20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump

20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

That's like a blueprint for creating a liberal.
Then why are all you tRumplings following it?
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
Why is it that when you have no argument to counter actual facts and data you idiots always attempt to turn your own faults into our faults?
Oh I know, because you dont have any god damn brains of your own to work with, that's why.
You don't have any facts or data for me to contradict.
Fact is you don't have the friggin brains either.
Still waiting for a fact or two. If you had them we could see about the other thing.

Facts and you is like mixing oil and water.
You and your ilk don't deal with facts to well.
Great article by Bongino.

1) The Pre-Corona Economy: Corona would have smashed the economy no matter who was in charge. Before that? It was doing fantastic. More than four million jobs were created. Manufacturing grew at the fastest rate in three decades. Unemployment claims hit a 49-year low. ...
2) Judges: Trump put two excellent judges on the Supreme Court and has over 200 judicial appointments.
3) Trump Signs the VA Accountability Act: A lot of Presidents talk about getting better health care for our veterans. Trump actually signed a bill that has made a positive difference for our Vets.
4) Decimated ISIS: Remember the “JV team” that Obama allowed to take over a big part of Iraq? The US has taken 98% of its territory and killed its leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi under Trump’s leadership.
5) Pulling Out of the Iran Deal: Obama’s deal with Iran essentially gave them the green light to develop nuclear weapons. Trump pulled out of the deal and has been working with our European allies to impose sanctions that will stop Iran from developing nukes.
6) Trump was the First President to Meet Kim Jong-un in North Korea: Trump was not able to get Kim Jong-un to give up nuclear weapons in his first term, but no US President has ever done more or gone father to make it happen.
7) Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel: Presidents have been talking about doing this since Clinton was in office. Trump did it.
8) Pulled Out of the Paris Climate Accord: By some estimates, the Paris Climate Accord would have cost us 2.7 million jobs and blocked the development of clean coal. Getting out of it was the smart play.
9) Deregulation: Trump has done more to cut regulations than any President since Ronald Reagan.
10) The Space Force: Trump created the 6th branch of the U.S. Armed Services, the Space Force. Creating a branch of the service dedicated to warfare in outer space should have been done decades ago and it’s good to see Trump finally getting it going. Like Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative, it will pay big dividends over the long haul.
11) Replacing NAFTA: American workers have suffered because of bad trade deals for years. Trump has worked tirelessly to improve those deals and his biggest success on that front has been replacing NAFTA with a new trade deal that has terms more favorable to the United States.

Dan Bongino is an idiot.

1. Pre-Corona economy - thank you President Obama.

2. Judges aren't helping Trumpy Bear. They've ruled against him every single time.

3. The VA Accountability Act is an abject failure.
But one year after the bill became law, it has been a massive failure – as we predicted. Instead of making the VA more efficient, it's created even more damage to this massive agency that takes care of nine million veterans every year. The worst part is, despite the efforts of some lawmakers like Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-P) to repeal the bill, the administration is trying to implement this law governmentwide

"Over a year ago we said that bill would lead to frontline workers being targeted and intimidated by management seeking to cover up their own malfeasance, and a year later we are being proven right. The Accountability Act has been used to silence whistleblowers, retaliate against workers, and fire veterans,” said AFGE Legislative Director Tom Kahn.

4. ISIS was all but gone when Trump was elected. Thank you President Obama.

5. Trump pulled out of the Iran deal and tried to start a war with Iran. Instead of having a 10 year window to bring Iran back into a less agressive stance, the country is now racing toward a nuclear weapon.

60 Canadians died in the mess Trump created with the Iranians. Trump came within inches of starting WWIII. It's a sad state of affairs when the government of Iran shows better judgement than the President of the United States.

6. What did that get him exactly? It elevated a minor despot to a position of equality with the President of the United States. Trump got a box of bones.

There are good and valid reasons why no American President would meet with Kim as an equal. Kim now has an entire nuclear arsenal with intercontinental ICBM's - neither of which they had under Obama. Have any of those bones been returned to American families or are they still doing DNA analysis?

7. Pandering to the religious right, and leading to riots and 74 deaths on the West Bank. Everything Trump does gets people killed.

8. Just as dumb as refusing the WHO tests and for the same reason. Trump wants American companies to own the patents for all the technology. Trump may be the world's biggest failure of a business man but he understands the value of intellectual property, and owning the rights to patents and technology. The Paris Accord agrees that nations will share the technology with no exclusive rights for anyone. Another bad decision.

American cities and states are going around the Trump Administration to continue to particpate in the Paris Accord.

9. Cutting regulation has lead to increased air and water pollution and more deaths from asthma, and other pollution related illnesses. Another Trump decision to kill Americans.

10. Just as dumb as Reagan's Star Wars initiative. You can't afford health care for all but you can afford a space force.

11. Canada thanks you for the renegotiation. We made out like bandits. I actually agree with Bongino on this one. Of course, all of the provisions around car manufacturing, not only benefit Canada as well, but were included in the TPP trade deal Trump pulled out of.

Let's check out the rest of the list:

12) Food Stamp Work Requirements: Trump tightened work requirements on food stamps. As Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue said, the SNAP program, “was never intended to be a way of life.”

Raise the minimum wage to $15 and hour and eliminate the need for food stamps for working Americans. Food stamps are the most wasteful and ridiculous program in the first world.

13) Denying Grant Money to Sanctuary Cities: Any city that is going to aid illegal aliens in breaking the law should be punished. Cutting off federal funds to those cities is long overdue.

Trump has NOT done this. He has tried, and the cities went to court and won.

14) Reducing Refugees and Temporary Workers: In a time when so many Americans are out of work because of the Coronavirus and lockdowns, Trump has dramatically reduced the numbers of refugees and temporary workers to help more Americans get back to work.

Many industries are not able to function without the VISA workers, and the jobs aren't going to Americans. Yet another idea that sounds good to the idiot Trump voters but in reality is doing damage to the economy.

15) Ending Catch and Release: This was a HUGE improvement on the illegal immigration front. Instead of catching illegals, allowing them to go free, and then never show up for their court dates, Trump has been locking them up. This is how it always should have been.

89% of immigrants show up for their hearings, so Bongino is lying. What Trump is doing is paying for profit prison companies $700 per day per prisoner to keep 42,000 illegal immigrants locked up. $29 Million per day. $1.073 billion per year, to make sure that 11% of immigrants show up for their hearings. Talk about picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants.

16) Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” Program: Stopping mostly fake asylum seekers in Mexico instead of the US was a stroke of genius.

17) Building a Wall: Trump promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. That hasn’t been possible without the cooperation of Congress, but he has built 100 miles of wall and has secured funding for 445 miles of the 722 border wall miles needed on the southern border.

18) America has Become the World’s Largest Oil-Producer: Under Donald Trump’s leadership, the United States has become the largest oil-producing nation on earth. The benefit to our economy and national security is immeasurable.

Under President Obama's leadership the USA became the world's largest energy producer. The US surpassed Saudi Arabia in oil production in 2018, not because Trump increased production (he hasn't - it has declined under his leadership), but because the Saudi's CUT PRODUCTION.

So Trump is claiming credit for it, of course.

19) Cut Taxes: Trump’s tax cut for individuals and corporations is a big part of why the economy has been so strong.

No it isn't. The tax cuts WEAKENED the economy, increased the deficit, and the national debt, and are a big part of the reason why the economy crashed with the covid pandemic. Bongino was basically a mercenary working for the CIA. His grasp of business and economics is woefully lacking.

20) Got Rid of the Obamacare Individual Mandate: Trump was not able to get rid of Obamacare per se, but by getting rid of the penalty for people that don’t use approved plans, he ensured that Obamacare couldn’t survive long-term.

More people have lost their access to health care under Donald Trump than under any President in American history. In the middle of a pandemic. All thanks to Trump's attempts to force the ACA to fail.

20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

I only regret I can't "Love" this post more than once.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"

How about 2.3% growth in 2019. Pretty bad. What happened to 4-5% growth he promised?

Here's 100 other reasons not to vote for him. And don't try to NOT blame him for Covid. Had he been a good leader this pandemic wouldn't be out of control. He's made it WORSE!!!!

100 reasons not to vote for Trump in November

Ridin' with Biden
In case any of your friends need 100 reasons to not vote for Trump in November, here’s his terrible record:
  • 43 million Americans filed unemployment claims in the last 11 weeks.
  • 13 million jobs lost since assuming office.
  • Oversaw 14.7% U-3 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 19.7% real U-3 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 22.8% U-6 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 23.7% of the workforce unemployed.
  • More than doubled black unemployment.
  • Tripled Hispanic unemployment.
  • Tripled Asian unemployment.
  • Tripled women unemployment.
  • Tripled white unemployment.
  • Nearly tripled youth unemployment.
  • Tripled the official unemployment rate.
  • 25 trillion national debt.
  • Oversaw the end of the longest economic expansion in history.
  • 5% GDP contraction for Q1 2020.
  • Stock market saw its 8 largest single-day net drops in history.
  • Increased taxes on 10 million+ Americans.
  • Projected $3.7+ trillion deficit for 2020.
  • Projected 53% GDP contraction for Q2 2020.
  • Projected 5.6% GDP contraction for 2020.
  • Projected to add $6.5 trillion to national debt in one-term.
  • Highest unemployment rate in 80 years and since the Great Depression.
  • Signed a $2 trillion tax cut bill that gives 83% of benefits to the top 1% and large corporations.
  • 19,000+ public lies since taking office.
  • 3,000+ current conflicts of interest.
  • 3,500+ lawsuits filed.
  • Cut 700,000 poor people from food stamps.
  • Committed 10’s of impeachable offenses.
  • Impeached president.
  • Administration with the most criminal indictments in U.S history.
  • Called African countries “shithole” countries.
  • Mocked a disabled reporter.
  • Called a group with Nazis “fine people”.
  • Started a fake university to exploit students.
  • Shifted kids-cancer charity money to his business.
  • 25 women have accused the president of sexual misconduct.
  • Openly bragged about sexual assault “Grab ‘em by the pussy”.
  • Paid off a pornstar he slept with while Melania was pregnant with Barron.
  • Has appointed the most billionaires to administrative positions in U.S history.
  • Says John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was “captured”.
  • Made a personal donor with no experience head of the Post Office.
  • Appointed the most partisan and corrupt attorney general in U.S history.
  • Appointed an attorney general who reversed civil rights protections for transgender people in the workplace.
  • Implemented a ban on transgender people from serving in the military.
  • Attempted to cut HUD funding for affordable public housing.
  • 54.4% of the country disapproves of Trump.
  • Refers to women he doesn’t like as "fat pigs," "slobs," “dogs," and “nasty”.
  • Had a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Accused a senior who was severally injured by police of a “fake fall” and being in “Antifa”.
  • Signed an executive order that hurt social media companies after having a tweet fact-checked.
  • Claims to be a self-made billionaire when he actually inherited $413 million from his father.
  • Caused the longest government shutdown in American history.
  • Still hasn’t released his tax returns.
  • Assisted the Saudis in covering up Khashoggi’s murder.
  • Denies climate change.
  • Drastically increased oil and gas production.
  • Unwound 50 years of environmental regulation protections.
  • Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord.
  • Made a climate-denier head of the EPA.
  • On track to drastically expand offshore oil drilling.
  • Increased annual military spending by $130 billion.
  • Increased drone strikes by 432%.
  • Abandoned the Kurds in Syria.
  • Almost started a war with Iran.
  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal
  • Has dropped 10,000’s of bombs in the Middle East.
  • Threatened to deploy 10,000 troops, use military action, “dominate”, and shoot BLM protestors.
  • Had BLM protestors teargassed so he could pose for a bible photo-opt.
  • Executively started a trade war with no strategy.
  • Expanded the U.S-Mexico border wall.
  • Reduced the number of refugees allowed in the U.S.
  • Enacting measures to reduce the number of asylum seekers.
  • Cut off government assistance to undocumented immigrants.
  • Called Mexican immigrants “criminals” and “rapists”.
  • Put restrictions on legal immigration.
  • Has begun the removal of protections for Dreamers.
  • Implemented a travel ban on 13 countries to “stop Muslims from entering the U.S”.
  • Keeping 70,000 migrant children in custody as well as cages.
  • Gave more power to ICE.
  • Separated deported immigrant children from their families.
  • Suggested shooting immigrants who came across the southern border.
  • Picked an education secretary who’s out to gut public education.
  • Picked an education secretary who increased protections for those accused of sexual assault.
  • Wants to end public service loan forgiveness.
  • Vetoed a student loan forgiveness bill.
  • Attempted to cut the Department of Education’s budget for the fourth consecutive year.
  • Repealed Net Neutrality.
  • 50 million more Americans are projected to be uninsured for healthcare.
  • Deliberately raised ACA premiums for 7.3 million people.
  • Defunded Planned Parenthood with the global Gag Rule.
  • Lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016.
  • 2 million coronavirus cases.
  • 114,000 coronavirus deaths.
  • Most coronavirus cases of any other country.
  • Most coronavirus deaths of any other country.
  • Cut the CDC budget in both 2018 and 2019.
  • Halted funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Encouraged people to drink chloroquine to fight the coronavirus.
  • Encouraged people to inject disinfectants to fight the coronavirus.

Your last two items show how much you lie.

Dismisses the rest of the list.
Too bad for.you they are both true.

No, they are not. They are what you claim he said in your construct of "reality"
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
Dump Trump

1. Tax cuts benefit top 1%

2. One of his golf trips cost the tax payer over one million dollars

3. Coal industry gone to hell

4. Women's rights undermined

5. Was impeached

6. Covid-19 response poor

7. Kim and Putin are his friends

8. Constantly fires officials if they get in his way, 20 plus to date

9. Is President to conservative only

10. Been tested for dementia a couple times

11. Sees wearing a mask weak

12. Is a draft dodger

13. Will not help postal service

14. Democracy, Interrupted has no special attachment to or affection for the democratic process.

15. Funding for the food-stamp program, on which more than 38 million Americans rely, will soon run out.

16. Trump threatens to strip security clearances from his critics

17. Separating families at the southern border

18. The president still hasn’t released his tax returns

19. Trump enacted his less-than-complete travel ban for China on Jan. 31 (effective Feb. 2) but did not enact one from Europe until March 11, almost six weeks later.

20. Withdrawing from Syria
13. Will not help postal service
neither did obama or the democrats.....
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
You actually can't read it, can you.

Suddenly I feel like I've been mean to a puppy.

There's only 20 lines, son. If you want I'll help you sound them out.

I'm sorry I was so mean.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
You actually can't read it, can you.

Suddenly I feel like I've been mean to a puppy.

There's only 20 lines, son. If you want I'll help you sound them out.

I'm sorry I was so mean.

You're not sorry you post misleading falsehoods.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
You actually can't read it, can you.

Suddenly I feel like I've been mean to a puppy.

There's only 20 lines, son. If you want I'll help you sound them out.

I'm sorry I was so mean.

You're not sorry you post misleading falsehoods.
20 simple, short statements.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
You actually can't read it, can you.

Suddenly I feel like I've been mean to a puppy.

There's only 20 lines, son. If you want I'll help you sound them out.

I'm sorry I was so mean.

You're not sorry you post misleading falsehoods.
20 simple, short statements.

20 TDS deranged meaningless accusations.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"

How about 2.3% growth in 2019. Pretty bad. What happened to 4-5% growth he promised?

Here's 100 other reasons not to vote for him. And don't try to NOT blame him for Covid. Had he been a good leader this pandemic wouldn't be out of control. He's made it WORSE!!!!

100 reasons not to vote for Trump in November

Ridin' with Biden
In case any of your friends need 100 reasons to not vote for Trump in November, here’s his terrible record:
  • 43 million Americans filed unemployment claims in the last 11 weeks.
  • 13 million jobs lost since assuming office.
  • Oversaw 14.7% U-3 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 19.7% real U-3 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 22.8% U-6 unemployment rate.
  • Oversaw 23.7% of the workforce unemployed.
  • More than doubled black unemployment.
  • Tripled Hispanic unemployment.
  • Tripled Asian unemployment.
  • Tripled women unemployment.
  • Tripled white unemployment.
  • Nearly tripled youth unemployment.
  • Tripled the official unemployment rate.
  • 25 trillion national debt.
  • Oversaw the end of the longest economic expansion in history.
  • 5% GDP contraction for Q1 2020.
  • Stock market saw its 8 largest single-day net drops in history.
  • Increased taxes on 10 million+ Americans.
  • Projected $3.7+ trillion deficit for 2020.
  • Projected 53% GDP contraction for Q2 2020.
  • Projected 5.6% GDP contraction for 2020.
  • Projected to add $6.5 trillion to national debt in one-term.
  • Highest unemployment rate in 80 years and since the Great Depression.
  • Signed a $2 trillion tax cut bill that gives 83% of benefits to the top 1% and large corporations.
  • 19,000+ public lies since taking office.
  • 3,000+ current conflicts of interest.
  • 3,500+ lawsuits filed.
  • Cut 700,000 poor people from food stamps.
  • Committed 10’s of impeachable offenses.
  • Impeached president.
  • Administration with the most criminal indictments in U.S history.
  • Called African countries “shithole” countries.
  • Mocked a disabled reporter.
  • Called a group with Nazis “fine people”.
  • Started a fake university to exploit students.
  • Shifted kids-cancer charity money to his business.
  • 25 women have accused the president of sexual misconduct.
  • Openly bragged about sexual assault “Grab ‘em by the pussy”.
  • Paid off a pornstar he slept with while Melania was pregnant with Barron.
  • Has appointed the most billionaires to administrative positions in U.S history.
  • Says John McCain wasn’t a war hero because he was “captured”.
  • Made a personal donor with no experience head of the Post Office.
  • Appointed the most partisan and corrupt attorney general in U.S history.
  • Appointed an attorney general who reversed civil rights protections for transgender people in the workplace.
  • Implemented a ban on transgender people from serving in the military.
  • Attempted to cut HUD funding for affordable public housing.
  • 54.4% of the country disapproves of Trump.
  • Refers to women he doesn’t like as "fat pigs," "slobs," “dogs," and “nasty”.
  • Had a close relationship with Jeffrey Epstein.
  • Accused a senior who was severally injured by police of a “fake fall” and being in “Antifa”.
  • Signed an executive order that hurt social media companies after having a tweet fact-checked.
  • Claims to be a self-made billionaire when he actually inherited $413 million from his father.
  • Caused the longest government shutdown in American history.
  • Still hasn’t released his tax returns.
  • Assisted the Saudis in covering up Khashoggi’s murder.
  • Denies climate change.
  • Drastically increased oil and gas production.
  • Unwound 50 years of environmental regulation protections.
  • Withdrew from the Paris Climate Accord.
  • Made a climate-denier head of the EPA.
  • On track to drastically expand offshore oil drilling.
  • Increased annual military spending by $130 billion.
  • Increased drone strikes by 432%.
  • Abandoned the Kurds in Syria.
  • Almost started a war with Iran.
  • Withdrew from the Iran Nuclear Deal
  • Has dropped 10,000’s of bombs in the Middle East.
  • Threatened to deploy 10,000 troops, use military action, “dominate”, and shoot BLM protestors.
  • Had BLM protestors teargassed so he could pose for a bible photo-opt.
  • Executively started a trade war with no strategy.
  • Expanded the U.S-Mexico border wall.
  • Reduced the number of refugees allowed in the U.S.
  • Enacting measures to reduce the number of asylum seekers.
  • Cut off government assistance to undocumented immigrants.
  • Called Mexican immigrants “criminals” and “rapists”.
  • Put restrictions on legal immigration.
  • Has begun the removal of protections for Dreamers.
  • Implemented a travel ban on 13 countries to “stop Muslims from entering the U.S”.
  • Keeping 70,000 migrant children in custody as well as cages.
  • Gave more power to ICE.
  • Separated deported immigrant children from their families.
  • Suggested shooting immigrants who came across the southern border.
  • Picked an education secretary who’s out to gut public education.
  • Picked an education secretary who increased protections for those accused of sexual assault.
  • Wants to end public service loan forgiveness.
  • Vetoed a student loan forgiveness bill.
  • Attempted to cut the Department of Education’s budget for the fourth consecutive year.
  • Repealed Net Neutrality.
  • 50 million more Americans are projected to be uninsured for healthcare.
  • Deliberately raised ACA premiums for 7.3 million people.
  • Defunded Planned Parenthood with the global Gag Rule.
  • Lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes in 2016.
  • 2 million coronavirus cases.
  • 114,000 coronavirus deaths.
  • Most coronavirus cases of any other country.
  • Most coronavirus deaths of any other country.
  • Cut the CDC budget in both 2018 and 2019.
  • Halted funding to the World Health Organization (WHO).
  • Encouraged people to drink chloroquine to fight the coronavirus.
  • Encouraged people to inject disinfectants to fight the coronavirus.

Your last two items show how much you lie.

Dismisses the rest of the list.
Too bad for.you they are both true.
This pandemic has exposed trump for not having what it takes. Many other things have too leading up to this we’ve forgotten all of them there have been so many we’ve forgotten most of them. Like every week for the past three years has said shit that isn’t presidential and so many in his administration have spoken out against trump after they’ve left. Bolton, rex tillerson, Maddox the list is long.

And every time these republicans disregard all the facts and chalk it up to deep state rinos. It’s maddening.

I hate to make the analogy but I’m sure liberal Germans felt the same way about hitler supporters.

we must win in November I believe we will
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!

Figures you can't actually respond but only "fuh fuh fuh, Orange Man Bad, fuh fuh fuh"
Does my post just not show up for tRumplings or what?

Post, not content.
If you can't read the content of the list I suggest you contact admin.

Either that or get a tutor, depending on what the issue is.

Your list is worthless. Full of false accusations, half truths, and omissions. Its basically a 50 line "I'm a whiny little bitch" word squirt.
You actually can't read it, can you.

Suddenly I feel like I've been mean to a puppy.

There's only 20 lines, son. If you want I'll help you sound them out.

I'm sorry I was so mean.

You're not sorry you post misleading falsehoods.
20 simple, short statements.

20 TDS deranged meaningless accusations.
Lol, you known it's twenty and not fifty now?
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
The Bush administration?

Bush is voting for Biden, so I would say that YOU are the one that needs to pull their head out of their arse, but then I realized they are probably one in the same.
Miss the Bush/Obama wars do ya?
Glad to see someone who sees the truth that Obama and Bush are both to blame for the middle East war.there are so many trolls here that say the republicans can do no wrong and the dems are to blame for everything always ignoring it when I bring up to them that Obama just continued what bush got started..im not thrilled with trump at all but unlike bush and Obama,he at least did not start a new war And you know there was a reason obama picked biden so again,I am pulling for trump.
IMHO, the single best reason to vote for Trump is that he's not the progressive liberal senile democrat Joe Biden, who has no scruples and changes his position on every issue every time the political winds change. Or when he gets out of bed on the other side, whichever comes first.

I agree. Its because Trump Isn't a POLITICIAN. He's a businessman who knows how to get shit done. He's a billionaire who can't be bought.

Those are the reasons I voted for him in 2016 and will vote for him in 2020.

Trump hasn’t done a thing in his life but lie, cheat and steal. Worst businessman in American history.

7 bankruptcies is a record for an American businessman. American banks stopped lending him money in 1999, after his first 4 bankruptcies because they had lost money on all of them. So are the 3000+ lawsuits.

But you’re going to vote for him because he’s rich, without a thought in your head as to why he’s rich and that everyone who believes in Trump goes broke.
20 Reasons to Re-elect Donald J Trump.
1. You're stupid.
2. You're a racist.
3. You like being poor.
4. You want to die of coronavirus.
5. You want someone else to die of coronavirus.
6. You like huge deficits.
7. You want to see the rich get richer at your expense.
8. You like being laughed at by other nations.
9. You want be Russian.
10. You think childish twitter rants are cool.
11. You like to be lied to.
12. You like telling lies.
13. You think its fun to try to cover up tRump's obvious lies.
14. Denial is your hobby.
15. You like watching him have mini strokes on camera.
16. You like watching him wheeze his way down a shallow ramp and attempt to drink water.
17. You own stock in McDonald's and diet coke.
18. You watch too much Faux Newz.
19. You can't admit you were wrong.
And number 20... ( Drum roll please!)

You haven't pulled your head outta yer ass since the first bush administration!
TDS isn't a good reason.

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