20 Years since Columbine

20 years after Columbine and we still haven’t done shit to prevent the next one

But at least we have our thoughts and prayers

That's just not true, RW. Plenty of schools have installed metal detectors and require students to submit to body cavity searches. My one nephew goes to Government School, and the school sends in police dogs to search for contraband in the student's lockers during regular shakedowns. No one knows how many attacks have been prevented, but probably a lot.
Does nothing to prevent access to anAR 15 with 35 round magazines

Sure it does. It increases the difficulty of bringing those kinds of arsenals on to school grounds. Did you ever notice that you never see Ghetto High Schools have the kind of shooting that you saw at Columbine? Ghetto schools have had basic metal detectors, police dogs, metal detectors for a generation. You don't see mass shooting in our nation's penitentiaries either, for much the same reason. Basic security.

To me its obscene that we value the lives of our convicted child molesters behind bars more than we do our school children.
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.

Are ya sure about that ?
nation master from 2014
5 pages of stats
im sure youre well educated ...how was special ed ?
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Look through em all

and say it while youre looking into the mirror ...THank you sir

NOW thats 2014
and keep in mind We have 300 + million people ...with some statS you blow us out of the water!LEAVE US IN THE DUST!
Today as you continue to import various third worlders Which has dramatically picked up steam WHAT do you think is gonna happen ?
London topped NYc in murders
I think our record is well over 2000

thats probably where youre headed...dont forget to blame it on funding while your running with those scissors

My question still stands
SIR How do you square that logic in your head ?
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.

America has a much lower homicide rate than the average in our hemisphere, including in countries like Mexico which have draconian gun codes as well as being the source of the largest percentage of our people.
You comparing us to third world countries is demeaning

Why don’t you compare us to Canada

America doesn't get many immigrants from Canada. Hey ese, Latino culture is becoming dominant , Holmes. Go to Lowe's even in Pennsylvania, and you'll see the bilingual signs.
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.

Are ya sure about that ?
nation master from 2014
5 pages of stats
im sure youre well educated ...how was special ed ?
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Look through em all

and say it while youre looking into the mirror ...THank you sir

NOW thats 2014
and keep in mind We have 300 + million people ...with some statS you blow us out of the water!LEAVE US IN THE DUST!
Today as you continue to import various third worlders Which has dramatically picked up steam WHAT do you think is gonna happen ?
London topped NYc in murders
I think our record is well over 2000

thats probably where youre headed...dont forget to blame it on funding while your running with those scissors

My question still stands
SIR How do you square that logic in your head ?
Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data

Suck on that matey.
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.

Are ya sure about that ?
nation master from 2014
5 pages of stats
im sure youre well educated ...how was special ed ?
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Look through em all

and say it while youre looking into the mirror ...THank you sir

NOW thats 2014
and keep in mind We have 300 + million people ...with some statS you blow us out of the water!LEAVE US IN THE DUST!
Today as you continue to import various third worlders Which has dramatically picked up steam WHAT do you think is gonna happen ?
London topped NYc in murders
I think our record is well over 2000

thats probably where youre headed...dont forget to blame it on funding while your running with those scissors

My question still stands
SIR How do you square that logic in your head ?
Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data

Suck on that matey.

America's homicide rate is on a general downward trend over the past quarter century, as our gun control rules have become more relaxed.

Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data
Here is another one. The US compares well to "shitholes" but less so against the civilised world.
Its probably because you all hate each other and have easy access to machine guns.

Murder Rate By Country

America gets most of its residents from Shithole countries, you know. And President Trump took a lot of criticism when he pointed that out and the idea that we need to be going to Asia and Norway for immigrants instead of Shitholes.

So you'd agree with the President on that?
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.

Are ya sure about that ?
nation master from 2014
5 pages of stats
im sure youre well educated ...how was special ed ?
United Kingdom vs United States: Crime Facts and Stats

Look through em all

and say it while youre looking into the mirror ...THank you sir

NOW thats 2014
and keep in mind We have 300 + million people ...with some statS you blow us out of the water!LEAVE US IN THE DUST!
Today as you continue to import various third worlders Which has dramatically picked up steam WHAT do you think is gonna happen ?
London topped NYc in murders
I think our record is well over 2000

thats probably where youre headed...dont forget to blame it on funding while your running with those scissors

My question still stands
SIR How do you square that logic in your head ?
Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data

Suck on that matey.

America's homicide rate is on a general downward trend over the past quarter century, as our gun control rules have become more relaxed.

Intentional homicides (per 100,000 people) | Data

we have a higher homicide rate

I didnt know that because ive been living in a trailer park ......on mars

who knew
but yet youve ignored every other violent crime statistic FROM a guy who was using Ministry of truth approved sources ....golly gee whiz

why would you do that ?

SIR my question still stands
lefty logic
if all Muslims are not bad or rather they're not all suicide bombers

How do work that out
IM NOT EVEN trying to change your mind

wait who are you again ? DO NOT FORGET SIR ..always keep this in mind when trying to save that one child...ya friggin serf

YOU may NOW put your rose colored glasses back on and continue to carry on drooling on yer self special ed

Stiff upper lip ol chap
i gots to getz ready for easter dinner

cause ill never get a straight answer anyway:auiqs.jpg:

YOU sir have a good night
I loved LOndon ...shame
Back in 1999 they tried to blame music and videogames for Columbine. Nowdays they'd immediately start pointing the finger at white supremacy. How times have changed.
Columbine survivors mark 20th anniversary

Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting have been speaking at a remembrance ceremony in Denver to mark the twentieth anniversary of the massacre.

Twelve students and a teacher were murdered by two teenagers.

One former student, Patrick Ireland, who was injured by bullets, said no one from the school or surrounding community had emerged unscathed.

It doesnt seem that long ago. An act of domestic terror without reason.

a little late arent you???
Strange how some people pick the holiest day of the year to talk about school shootings
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.
ON the beautiful easter Sunday filled with Muslim suicide bombers

A lil off to the side but not really off topic.
I have a really stupid question(s) for the OP English serf...I dont have this problem but a lot of people on who lean left do .

If All Muslims are not terrorists (which we all know anyway )....don't paint anyone with a broad brush stroke RIGHT ?...cause its wrong blah blah we heard all the arguments . blah blah we're closed minded rednecks who have never been out of the trailer park

Law abiding gun owners ? We know give em up for the children who weren't aborted .....so the columbines stop .........BLAH BLAH BLAH

A lot of gun grabbers seem to paint Law abiding gun owning citizens with one big broad brush

How do you guys work that "LOGIC" out in your head ?
Do ya laugh ?
Look in the mirror and see a retard staring back at ya ?
How do you square that in your head ?

One more
Are their any sharp knives in your house and have you turned them in yet ?
How are the home invasion rates ?
Last time i checked
UK 70% of home robberies occur when the people are home compared to 30 percent in the USA
Robberies in the UK ...they like to rob you when you're home ...because everyones home with wallets and hand bags.

IN THE USA particularly in " red states"for some particular reason they like to rob your house when you're not at home.

Why is someones wallet more important in the UK ..
You're English ya like kings
Cash is king

But I wonder why that is ....golly gee

If ya ask me what we really need to ban is left leaning folk from running with scissors
IF i can save just one child

I plan on becoming an activist and advocate for it
maybe the gays will be my allies
And yet the UK is many times safer than the US. That kind of under cuts your stream of consciousness drivel.
It is far worse and more dangerous and that is fact

Your disgusting nation is jailing people for thought crime.

No murderer is as dangerous as a fascist government like yours which abuses human rights.
a little late arent you???
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.

Well....you guys won't learn, and you are entering your time of violence, as your social welfare state has created fatherless girls and boys who are growing into sociopaths........and as more an more illegal guns flood into Britain, you will be facing this as well...

And since the 1990s...our incidents have gone down, not up.....yours are beginning to go up.....with several in the last few years that were only stopped by dumb luck....your luck will not hold...
Britain has 4 times LESS the murder rate
I'd say that was GOOD, not bad

Britain had less murder before they banned guns....their murder rate did not change after they banned guns...except to go up, not down.

Guns aren't the problem....fatherless boys and girls having children generation after generation is the problem, and Britain is now facing that problem. The two World Wars set them back....their social welfare state has now caught up and their fatherless boys are currently knifing each other to death all over Britain.....this will turn into shootings as the flood of illegal guns into Britain can't be stopped and is increasing.
we've been over this before
very pro-gun St Louis--SAME country SAME laws as NYC, CHi and LA--STL murder rate HIGHER--STL named most dangerous city
..more or less the SAME racial make up
SAME SAME--only they are PRO-gun
your argument is wrong

Yes...we have been over it....St. Louis has a high gun murder rate because it has been under control by the democrats since 1949 and they let violent, repeat gun offenders out of jail over and over again...you have seen this, you know this, and then you pretend to be ignorant of it...

You are wrong...

Democrats in charge since 1949

Mayor of St. Louis - Wikipedia

Rise in Murders Has St. Louis Debating Why

Jennifer M. Joyce, the city’s circuit attorney, or prosecutor, an elected position, complains that in St. Louis, the illegal possession of a gun is too often “a crime without a consequence,” making it difficult to stop confrontation from turning lethal.

At the same time, deeper social roots of violence such as addiction and unemployment continue unchecked. And city officials also cite what they call a “Ferguson effect,” an increase in crime last year as police officers were diverted to control protests after a white officer shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager in the nearby suburb on Aug. 9.


Now, an overstretched department is forced to pick one neighborhood at a time to flood with officers. Last month, Chief Dotson even asked the state highway patrol if it could lend a dozen men to help watch downtown streets; the agency declined.
When the police discover a gun in a car with several passengers, including some with felony records, but no one admits to owning the gun, criminal charges are often impossible, Mr. Rosenfeld said.

In addition, according to a 2014 study by Mr. Rosenfeld and his colleagues, a majority of those who are convicted of illegally possessing a gun but not caught using it in a crime receive probation rather than jail time. Gun laws and enforcement are stiffer in many other cities.

Violence down in St. Louis but homicides hold steady. Are tougher penalties for gun crimes the answer?
But many challenges remain, official said. The department is still down more than 130 officers. Witnesses to crimes remain reluctant to come forward for fear of retaliation, making it difficult to close cases. And a lack of state laws to deter gun crimes has forced the police to turn to federal courts to indict some suspects.

On Tuesday, Edwards made a new pitch: He wants to see the mandatory minimum sentence for armed criminal action raised from its current ceiling of three years to at least 15 years for nonfatal shootings, and 25 years for fatal shootings.
Stay fully involved with your children and they don’t become mass murderers. Detached, neglectful parenting
Columbine survivors mark 20th anniversary

Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting have been speaking at a remembrance ceremony in Denver to mark the twentieth anniversary of the massacre.

Twelve students and a teacher were murdered by two teenagers.

One former student, Patrick Ireland, who was injured by bullets, said no one from the school or surrounding community had emerged unscathed.

It doesnt seem that long ago. An act of domestic terror without reason.

a little late arent you???
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.


As you make comments like that it reminds me why many on here do not take your words seriously.
Columbine survivors mark 20th anniversary

Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting have been speaking at a remembrance ceremony in Denver to mark the twentieth anniversary of the massacre.

Twelve students and a teacher were murdered by two teenagers.

One former student, Patrick Ireland, who was injured by bullets, said no one from the school or surrounding community had emerged unscathed.

It doesnt seem that long ago. An act of domestic terror without reason.

a little late arent you???
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.

Well....you guys won't learn, and you are entering your time of violence, as your social welfare state has created fatherless girls and boys who are growing into sociopaths........and as more an more illegal guns flood into Britain, you will be facing this as well...

And since the 1990s...our incidents have gone down, not up.....yours are beginning to go up.....with several in the last few years that were only stopped by dumb luck....your luck will not hold...

God bless our guns because we all know they have nothing to do with gun deaths. Just pass them out yo crazy people & people who have a violent history. And not just any old gun, let them have a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.
Columbine survivors mark 20th anniversary

Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting have been speaking at a remembrance ceremony in Denver to mark the twentieth anniversary of the massacre.

Twelve students and a teacher were murdered by two teenagers.

One former student, Patrick Ireland, who was injured by bullets, said no one from the school or surrounding community had emerged unscathed.

It doesnt seem that long ago. An act of domestic terror without reason.

a little late arent you???
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.

Well....you guys won't learn, and you are entering your time of violence, as your social welfare state has created fatherless girls and boys who are growing into sociopaths........and as more an more illegal guns flood into Britain, you will be facing this as well...

And since the 1990s...our incidents have gone down, not up.....yours are beginning to go up.....with several in the last few years that were only stopped by dumb luck....your luck will not hold...

God bless our guns because we all know they have nothing to do with gun deaths. Just pass them out yo crazy people & people who have a violent history. And not just any old gun, let them have a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands.....with over 17.25 million people actually carrying them for self defense.....and what has happened with all of those guns? Our gun murder rate dropped 49%. Our gun crime rate dropped 75%. Our violent crime rate dropped 72%.

So nothing in your fevered dreams about drums is even close to being true, factual, or based in reality.

Our problem isn't guns or law abiding gun owners.

Our problem is that the democrat party keeps siding with violent, known, repeat gun criminals, and letting them back out of jail over and over again...since they are the ones who are shooting people with guns they are not legally allowed to buy, own or carry....and the democrat judges, politicians and prosecutors keep letting them out even though they have felony conviction after felony conviction, with gun possession after gun possession.

Your problem is that you don't actually care about stopping gun crime. If you did you would address the democrat parties love of violent gun criminals.

You simply hate guns. Until you focus on the actual problem....actual criminals who are repeatedly let out of jail by the democrat party, you will never get to the truth of the situation.
Stay fully involved with your children and they don’t become mass murderers. Detached, neglectful parenting

Fatherless boys and girls are the ones who grow up to be criminals and mass shooters.....
Columbine survivors mark 20th anniversary

Survivors of the Columbine High School shooting have been speaking at a remembrance ceremony in Denver to mark the twentieth anniversary of the massacre.

Twelve students and a teacher were murdered by two teenagers.

One former student, Patrick Ireland, who was injured by bullets, said no one from the school or surrounding community had emerged unscathed.

It doesnt seem that long ago. An act of domestic terror without reason.

a little late arent you???
I am just relieved that the US learned from this tragedy and that it has never happened again.

Well....you guys won't learn, and you are entering your time of violence, as your social welfare state has created fatherless girls and boys who are growing into sociopaths........and as more an more illegal guns flood into Britain, you will be facing this as well...

And since the 1990s...our incidents have gone down, not up.....yours are beginning to go up.....with several in the last few years that were only stopped by dumb luck....your luck will not hold...

God bless our guns because we all know they have nothing to do with gun deaths. Just pass them out yo crazy people & people who have a violent history. And not just any old gun, let them have a semi-automatic rifle with a 150 round magazine.

We have over 600 million guns in private hands.....with over 17.25 million people actually carrying them for self defense.....and what has happened with all of those guns? Our gun murder rate dropped 49%. Our gun crime rate dropped 75%. Our violent crime rate dropped 72%.

So nothing in your fevered dreams about drums is even close to being true, factual, or based in reality.

Our problem isn't guns or law abiding gun owners.

Our problem is that the democrat party keeps siding with violent, known, repeat gun criminals, and letting them back out of jail over and over again...since they are the ones who are shooting people with guns they are not legally allowed to buy, own or carry....and the democrat judges, politicians and prosecutors keep letting them out even though they have felony conviction after felony conviction, with gun possession after gun possession.

Your problem is that you don't actually care about stopping gun crime. If you did you would address the democrat parties love of violent gun criminals.

You simply hate guns. Until you focus on the actual problem....actual criminals who are repeatedly let out of jail by the democrat party, you will never get to the truth of the situation.

lenient on crime !!!
thats a good point
im not tryng to be a dick to the serf
Western EUropes got that problem in spades!

Foriegn gun grabbers are of course to be ignored ...cause who the hell are they ? INDEED:21:

like antifa will attack people and shut down free speech ...or a college campus the left refuses to uphold free speech AND The useful idiots make it worse by refusing to get off their high horse. LIke special ed here ..they're a dime a dozen Like his useless diploma hanging on his shit house wall
ID flush it

+ I have zero respect for the former champions of free speech who will no longer also defend mine ....

heres A guy coming from the left
Forget he wants to ban guns for a moment ....forget it
America doesn’t have more crime than other rich countries. It just has more guns.
By Zack Beauchamp@[email protected] Updated Feb 15, 2018, 8:55am EST
Wednesday's shooting in Florida, like so many mass murders before it, seems likely to raise a debate we've had many times before: Why does the US have such a high rate of gun murders, by far the highest in the developed world? Is it because of guns, or is there something else going on? Maybe America is just more prone to crime, say, because of income inequality or cultural differences?
A landmark 1997 study actually tried to answer this question. Its findings — which scholars say still hold up — are that America doesn't really have a significantly higher rate of crime compared to similar countries. But that crime is much likelier to be lethal: American criminals just kill more people than do their counterparts in other developed countries. And guns appear to be a big part of what makes this difference.

Even left leaning vox that wants to disarm Americans and turn us all into sheep for thought crime trials. HE SEES that wait a second! Europes not a squeaky clean peaceful utopia ...even well before the surge of migrants . .....

lots of crime in other western euro countries some even worse than in the USA

some violent some not
whats the double whammy ?

An influx of third worlders that may not exactly share my capitalist pig western individualistic American values, or their well intentioned western useful idiot lefty values....or somebodies religious Christan values or an atheist with a good head on his shoulders values and on and on and on and on and on
they don't respect American values ....even though they like to keep reminding all of us of them ......which is whatever they need it to mean at the moment theyre losing an argument
that what the euros like to call soft diplomacy :20: calling some one a racist out of nowhere same thing . SAME THING

the second whammy IS Leniency

now we have all seen news of western euros go lenient on SOme people who did something . Slaps on the wrist for 26 year old "child refugees"rapists ...In formerly great Britannia they let grooming rape gangs exploit and abuse young girls and women for ....well we all know the clown world reasons ...

All general crime in western Europa will keep trending upward ....unfortunately behind those numbers are a lot of people

I am a bettin man and the ingredients are there for this

Think i'd collect ?
I see it ,you see ,many others see it ..
Western lefttarded euros have been beaten over the head to look at America s problems for a rather long time ..IT doesnt take much to get the brainwashed retarded serfs to stop lookin in the mirror and get them to lie to themselves.

what they also refuse to even acknowledge is what happens to people when Muslims start to out number other populations .....sometimes fairys do indeed start to fly ...off of roof tops..... NOW that i called a gay man a fairy ...even though thiers no hate or malice attached to it ..I dont wanna tell them how to live thier lives JUST stop reading to children until puberty AT STATE BRAINWASHING SCHOOL
of course everything can now be dismissed because of the word fairy and the rally shiit y crime in europe can be forgotten ...but yet it remains anyway :20:

forget columbine what about Connecticut ? THAT was just pure fucking EVIL EVIL EVIL EVIL sadistic SICK GUT WRENCHING SHIT

NOw how do you say its wrong to paint an entire religion with a broad brush struck ..but paint 99% of us who wouldn't hurt a fly unless we had to
and then turn around and blame Christan for sri lanka

Soon they'll be demanding free sit n spins for all so they dont fall down from dizzyness ...they can sit and be dizzy .
the 1 percent will pay for it ......when they say the one percent is gonna pay THE WORKING POOR AND THE MIDDLE CLASS IS ABOUT TO GET SCREWED

Theyll have to excuse me if im done having a conversation....with our betters :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

if we were a problem YOUD know it
but that kinda logic ...the non existent type runs deeps with them and they demonstrate it all over the place ...all the time .
but a serf only needs to know whats its told anyway
Lies , half truths ....nothing matters accept the real issue
the revolution

the useful idiots have no clue theyre being used ..NOT A CLUE
thats why its so easy to fuck the useful idiots around .theyre kind of very stupid in their own special little way

and i still powend the poser serf eh :04:

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