2 white kids murder teacher


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ
And you buffoons think all whites are good lol
This board has many dolts

See , I present any crime from any race
Here 2 psychotic white kids killed their teacher

Should have executions instead of tens of millions for jail
SO, we have blacks murdering whites time after time----YET no mention of RACE from MSM......but, as USUAL, the MSM mentions race of victim and killers, and mentions HATE crime in this incident
.....more white hate

See , I present any crime from any race
Here 2 psychotic white kids killed their teacher

Should have executions instead of tens of millions for jail
That's what happens when you take the law into your own hands like Rittenhouse did and the trio who killed Arbery.
And you buffoons think all whites are good lol
This board has many dolts

We have enough race baiters, no one ever said no whites ever comitt crimes we've only said blacks comitt more crimes than whites which is true including murder.

but I get it, you just want to post something to get a cheap sense of self satisfaction at pissing someone off. You should be a reporter for CNN.
That's what happens when you take the law into your own hands like Rittenhouse did and the trio who killed Arbery.

The only common thread here is that these Leopold & Loeb wannabes are also honkies, there is nothing similar with what they allegedly done with the others.

Thanks for your post, it shows the real hatred that Libs have for the Honky People, and your entire concept of "Group Guilt".
According to the write up, the teacher had two kids and they have already forgiven the boys that are responsible. I commend her kids on having the right frame of mind, but I wouldn't be so quick to believe that there is any chance the two boys possess any regret over what they did, especially when they were cocky enough to admit to what they did on social media. What made them think that they wouldn't be arrested?

God bless you and her family always!!!


P.S. At the end of the day, how many people like them actually do reform later on at some point?
SO, we have blacks murdering whites time after time----YET no mention of RACE from MSM......but, as USUAL, the MSM mentions race of victim and killers, and mentions HATE crime in this incident
.....more white hate

The MSM did not mention the race of the victim or the killers, just the OP did. Did you even bother to open the link in the OP?
These two are SCUM that deserve the death penalty- IF they are convicted at trial.

That's , of course, the big "if".

But I certainly agree, if the perps who slaughtered this Spanish teacher were students, they should be subject to the traditional Hispanic Death Penalty, the La Garotte. At least it would help the other students in the class learn another Spanish word.
The MSM did not mention the race of the victim or the killers, just the OP did. Did you even bother to open the link in the OP?
MAJOR fk up by you--every time a WHITE cop kills a black man, they mention race, when race has NOTHING to do with it

here--etc MANY links
''''racially motivated''''
MAJOR fk up by you--every time a WHITE cop kills a black man, they mention race, when race has NOTHING to do with it

here--etc MANY links
''''racially motivated''''

Yep, nothing in there about the races of the killers.
Yep, nothing in there about the races of the killers.
1. you do not need to be on an adult forum if you can't understand English ....go back and read post # 3 again
2. stop the stupidshit---it's never racial or a hate crime when a POC kills a white...but when whites kill POC, they always bring up RACE -

See , I present any crime from any race
Here 2 psychotic white kids killed their teacher

Should have executions instead of tens of millions for jail

It's news because they are white; if they were black it would be buried where no one would see it but the locals.

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