility. War between the US and Russia would upset those particular apple carts (for good). But to be sure the US, NATO and Russia will continue to saber rattle and continue to beat the ever living fuck out of their newest favorite piñata, that in-between place we call the Ukraine. Unfortunately for the Ukrainian people their national brand isn't cool enough to be bullet (I mean "war") proof. The Ukraine is but the latest live action proving ground and test fire range for the world's most powerful military forces. It's all about breaking lots of eggs in order to fine tune the world's latest high tech killing machines. Yippy Kay Yay!
Likely not a coincidence that the Russian Kinzhal was aimed at Lviv earlier in the year, a nest of CIA agents. As their puppet now goes to talk with the Chinese communists, the timing looks like a US-sponsored provocation. At any rate, there are other channels to view:
Anyone who thinks Ukrainian forces are going to defeat the Russian army and win the war is living in fantasy land. ... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
The Russian Army maybe defeating Putin. There is no doubt that the Russian People are fed up watching their sons killed in a war that was not needed.
Daniel Fried former U.S. Ambassador to Poland is live on Skynews now......he believes it was a Ukrainian S-300 SAM missile that hit Poland by mistake.

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