2 Russian stray missiles have just hit a farm in Przewodów on the Polish side of the Polish-Ukrainian border, killing 2 Poles. Nato Article 5?

This has the potential to be bad. Especially if Russia says the Poland attack wasn’t an accident


Innocent little farm? Or staging area..?
Possibly, but doesn't matter. It is well known, NATO countries are supplying material. It makes no difference, unless Russia is willing to attack NATO countries to stop it. They had best not.
Another consideration is the possibility the two were launched same time from same place, basically flying parallel and were damaged same time by Ukraine anti-rocket air defense, landing close together but I regard this as an outside possibility, not a probability.
Going by how shitty Russian equipment is showing to be, 2 missing isn't impossible.

It all depends on the type of missile, which we don't know yet.

First Uke telegram channels and now Russians too say it was indeed an S-300 (Ukrainian), specifically from Air defense regiment #540 in Lvov area, Ukraine.
It was most likely an accident, it did not hit any hard target and with the incompetence of the Russian military and the number missiles constantly being launched, it's not a stretch at all this would happen eventually.
Best I could guestimate for national innocence sake, is some dumbass young Russian missile battery guy, off the reservation, so to speak.
None of us are in a position to say. That the U.S. Government says something happened, and that the media mindlessly repeats it, doesn’t make it so. Remember weapons of mass destruction in Iraq or the Gulf of Tonkin incident. Assuming it is true, however, it seems like an obvious mistake on the part of the Russians, rather than a deliberate attack on a NATO country. I would say it’s WWI level stupid to escalate based on that.

But we should certainly wait for more, or any, evidence before accepting or positing any narratives this early.
You're right, but my response was to the leftist shit stain I quoted who always knows so much that isnt so.
NATO isn't going to war with the Russkies over a missile or two that went astray. Especially when nobody was hurt.

Just another example of Russian incompetency.

However, the sonofabitches better be more careful or else they will get themselves into deep dodo.

Correction - two people were killed.
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