2 year old taken by alligator at Disney

Not sure, but in a resort like that, and especially the lake being man made, I have to think that one would also think that the policy would have been no gators in the lake or pond were so many families and their children are visiting. It didn't have to have Gators in the pond or lake, so why were they there ?

It's Florida ... and they are a protected species. In fact, some 'Lizard Rights' vermin will probably sue over the gators they killed searching for the body. I'm not joking.

'No Swimming' means don't go in the water. A list of reasons why wouldn't fit on a sign, and most wouldn't read it anyway, just as happened in this tragedy.
NO. "No Swimming does NOT mean don't go in the water. It only means don't swim. They need signs that also say to look out for alligators and no wading. This would be counter to business though.

Disney is clearly to blame for this, and should be sued for millions$$$$.

1. The shores of this lake look like a beach, that invites people to sit on the sand and wade in the water. It ought to have a grassy natural look, with an alligator fence around it, to keep people and dogs away from the water.

2. There should be alligator warning signs (which I see commonly see even beside small retention ponds) Instead, the only signs posted were > NO SWIMMING. That's not good enough.

This is how signs should be >>> Only with the small print bigger.


or this >>>

There are no swimming signs. You are in Florida where we have tons of gators...what were you thinking? Crappy parenting. It might sound mean and not PC to say, but this is 100% on the parents, and I feel no sympathy for them since they got their two-year child killed.

In fairness, they are from Nebraska. They may be aware Florida has gators but might reasonably not expect gators at their resort. Most people are not aware how shallow sharks and gators patrol undetected. He may have thought 'no swimming' because of current or lack of lifeguard. Who, not from Fla or La, thinks ankle deep waters hide prehistoric monsters?
  1. They need signs that also say to look out for alligators and no wading. This would be counter to business though.

    Disney is clearly to blame for this, and should be sued for MILLION$$$$.

    1. The shores of this lake look like a beach, that invites people to sit on the sand and wade in the water. It ought to have a grassy natural look, with an alligator fence around it, to keep people and dogs away from the water.

    2. There should be alligator warning signs (which I see commonly see even beside small retention ponds) Instead, the only signs posted were > NO SWIMMING. That's not good enough.

    This is how signs should be >>> Only with the small print bigger.


    or this >>>


Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
OK so I reached my final verdict on this. I've been saying Disney is responsible. While I still think it's true, I think they were merely negligent which was one of the contributing factors. So I believe they are partially liable. They cannot expect everyone that comes to the Magic Kingdom and surrounding hotels to understand the wildlife. There are a million and 1 distractions in and around the area (fireworks, light shows, boats, monorails, characters, pools, games, food, etc). At the very least their signs need to say more than "No Swimming". IMO, it's also a bad idea to create beaches next to a lagoon where predators roam. My guess is Disney will settle before this goes to court and the signs will be updated.
They need more than just improve the signs. They need to get rid of all that sand, make it a grassy, natural area, and fence it in.

Although it is a man-made lake, there are canals that feed into it, where alligators can easily migrate into the lake. Also alligators are known to walk across land to bodies of water. Sometimes they even show up in our swimming pools, here in central Florida. Rule of thumb - all bodies of water in Florida are dangerous for alligators. The beasts even show up in the brackish water of Tampa Bay sometimes.
They had a "no swimming sign" but who in the world lets toddlers wade an an alligator infested lake at sunset? Apparently three gators matching the description were killed so far but no sign of the child. The wildlife people say that gators and crocs don't eat their prey right away but let the bodies marinate for a while. There is enough negligence to go around but typically the local Police are careful not to point the finger at Disney because Disney pays the bills.
First, some mad man gunned down pop singer Christina Grimmie. Then, that Islamic attacker did his jihad at the nightclub, producing the deadliest attack on American soil since 9/11.

Now, an alligator gobbled up a boy at a Disney World hotel.

Alligator drags child in lake at Disney resort, deputies say
According to this write up here, there were "No Swimming" signs where the boy was and yet he was in the water any way. If them signs were really there, that is all that I need to know.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. What do you think is going to happen should you ignore whatever warning has been out there for you to see??? What???

I really doubt the 3 year old was doing much swimming. He was playing in a few inches of water on the edge of a sandy sloped beach.

it was not a swimming pool, it was the gator's home turf. Now protected species are being hunted to find just one gator.

The beach was for effect not to treat like a real beach. Even when there are sharks and jellyfish in the waters a beach will post signs to stay out of the water. People should read and follow these signs.

There are lots of fountains and pools in the parks and hotels. Dark is not the time to be around water anyway. typhoon closes at 5pm, blizzard closes at 7pm. Even swimming pools at the hotels have hours.

They were having "Outdoor Movie Night" on that beach.
IMO I think Disney has some responsibility in this. They can't expect everyone visiting their resorts to understand the Florida wildlife. When you're visiting Mickey Mouse the last thing on your mind is gators. You're so excited at being in Disney that you're not watching the water. I know the signs say no swimming. But standing in ankle deep water technically isn't swimming. The signs need to be clear to say away from the water. But even better, Disney resorts need to stop making beach areas for tourists to walk and lay on. It's entirely misleading.
If the signs were not prominently posted and specifying the reason to stay out of the water, I believe a sensitive civil jury and judge will slam it to Disney.
They WERE warned. I've been to that exact spot several times, There are literally signs everywhere " Beware of alligators" "do not get in the water"
If that's true, then that kids parents will suffer unimaginable guilt for their negligence. Are they illiterate? Blind? Foreign? What?
Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
. Well I can tell your not a southern girl, because we swam in every no swimming zone there was when we were young, and never were we harassed by a gator, but snakes were a problem for sure. We just scared everything by talking Junior who weighed in at 230, into doing a cannon ball first. Then it was on like donkey kong. If Disney didn't have gator warning signs, then they are responsible for this big time.
Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
. Well I can tell your not a southern girl, because we swam in every no swimming zone there was when we were young, and never were we harassed by a gator, but snakes were a problem for sure. We just scared everything by talking Junior who weighed in at 230, into doing a cannon ball first. Then it was on like donkey kong. If Disney didn't have gator warning signs, then they are responsible for this big time.
I'm from the pacific northwest. I don't dangle my children in murky water in places I'm not familiar with. Esp if there are no swimming signs posted. I don't assume every body of water is maintained to protect children from my stupidity.
I saw a sign in Florida on a pond once that read "No Molesting the Gators". We had to laugh. All seriousness though, at least there was a sign that warned about the Gators.
I realize you are poor and have never been to Disney, but there are no alligators in the park itself, there are a few resorts where alligators are in the vicinity , those alligators are there on purpose because the patrons of those resorts LIKE seeing them.

Could be I'm speaking only for myself -- but who wants to see a goddam alligator? Goats, camels maybe, a giraffe, okay. But a friggin' alligator?

The only time I wouldn't mind looking at an alligator is over the bead on a Remington 870.
Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
. Well I can tell your not a southern girl, because we swam in every no swimming zone there was when we were young, and never were we harassed by a gator, but snakes were a problem for sure. We just scared everything by talking Junior who weighed in at 230, into doing a cannon ball first. Then it was on like donkey kong. If Disney didn't have gator warning signs, then they are responsible for this big time.
I'm from the pacific northwest. I don't dangle my children in murky water in places I'm not familiar with. Esp if there are no swimming signs posted. I don't assume every body of water is maintained to protect children from my stupidity.
. It's so wonder we didn't get eaten back in the day.:alcoholic:
Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
. Well I can tell your not a southern girl, because we swam in every no swimming zone there was when we were young, and never were we harassed by a gator, but snakes were a problem for sure. We just scared everything by talking Junior who weighed in at 230, into doing a cannon ball first. Then it was on like donkey kong. If Disney didn't have gator warning signs, then they are responsible for this big time.
I'm from the pacific northwest. I don't dangle my children in murky water in places I'm not familiar with. Esp if there are no swimming signs posted. I don't assume every body of water is maintained to protect children from my stupidity.
. I bet that gator would have never left with my youngen.
They had a "no swimming sign" but who in the world lets toddlers wade an an alligator infested lake at sunset? Apparently three gators matching the description were killed so far but no sign of the child. The wildlife people say that gators and crocs don't eat their prey right away but let the bodies marinate for a while. There is enough negligence to go around but typically the local Police are careful not to point the finger at Disney because Disney pays the bills.
The child's body has been found.
Maybe there have never been gators there before. I'm pretty sure that every semi intelligent person on the face of the earth knows you don't take your toddler to unknown bodies of water where it says no swimming, and let them splash about.
. Well I can tell your not a southern girl, because we swam in every no swimming zone there was when we were young, and never were we harassed by a gator, but snakes were a problem for sure. We just scared everything by talking Junior who weighed in at 230, into doing a cannon ball first. Then it was on like donkey kong. If Disney didn't have gator warning signs, then they are responsible for this big time.
I'm from the pacific northwest. I don't dangle my children in murky water in places I'm not familiar with. Esp if there are no swimming signs posted. I don't assume every body of water is maintained to protect children from my stupidity.
. I bet that gator would have never left with my youngen.
Does anyone know the race of the kid?

that was his race.
That doesn't answer my question.

Do we really want this question answered? McRacist patiently waiting to give a shit based on the kid's pigment? Then all the other wingnuts can pretend you're not one of them.
...and then all you tards can pretend you care.

People like me that has kids. Yes dorky we care.
I'm glad you care what race your kids are. Next time try following the context of the discussion.
And I bet you thought you were so clever.

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