2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

Divers found the child's body hidden someplace. At least the parents have closure.
It was completely intact. A blessing that they won't have to go through life thinking he had been eaten.
Oh wow, great tshirt. I went to Disney and wasn't dismembered, only killed. Mickey could be on it with a shit eating grin.
Cut the bullshit. The little kid Is dead. At least his parents don't have to go through life thinking he was eaten. Asshole.
I am sorry he's dead but glad they found him.
Now its time to gather up all these gators, kill em off....all because Disney decided to create an unsafe venue for its guest. I hope they get sued. 99% of visitors come to that rat nest with kids and having a venue that dangerous.......is just insane.
Disney claims they try to keep the place gator free but they set up a seeming safe beach and the beware of alligator signs would spoil the fantasy they are spinning. That is reprehensible.
Yes yes, I know. We must shut Disney down now, they are evil people.
They just need to be honest when it comes to the safety of their patrons instead of pretending their fantasy beach doesn't include alligators.

I know and all Florida beaches must post that there are sharks in the water too. Right? It's the honest thing to do right?

Depends if the shark population is out of the norm.
I'll bet the lawyers are licking their lips over this one.

"Mmmm, Disney, deep pockets . . ."
ABC News video confirms my previous post, the sign only says no swimming. I wonder how many people are aware of alligators that can come to shore in this phony little paradise they pay so much to visit? Disney's liability insurance just went through the roof. And ticket prices will go next
Thank you most heavenly father for giving this child back to his family in tact....nothing short of God's grace could have done that......Praise the almighty and praise his most wonderful gift to this family...I am in awe of his greatness.
ABC News video confirms my previous post, the sign only says no swimming. I wonder how many people are aware of alligators that can come to shore in this phony little paradise they pay so much to visit? Disney's liability insurance just went through the roof. And ticket prices will go next
Who in thier right mind would have venue such as this with live gators lurking around? I hope they sue the shit out of this over priced hell hole.
Or you could just kill the fucking gators. They're pests, like rats. It's stupid to think that we have to give way to them. They'll take over the earth if you let them.
ABC News video confirms my previous post, the sign only says no swimming. I wonder how many people are aware of alligators that can come to shore in this phony little paradise they pay so much to visit? Disney's liability insurance just went through the roof. And ticket prices will go next
Who in thier right mind would have venue such as this with live gators lurking around? I hope they sue the shit out of this over priced hell hole.
Typical entitlement mentality. There's a horrific accident, and your first thought is to get somebody some MONEY!
Divers found the child's body hidden someplace. At least the parents have closure.
It was completely intact. A blessing that they won't have to go through life thinking he had been eaten.
Oh wow, great tshirt. I went to Disney and wasn't dismembered, only killed. Mickey could be on it with a shit eating grin.
Cut the bullshit. The little kid Is dead. At least his parents don't have to go through life thinking he was eaten. Asshole.
Yeah, only drowned because Disney apparently doesn't want you to know fantasies don't include alligators.
Who the hell lets their tiny children dangle feet in lagoons in Florida?

It's like ringing the dinner bell. Gators aren't the only nasty creatures there, either.

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