2000 mules continues to do real damage.

The FACTS are so great that not ONE Court in the United States will listen to it.
What charges would be filed and against who? It's a federal crime to tamper with the US Mail or a US Mailbox. The "Drop Boxes" are not covered by those laws, and even if the states using ballot drop boxes have laws on the books, they would be very new laws that have never been tested.

Answer just One Question for me: If drop boxes and bulk mailed ballots are a good idea, why didn't we start using them 200 years ago?
For thinking you were talking about the movie, in a thread about the movie?

NO, crybaby. Goddamn son, grow up.

Also, you are still lying. A lying little weasel.
So you just call people liars and when they prove to you that they did not lie you call them a weasel?..... That's says more about you than I could....
If abolishing slavery is a good idea, why didn't we do it 200 years ago?



For one thing, that's a stupid analogy.

For another thing, slavery was abolished in 1796 in my state (before that, actually, when it was part of an independent nation). Thousands upon thousands of my kin died fighting the Socialist Southern slave states to make it so everywhere in the country. So NO, you don't have any card to play there, dickhead.
Yes, a stupid analogy for a stupid question.
Na, all the stupidity is with non-thinkers like you. I believe deep down you want to go back to the socialist way of life: create a slave class for the elite. The only way to get there is to cheat in the elections, 'cause no free man would ever vote for socialism, only those that believe they're one of the elites would.
Well, we know what a terrible guesser you are, when it comes to your own words from just a while ago.

Your claims of having the videos you claimed. Embarrassing lie.
Okay so why don't you just tell me what you are accusing me of lying about this time.... So I don't have to guess and prove you wrong all over again....
You claiming to have videos of this nonsense. You lied. You don't.
I didn't say I have videos dummy... I said there are videos and you can find them at True The Vote.... I gave you a link but you were too busy calling me a liar.... and cussing out some other guy that was showing your ass up with logic....
Yes, you tell yourself these fantasies and create these boogeymen to justify your own ignorant, bad behavior. You're a dime a dozen, pal.
No, these things are written in the history books, not just fantasies. For whatever reason, people are ignoring history.

"Socialism" cannot exist for very long without either 1) a slave class who work for nothing and can endure whatever hardships, or 2) free capitalism to prey upon

This conclusion has been written so many times in the history books, it's painful that we must see the idea of it sprout up again.
When they take that same "evidence" to a court of law and get some convictions, let me know.
Minor convictions won't accomplish much, if anything. No court would overturn the election at this point. The benefit of all this evidence of fraud will be to prevent leftist fuckstains from doing it again.

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