2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

The place has been open since 1971. Any other gator attacks in 45 years? The parents just made a stupid mistake. It's tragic, and sad, but Disney wasn't at fault, period. Somebody chose to ignore a 'No Swimming' sign.
An older child was attacked a few years back, and survived.

At this same lagoon?

In any case, that record doesn't indicate Disney was being negligent, or there would have been a lot of these cases over that long a time period. There is no pattern of that.
I think it's time to enjoy a little 'Gator'.

I thought there were laws or rule against soliciting business; clients have to contact lawyers, not the other way. Only when they are agreed to be their representation can they communicate back and forth. Lawyers aren't supposed to solicit other people's clients either. NoTeaPartyPleez

IMO I think Disney has some responsibility in this. They can't expect everyone visiting their resorts to understand the Florida wildlife. When you're visiting Mickey Mouse the last thing on your mind is gators. You're so excited at being in Disney that you're not watching the water. I know the signs say no swimming. But standing in ankle deep water technically isn't swimming. The signs need to be clear to say away from the water. But even better, Disney resorts need to stop making beach areas for tourists to walk and lay on. It's entirely misleading.

You can bet that the magical kingdom is full of magical lawyers right now, Disney's lawyers. This is going to be one hell of a law suit. I think it is also safe to say that there are plaintiff trial attorneys doing everything they can to get a hold of that family right now, too

I lived on a lake in central Florida for several years. We had an alligator that ate the ducks and got a hold of a few cats and dogs. So of course we did no swimming nor wading. One resident became concerned and called the game warden. He came out and said if there had been no attacks on humans yet and we had no consistent sightings of the alligator, that he was going to just let it go as is. He said that if he removed our alligator it would only be a matter of time before another one would come in and claim the space. And that the new one could be very aggressive towards humans compared to our current beast.

But this man-made lake is built for the tourists at Disney, you would think they would not allow alligators to inhabit it!
The amount of insensitivity from people on the internet is stunning. I was reading an article on this last night the comments were horrifying. I wonder if it's just a small subset of idiots that do this or is this really our society?
It really is our society. Rejecting a basic moral foundation, by rejecting religion as a whole, leads to self-centered, narcissistic, irreverent behaviors as the rule. We can either wise up now and change that trend. Or we can go with the push from the New Church of Atheists (dogmatically adhering to complete rejection of morality, evangelizing that to the masses and punishing heretics within & "infidels" (those with a moral mooring) outside their ranks).

This gator attack was predictable and terrible. Just like the night club. The bait was too irresistible for the practiced predator. And if you go near the swamp's edge in the South, splashing around with your 2 year old in the shallows near the bank, you are tempting a terrible fate. Word to the wise. And, my sympathies to the parents of that child. My God.

False equivalency. You're comparing a killer with a gun to an alligator, an animal in the wild? Oh wait I guess you really don't understand the concept of the human mind and will as opposed to instinct

This man-made lake is built inside a man-made park. This family was not wandering around in a swamp in the Everglades. Disney is facing a lawsuit of unimaginable proportions since they allow wild carnivorous animals to mingle with their guests.

I agree Disney is facing a lawsuit. But if you've ever stayed on Disney property (I do several times a year) the "man-made lake" you're referring to is obviously set in nature with easy access by any animal in the area. Disney property is not fenced off but rather sits in the middle of the wilderness. I don't blame the family as not everyone understands Florida wildlife, and like I said Disney bears some of the responsibility for not posting better signs and for making the lake so accessible. But there is absolutely no way for Disney to keep these creatures off their property short of full out hunting and extinction. It's just a horrible situation all around. I stood on that very beach not to long ago with my toddler.

What Disney will do is close those beaches to their guests because no one can read or follow directions. If I saw a sign that said no swimming I would not allow my toddler in the water.
Swimming and wading are not the same thing. They've made artificial beaches and put beach chairs on the edge of a lake that has alligators. That is damn retarded.

Dear Ravi I gave you Winner on this, since we agree so rarely I figured it was my one chance to say thanks.

People do not know that alligators can come up and snatch pets and small children, even if you are walking past water and not in it.

There should not be any way for people or kids to be near water that has or could have alligators in there. If pools require fences, this should have something more and/or be walled off where it is enclosed.

Still if the water is dark, anyone could release a snake or alligator in there like dumping a pet, and still endanger other people.

Thanks Ravi and anyone else who pointed this out.
Signs are not enough, not where there is high traffic of tourists and children.
It really is our society. Rejecting a basic moral foundation, by rejecting religion as a whole, leads to self-centered, narcissistic, irreverent behaviors as the rule. We can either wise up now and change that trend. Or we can go with the push from the New Church of Atheists (dogmatically adhering to complete rejection of morality, evangelizing that to the masses and punishing heretics within & "infidels" (those with a moral mooring) outside their ranks).

This gator attack was predictable and terrible. Just like the night club. The bait was too irresistible for the practiced predator. And if you go near the swamp's edge in the South, splashing around with your 2 year old in the shallows near the bank, you are tempting a terrible fate. Word to the wise. And, my sympathies to the parents of that child. My God.

False equivalency. You're comparing a killer with a gun to an alligator, an animal in the wild? Oh wait I guess you really don't understand the concept of the human mind and will as opposed to instinct

This man-made lake is built inside a man-made park. This family was not wandering around in a swamp in the Everglades. Disney is facing a lawsuit of unimaginable proportions since they allow wild carnivorous animals to mingle with their guests.

I agree Disney is facing a lawsuit. But if you've ever stayed on Disney property (I do several times a year) the "man-made lake" you're referring to is obviously set in nature with easy access by any animal in the area. Disney property is not fenced off but rather sits in the middle of the wilderness. I don't blame the family as not everyone understands Florida wildlife, and like I said Disney bears some of the responsibility for not posting better signs and for making the lake so accessible. But there is absolutely no way for Disney to keep these creatures off their property short of full out hunting and extinction. It's just a horrible situation all around. I stood on that very beach not to long ago with my toddler.

What Disney will do is close those beaches to their guests because no one can read or follow directions. If I saw a sign that said no swimming I would not allow my toddler in the water.
Swimming and wading are not the same thing. They've made artificial beaches and put beach chairs on the edge of a lake that has alligators. That is damn retarded.

Dear Ravi I gave you Winner on this, since we agree so rarely I figured it was my one chance to say thanks.

People do not know that alligators can come up and snatch pets and small children, even if you are walking past water and not in it.

There should not be any way for people or kids to be near water that has or could have alligators in there. If pools require fences, this should have something more and/or be walled off where it is enclosed.

Still if the water is dark, anyone could release a snake or alligator in there like dumping a pet, and still endanger other people.

Thanks Ravi and anyone else who pointed this out.
Signs are not enough, not where there is high traffic of tourists and children.

I gave you winner and you would know that if US Message Board put the username next to the rating.
Should Disney be required to post signs that there may be snakes coyotes, and spiders on it's property?

WillowTree There should be a general warning of wild animals and to enter at your own risk. And not to feed or make contact, similar to a zoo. A special warning to people and parents not to walk pets or small children near water if alligators are a risk.
Before going into the jungle everyone should be taught what animals live there, disposition and deadly or not.
First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
According to this write up here, there were "No Swimming" signs where the boy was and yet he was in the water any way. If them signs were really there, that is all that I need to know.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What do you think is going to happen should you ignore whatever warning has been out there for you to see??? What???

Dear JOSweetHeart Lewdog and others:
Alligators can snatch small pets and children without being in the water. Just close enough to the water.

There is a college campus in the Houston area that has a lake, and this has happened with pets.

There should be adequate warnings and also verbal explanation and signing written instructions when paying for accommodations at resorts with such risks of alligators or other wildlife (someone mentioned snakes).
This ranks right up there with the dumb bitch who spilled hot coffee on her and then sued McDonalds for selling her hot coffee.

People we have to start letting Darwin do his thing.

Whoa Fair&Balanced that's two things you posted that I think go too far
1. First even if there were "no swimming signs," alligators can snatch up pets and small children even if you are just walking next to the water. This is truly dangerous and should have been walled or fenced off.
2. Second with the hot coffee case, the reason the person won was that the coffee was way above the normal temperature of coffee. It melted the fabric and burned it to the skin. It turned out the coffee was 'near scalding' so that is why the customer should have been warned:
The Actual Facts about the Mcdonalds' Coffee Case
I am not excusing anyone. I am explaining the reality of Fla. I could walk out tonight and find one of the critters has invaded my pool or eaten my dog. I have not a doubt in my mind that Disney will be sued for not warning people that Fla. lagoons may contain alligators. Just like MacDonalds paid millions for not warning

people their coffee was hot.

Because alligators and coffee are so similar.

Dear QuickHitCurepon and WillowTree please see my previous post and link that explains why the lawyers won the McDonald's case:
The Actual Facts about the Mcdonalds' Coffee Case
the coffee was not just hot but scalding where it melted fabric to skin.

This isn't deadly like an alligator snatching a kid, so if the coffee case won millions, of course, losing a child ought to mean substantial damages and corrections.
Stupid old Obama hasn't even called Gov. Scott. President Bush has though. There's class and then there's no class. You fall in the latter category.
When a white racist republican iS governor, who has hated your black ass on day one, who is against everything you say and do and who in essense could give a fuck about you.....you do what most would do, FUCK THE GOV. AND WILL VISIT SOON TO MEET WITH VICTIMS FAMILIES...that's what the president plans to do.
The redneck gov. of Ky...completely dismissed Ali's funeral and death...CAUSE THAT'S WHAT MF'S DO....NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!
Tough shit on you angry black hater. You cannot make me shut the fuck up.
Don't shut up then, but stop hating on Obama...the man has had enough of you white people and so have the country, like get a fuckin life

Dear tigerred59 Not sure why the venting, but with Obama's half black and half white heritage, he also went through self-hatred and really struggled deeply with destructive emotions that come with the resentment. Nobody can understand your pain but you and God, and maybe others who experience similar.

If it helps, just know the resentment is MUTUAL for being blamed for other people's issues. I have a theory that since not only were black people enslaved for generations, including forced to rape the women to produce more slaves, but also IRISH white slaves were raped by black slaves to produce "darker skinned" slaves worth more because you could tell them apart, this also causes phobic "racism" and resentment between BOTH black and white against each other. That garbage carried in the conscience, from one generation to the next, until it is released. Either from forgiveness and healing, or venting and working it out of the system over time (some estimate 4-5 generations before the cycle breaks). I hope this forum helps you vent and work out whatever pain insult or anger you feel towards racial oppression. Just know the anger and insult is mutual, the people on the other side of the equation have their own issues and take insult at being blamed for things they didn't do or want either!

Take care and keep posting. But telling other people to quit hating, while venting yourself, usually doesn't work too well but goes back and forth frustrating both sides. You might feel better focusing on positive solutions and people who inspire you upward not drag you down in the same dirt. Hope you find more positive than negative here, and don't give up till you do. Yours truly, Emily
Should Disney be required to post signs that there may be snakes coyotes, and spiders on it's property?

WillowTree There should be a general warning of wild animals and to enter at your own risk. And not to feed or make contact, similar to a zoo. A special warning to people and parents not to walk pets or small children near water if alligators are a risk.
. Exactly... I mean these people were from Nebraska... There are no Gators in Nebraska, so these people had no prior experience with such an animal as that. They were completely in Disney's care while they were there, and Disney blew it. Can you imagine what these people are going through now ? Horrible situation it is. When people travel to areas like this, the assumption by the host should be that these people have got to be prepared for our area, and so they should be going through an orientation that educates them on the dangers and risk involved while here. Then the family can enjoy a happy safe vacation free from predators that might sneak up and pounce.
They had a "no swimming sign" but who in the world lets toddlers wade an an alligator infested lake at sunset? Apparently three gators matching the description were killed so far but no sign of the child. The wildlife people say that gators and crocs don't eat their prey right away but let the bodies marinate for a while. There is enough negligence to go around but typically the local Police are careful not to point the finger at Disney because Disney pays the bills.
This time, Disney is going to have to pay the bill of millions of dollars to the toddlers' family. I can't imagine any judge letting them off the hook on this . It's a clear-cut case of gross negligence.
They were having "Outdoor Movie Night" on that beach.

That's about as irresponsible as it gets. Alligators feed at night mostly, and are more active then. Especially in June. And they DID have an attack there before - 30 years ago. Now they've had 2 in the last 30 years.It's not many, but with the stakes this high, they should have been prepared, not having an Outdoor Movie Night.

I could just imagine what their boardroom discussions must have sounded like. Everything geared to bringing in more customers, making them more comfortable and happy, and making more money.....not a word about public safety.
They WERE warned. I've been to that exact spot several times, There are literally signs everywhere " Beware of alligators" "do not get in the water"
Bullshit. The news reports showed their signs . All they said was No Swimming. Not a word about alligators, wading, or danger.
The reports on fox say the kid and dad were in two feet of water. Do you know how deep that is on a two year old?

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