2 Years Later, J6 Committee Is A Confirmed FAILURE By The Only Measurement That Is Important


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Democrats / the J6 Committee have wasted 2 years, millions of dollars, and a lot of time accomishing NOTHING ... by the only relevant, meaningful measurement:

The Capitol is NOT prepared for / prevent another J6-like violent protest.

No true nvestigations were conducted, no answers were found regarding how the leadership and security measures failed, no changes have been made, and no one was held accountable.

The J6 Committee failed in its main responsibility, and the Capitol is no safer today than it was on J5th.

Uh, they put this stuff on the public record and handed a shit-ton worth of materials over to the DOJ. That's about all they COULD do.

The J6 Committee did not investigate the Democrat failed leadership or failed security. They did not have Pelosi, Schumer, Raskin, and orher key players testify.

The J6 Committee was partisan Kabuki theater....

And what do you mean by 'about all they could do'? Methods / Resources that would have prevented J6 were not used

No recommendations on how to protect the Capitol were made, and no action have been taken.

Evidently MAGA World™ has been told the committee was some kind of judge, jury and executioner. And/or some all-powerful security force.

Every action the Democrats / J6 Committee took demonstrated undeniably they were nothing more than another partisan 'Get Trump' biased 'hit squad'.
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The LOTUS was referred to the DoJ for criminal prosecution. Just how much accountability do you want from them?
Pelosi - Failed to protect the Capitol

Schumer - Failed to protect the Capitol

Raskin - Failed to protect the Capitol

Sgts-At-Arms - Failed to protect the Capitol

FBI - Failed to protect the Capitol
- Ran ops against Americans incited violence instead of trying to PREVENT J6.

J6 should never have happened and could have been prevented.


Democrats & members of the DOJ / FBI should have gone to jail.
Uh, they put this stuff on the public record and handed a shit-ton worth of materials over to the DOJ. That's about all they COULD do.

Evidently MAGA World™ has been told the committee was some kind of judge, jury and executioner. And/or some all-powerful security force.

DOJ incapable of doing their job that they needed house demofks to investigate? hahahahhahahahaha only in a demofk arena.
Uh, they put this stuff on the public record and handed a shit-ton worth of materials over to the DOJ. That's about all they COULD do.

Evidently MAGA World™ has been told the committee was some kind of judge, jury and executioner. And/or some all-powerful security force.


99% of the politicians who testified were Republicans.

But it’s all fake in the alt-right snowflake media echo chamber
The LOTUS was referred to the DoJ for criminal prosecution. How much more protection could they give the Capitol?
FENCING - used in tbe past to successfully protect govt buildings. WOULD HAVE PREVENTED J6


ADDITIONAL CAPITOL POLICE: Based upon all the great lead-up intel they had, Police Captain said he was SHOCKED so few Capitol Police were at work on J6.

FBI: Preventing the FBI from incting the violence would have helped. Instead off PREVENTING the violence, the FBI helped incite the violence, turning it into a deadly 'mostly peaceful protest'.

Possibly more could have been done but we will never know - the J6 Committee didn't investigate that / them.
Pelosi - Failed to protect the Capitol

Schumer - Failed to protect the Capitol

Raskin - Failed to protect the Capitol

Sgts-At-Arms - Failed to protect the Capitol

FBI - Failed to protect the Capitol
- Ran ops against Americans incited violence instead of trying to PREVENT J6.

J6 should never have happened and could have been prevented.


Democrats & members of the DOJ / FBI should have gone to jail.
Uh..no. the only way Jan. 6 could have been prevented is if Trump had told his followers to go home, obey the law..and accept the results of the legal election. THAT would have prevented the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump's assertion that Pence had the legal authority to refuse to certify the election emboldened certain parties to attempt to force that very action..never-mind that Trump was..again...wrong..and grasping at any straw he could find.

Again, you did notice whose name was on all those signs and banners carried by the rioters, right? No one for-saw that..maybe they should have..but they did not.
I know, nothing will penetrate your belief that, somehow, the evil Democrats screwed you...you'll never grasp that you and your ilk..screwed yourselves.

Ahh..the FBI. You do know that it really isn't their job to 'protect the Capital'. Their job is to find bad actors and arrest them. Their methods..questionable sometimes. But they really are not a crowd control sort of outfit.
Pelosi - Failed to protect the Capitol

Schumer - Failed to protect the Capitol

Raskin - Failed to protect the Capitol

Sgts-At-Arms - Failed to protect the Capitol

FBI - Failed to protect the Capitol
- Ran ops against Americans incited violence instead of trying to PREVENT J6.

J6 should never have happened and could have been prevented.


Democrats & members of the DOJ / FBI should have gone to jail.
Schumer? NOPE!

McConnell was the senate majority leader, not Schumer.
Uh..no. the only way Jan. 6 could have been prevented is if Trump had told his followers to go home, obey the law..and accept the results of the legal election. THAT would have prevented the riot on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump's assertion that Pence had the legal authority to refuse to certify the election emboldened certain parties to attempt to force that very action..never-mind that Trump was..again...wrong..and grasping at any straw he could find.

Again, you did notice whose name was on all those signs and banners carried by the rioters, right? No one for-saw that..maybe they should have..but they did not.
I know, nothing will penetrate your belief that, somehow, the evil Democrats screwed you...you'll never grasp that you and your ilk..screwed yourselves.

Ahh..the FBI. You do know that it really isn't their job to 'protect the Capital'. Their job is to find bad actors and arrest them. Their methods..questionable sometimes. But they really are not a crowd control sort of outfit.
Still rambling nonsense huh! You really don’t believe in America
The Media has been fueling and running the TDS and Covid hoaxing so the lib loons were Sure their Kabuki would energize and attract so many American TDS emotetards that this would be the “got him” fatal blow.
Instead they put on tepid hearsay liars and speculators that naturally attracted very little interest and No hoped for and plotted Results. None.

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