2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

"The official spoke on condition of anonymity"

So... Reuters, a known totally discredited fake news outlet, cites an anonymous source again... Hmm... why would anyone be skeptical of their report? :eusa_think:

Day After Ukraine Finally Announces a Willingness to Seek Peace Talks – Russia Bombs NATO Member Poland with Missiles​

Sometimes some people have an amazing grasp of the obvious. Putin has always taken advantage of weak presidents.

You are wasting your time. They don't have a clue how things work in the real world. Bully's like Putin take advantage of wimps. Look for China to make a move soon on Taiwan. Democrats still won't get it.
At the very least, "we" must demand an explanation and an apology from Putin.

I think I'll hold my breath until Joe makes this demand.
Ignoramus there is nothing Ukranian about S-300, it's soviet equipment used by both countries.

Russia in particular has been using this surface-to-air design system for surface attacks because they have a shortage of precision missiles and they really don't give a shit what they hit in Ukraine half the time.
You have no idea what you're talking about as your continued predilection for irrelevancy demonstrates pertaining to anything military.
U.S. official says Russian missiles hit Poland, killing two -Associated Press Now Joe Biden, the most incompetent President since Obama, has kept Ukraine funded with our money, thus enriching Ukraine's president, who has been sending kick backs to Hunter and 10% to the big guy. Now with Russian bombing a NATO country that is declaring war with that entity. But will spineless Joe tell Vlad the shirtless one, that he better not do it again, or else.

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Poopeypants can only draw a red line if mommy gives him a red crayon.
Nobody seemed concerned when Clinton's bombers apparently relied on some old road maps and bombed the Chinee embassy in Yugoslavia killing at least 3. It depends on who is doing the killing. We won't even talk about the number of innocent civilians and police officers killed to force the surrender of one man.

Interesting. Who is Cristo Grozev?
That Lt. Igor Groza, certainly looks like a low level dumbass (pardon me for judging by the dumbass look on his face) capable of doing something stupid.
There will be a response from NATO but I doubt there will be a real military response, as long as the missile did not hit a military base.

I expect NATO will use the event to solidify support. NATO may up the stakes by providing Ukraine with more anti-missile defenses. This incident is bad for Russia. There are a number of countries sitting on the sidelines not taking either side but some like China and Iran are supporting Russia. I think this event is going drive home the reality that this regional war could turn into something far greater that no one wants.
China is supporting Russia? Prove it.

Iran is supporting Russia and that is only because the Women in Iran are revolting - in the use of two definitions.

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