20 times now Obama doing WHAT HE CRITICIZED Bush for doing!!!

He has to violate it, so that you can see he's upholding it...
There really is no limit to the mutually-contradictory ideas leftists can believe simultaneously. :cool:

I'm amazed their heads don't collectively explode, causing another big bang type event.
Well, really, there's just not that much mass involved.
George W. Bush's use of signing statements was and is controversial, both for the number of times employed (estimated at over 750 opinions) and for the apparent attempt to nullify legal restrictions on his actions through claims made in the statements

(President Obama)..stated that he only plans to use signing statements when given legislation by Congress which contain unconstitutional provisions. In a memo to the heads of each department in the Executive Branch, Obama wrote:[18]

"In exercising my responsibility to determine whether a provision of an enrolled bill is unconstitutional, I will act with caution and restraint, based only on interpretations of the Constitution that are well-founded."

During his presidential campaign, Obama rejected the use of signing statements. He was asked at one rally: "when congress offers you a bill, do you promise not to use presidential signing statements to get your way?" Obama gave a one-word reply: "Yes."[19] He added that "we aren't going to use signing statements as a way to do an end run around Congress."

Signing statement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

What a total crock of SHIT! No one in their right mind believes Obama has any problem with violating the Constitution if it furthers his agenda or that of the Democrat Party. In fact the Obama administration will be heavily represented in court arguing before the Supreme Court that it in no way violates the Constitution and is actually totally consistent with the founding principles of this country -to now require all Americans to purchase a service in the private sector that is already grossly overvalued driving the price up every year - or face federal punishment as part of the requirements to even be a citizen in this country! The same people who want to pretend that INSURANCE not only equals HEALTH CARE, it equals QUALITY HEALTH CARE -something anyone with a brain knows is a massive lie. Government doesn't provide top quality ANYTHING as a handout and it sure as hell won't with this either -it means the vast majority will have the quality of their health care DOWNGRADED. It is automatic. Liberals insist the ONLY possible and BEST way of providing assistance to uninsured people who WANT insurance but can't afford it -is by destroying the best medical system on the planet and a system that the overwhelming majority insist works great for THEM, but is responsible for more than 95% of all medical advancements which are then shared with the entire planet! BILLIONS to suffer a major loss worldwide and the overwhelming majority of Americans to suffer a massive downgrade in the quality of their health care -is the only way liberals insist we can help what is in fact a small minority who want health care insurance but can't afford it. All while they will lie to your face repeatedly and insist that quality won't be affected at all.

Obama is after all the very same guy who in an interview before even running for President, said he believed the Constitution is a seriously flawed document because it does not order government to provide "social justice" which everyone knows is nothing but leftwing extremist code for "redistribution of the wealth" -which tells me everything I need to know about how much he gives a shit about our Constitution even before he ever took office.

You can't live in FREEDOM, making what you will of your life for better or ill -when government believes its job is to provide for "social justice" when that only means believing government should punish those deemed to be "too" successful by confiscating their fruits of their labor, that which you worked to earn and create for yourself -in order to fork it over to someone who didn't. THAT belief is TOTALLY INCOMPATIBLE with our Constitution entirely! Because it makes all individuals state owned property to do with as a ruling elite decides -not what YOU decide as a free human being! "Freedom and liberty" are just words liberals give empty lip service but in reality OPPOSE because freedom and liberty are not compatible with the leftwing agenda -and it is OUR freedom and OUR liberty that the left would gladly sell off for a fucking cheap bauble like Obamacare.

You have to be cold, lying ass sociopath to even pretend the founders would have supported ANY of that monstrosity bill when NONE of them believed the federal government should be regulating the lives of individuals and trying to force them to live their life as some ruling elite wants them to live. That is state owned slavery and strips people of citizenship and makes them SUBJECTS of government instead. And Obama knows it. The left wants people to believe their rights come FROM government when in fact our rights were CLAIMED -and government ordered not to infringe on them. I can't imagine a more gross first step on infringing on our rights than Democrats insisting government ordering citizens to purchase a private sector good or service whether they want it or not, whether it makes economic sense at that point in their life or not -or face punishment. So pretending he gives a flying fuck about our Constitution is just one more leftwing deception and lie.

Liberals TRULY believe it is more "fair" to have the masses at the bottom all suffering equally and tiny, affluent ruling elite - than have as few as possible on the bottom -and THAT is their real goal. THAT is their idea of "equality" And making people more equally miserable is what they are best at doing.
Obama is Bush. Only demented dupes still believe in that 'Hope & Change' scam.

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