200 POUNDS OF POOP Found Near Occupy Santa Cruz Squatters Camp – Hazmat Called

Yes. They faked the video. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Even if authentic, it only shows one group, Occupy Portland, trying to police themselves. After all, OWSers are humans, and they are representative of the population at large. There logically would be a proportionate number of bad apples - maybe even outsiders trying to take advantage of them.

The gist of the video wasn't to not report a sexual assault; it was that it should be a private matter where the victim's name is kept confidential. Actually, I'm a little surprised that the OWS crowd even had such a plank to it's organization. I haven't paid much attention to these people but from just reading the thread titles, I thought they were a bunch of disorganized hippie types. Turns out--at least from this video--they are pretty conscientious and aware.

If this is their "proof" of rape, I can only chuckle at their low standards of proof and their lower standard of honesty.
Who claimed it was proof of rape?

Oh, yeah. No one.

Tell me, how high are your standards of honesty?
At least one incident on the county list wasn’t noted by the Sheriff’s Office: the discovery of an estimated 200 pounds of human feces near the county Veterans Memorial Building, just across the Water Street bridge from the camp.

The county called in a hazardous materials team to clean up the mess, and installed a security fence around the building, which is closed for renovations.

GROSS!… 200 POUNDS OF POOP Found Near #Occupy Santa Cruz Squatters Camp – Hazmat Called | The Gateway Pundit

Is this the best u got? Are you serious? If there is 200 hundred pounds of human feces it came from yours and other like you trying to minimize the OWS movement.

What? You never heard of sabatoge? The agent provocator...An agent of the oppositon who incites evil upon non-violent civil protesters.

Now that you brought this story to light. I must asked....when the S*** is test for DNA will your DNA appear?

Com...on...be honest...your story and its cites are full of S***. You breathe on your kin with that mouth.
Ignoring reality is always the leftist's default mode.
Occupy Santa Cruz calls BULLSHIT

November 21, 2011 - Santa Cruz - Occupy Santa Cruz denies responsibility for human feces found downtown, and the Santa Cruz County Environmental Health Department denies responding to the incident. On Saturday, the Santa Cruz Sentinel, in an article about the occupation, reported the discovery of "200 pounds of human feces near the county Veterans Memorial Building." The report came from the Santa Cruz Sheriffs department alleged to be a list of nearly a hundred incidents relating to Occupy Santa Cruz, but included unconfirmed rumors, legal activities such as panhandling, and incidents that happened weeks before the occupation started.

The Sheriffs list claimed that a hazardous material team responded to the incident, but the city department responsible denies it. "It is typically something our department would respond to," said Tim Fillmore, program manager at City of Santa Cruz Environmental Health. "We have not had any recent complaints about human feces behind the Vet's Hall in Santa Cruz and we have not investigated such a complaint."

Though the Sentinel article pointed out that there is no evidence that linked the excrement to the camp, the report was rapidly picked up by press nationwide. Elizabeth Burchfield, a member of Occupy Santa Cruz pointed out, "The poop was allegedly discovered behind the Veterans Building, one bridge and several blocks away from Occupy Santa Cruz and furthermore appears to be made up."[...]

In this city where few public restrooms are available, human feces were frequently found in town long before Occupy Santa Cruz started their protest at the county courthouse in October. This is likely the result of Santa Cruz city policies that close all public restrooms during the night.

"Finding adequate sanitation facilities are a constant challenge for homeless people," said Burchfield. In an economy where unemployment is at record highs, homelessness in Santa Cruz County is up more than 18% since 2009. According to the 2011 Homeless Census & Survey conducted by Applied Survey Research there are nearly 9000 Santa Cruz citizens who experience homelessness each year almost 3.5% of the county population.​
or this



Why do you lie? It is common knowledge that Solyndra is not and was not ever part of OSW. OSW may be the affect/effect of Solyndra...but not OWS roots. However, what was and is part of OWS us the AIG credit default swaps on home loans = Gambling.

I bet that your a liar and millions disagree and I lose the world tax payer pay. I win when you lose. It is a win win for more me and lose lose for everyone one in the entire World. You praise and reward this this this this this this this this ???????

Your scrum....

Your a liar thick and through.

Showing a pic of Obama and Solyndra --- just shows that, a pic.

Big deal and what does it prove????

Speaking of liars, he didn't claim Solyndra was involved with OWS.
Too funny even a far left websit has
to hide from their shit

Not that we can't blame them
That anything economic Papa Obama promotes is a loser

That's me!! I am all that and then some, unlike u. Obama's plan has more in little tiny pinkey than you have in your whole entire life, including, but, not limited too, you body.

Obama plan and others who think similar to Obama are not losers. We would like the rest of you to know, that although we are human, we aspire to be different. We push the status quo, we demade change, we are the one who you disavowel, we are the ones you peper spay and put in jail. We demand, No we command Justice and Equality In America.

So admit the 200 pounds of S***is yours and let have a conversation. Otherwise move out of my way cause there is a REVOLUTION IN AMERICA that heads me near.



Bring it, pansy.
What I want to know is who weighed it??

He who weighed it, laid it.

RIP CONSERVATIVE: You've got one jackass on the right saying they are beholden to the Pat Act. Then you've got another JA on the right saying he doesn't know where Lybia is. Then another two JA's on the right who think water boarding is not torture. Then you have Newt who wants amensty for illegal aliens while at the same time throwing grandpa out of his house and calling OWS names.

Boy oh boy....it is the Reps who need to has an ass wooping from their mama's!

Make up your ignorant minds of what you want or don't want. Because, as of now your Party is about ready to be thown out of Congress as illigetiment and unlawful and if you don't watch it charge with obstruction of justice!!

It can happen and will happen you low lifes losers who desever the stricken from every history book. Soon you will no longer will exsist nor be remembered!
:lol: Quit drinking the bong water, you freak.
The Sheriffs list claimed that a hazardous material team responded to the incident, but the city department responsible denies it. "It is typically something our department would respond to," said Tim Fillmore, program manager at City of Santa Cruz Environmental Health. "We have not had any recent complaints about human feces behind the Vet's Hall in Santa Cruz and we have not investigated such a complaint."
The Sheriffs list claimed that a hazardous material team responded to the incident, but the city department responsible denies it. "It is typically something our department would respond to," said Tim Fillmore, program manager at City of Santa Cruz Environmental Health. "We have not had any recent complaints about human feces behind the Vet's Hall in Santa Cruz and we have not investigated such a complaint."

At least one incident on the county list wasn’t noted by the Sheriff’s Office: the discovery of an estimated 200 pounds of human feces near the county Veterans Memorial Building, just across the Water Street bridge from the camp.

The county called in a hazardous materials team to clean up the mess, and installed a security fence around the building, which is closed for renovations.

GROSS!… 200 POUNDS OF POOP Found Near #Occupy Santa Cruz Squatters Camp – Hazmat Called | The Gateway Pundit

Is this the best u got? Are you serious? If there is 200 hundred pounds of human feces it came from yours and other like you trying to minimize the OWS movement.

What? You never heard of sabatoge? The agent provocator...An agent of the oppositon who incites evil upon non-violent civil protesters.

Now that you brought this story to light. I must asked....when the S*** is test for DNA will your DNA appear?

Com...on...be honest...your story and its cites are full of S***. You breathe on your kin with that mouth.
No, it would be idiot libtard s$%# like yours.
What I want to know is who weighed it??

He who weighed it, laid it.

RIP CONSERVATIVE: You've got one jackass on the right saying they are beholden to the Pat Act. Then you've got another JA on the right saying he doesn't know where Lybia is. Then another two JA's on the right who think water boarding is not torture. Then you have Newt who wants amensty for illegal aliens while at the same time throwing grandpa out of his house and calling OWS names.

Boy oh boy....it is the Reps who need to has an ass wooping from their mama's!

Make up your ignorant minds of what you want or don't want. Because, as of now your Party is about ready to be thown out of Congress as illigetiment and unlawful and if you don't watch it charge with obstruction of justice!!

It can happen and will happen you low lifes losers who desever the stricken from every history book. Soon you will no longer will exsist nor be remembered!
And you have a bunch of idiotic lefty socialists that want this country to be socialist. You go away, America does not want or need your kind of ilk.
Sounds like wingnuts trying to frame peaceful patriotic Americans! Maybe a Limbaugh load...
Yeah right. Typical libtard response. What it really is is 200 lbs of libtard brain material after learning the truth.

What it is is a rightwig nug bag unloading 200 pound of BS on Santa Cruz OWS.

Only Teabagger crap in public and leave their crap for the rest of us to clean up.

Keep retarding out of your do nothing elitest thinking mind that goes no where fast...but to the john, riding it all the way to the fleas bag bed you lay in every night. Hey fleas are better then bed bugs right.
You are such an idiot, but then you are a libtard, so idiocy is inbred. You can go back to bed with your boyfreind.
The Sheriffs list claimed that a hazardous material team responded to the incident, but the city department responsible denies it. "It is typically something our department would respond to," said Tim Fillmore, program manager at City of Santa Cruz Environmental Health. "We have not had any recent complaints about human feces behind the Vet's Hall in Santa Cruz and we have not investigated such a complaint."


How is that a counter to what I posted? There is ZERO evidence that there was feces even found, let alone that Occupy Santa Cruz had anything to do with the non-existent feces.

How can you even begin comparing the Occupy movement with the Tea Party? The Occupy protesters aren't bussed into cities in air conditioned buses, paid for by FreedomWorks or the Health Insurance Lobby. They don't listen to country signers with huge LCD displays of the American Flag waving behind them. They don't pack up their picnic lunches and then get back in the bus at the end of the day...they are there around the clock. Much more conviction if you ask me...
That anything economic Papa Obama promotes is a loser

That's me!! I am all that and then some, unlike u. Obama's plan has more in little tiny pinkey than you have in your whole entire life, including, but, not limited too, you body.

Obama plan and others who think similar to Obama are not losers. We would like the rest of you to know, that although we are human, we aspire to be different. We push the status quo, we demade change, we are the one who you disavowel, we are the ones you peper spay and put in jail. We demand, No we command Justice and Equality In America.

So admit the 200 pounds of S***is yours and let have a conversation. Otherwise move out of my way cause there is a REVOLUTION IN AMERICA that heads me near.

Obamaturds ideas are nothing more than socialist butt kissing screw the tax payer policies. You are an IDIOT!!!
The Sheriffs list claimed that a hazardous material team responded to the incident, but the city department responsible denies it. "It is typically something our department would respond to," said Tim Fillmore, program manager at City of Santa Cruz Environmental Health. "We have not had any recent complaints about human feces behind the Vet's Hall in Santa Cruz and we have not investigated such a complaint."


How is that a counter to what I posted? There is ZERO evidence that there was feces even found, let alone that Occupy Santa Cruz had anything to do with the non-existent feces.

How can you even begin comparing the Occupy movement with the Tea Party? The Occupy protesters aren't bussed into cities in air conditioned buses, paid for by FreedomWorks or the Health Insurance Lobby. They don't listen to country signers with huge LCD displays of the American Flag waving behind them. They don't pack up their picnic lunches and then get back in the bus at the end of the day...they are there around the clock. Much more conviction if you ask me...

Was it meant to counter or provide some tacit support?

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