2000 mules continues to do real damage.

Absolutely. The Left are circling the wagons trying to deny it. Just earlier, I caught PBS with a news special on the threat to our democracy, and what was the basis of their story? January 6. Abnd they had "experts" on from Yale and Harvard, so you just can't argue with them!
  • They pointed out that 81% of all republicans still believe the election was stolen! Did they provide any evidence to the contrary which is what proved to THEM the election was solid? No.
  • Did they explore how that belief fueled and actually caused the J6 protest? No.
  • Did they invite one person on to give the counter point of view? No.
  • Did they ask how an election which flew in the face of the democrat's own 2005 study on election corruption could be "the most honest ever?" No.
  • Did they explain how Trump could have millions switch to voting for Biden putting him over the top when Trump didn't lose any votes? No.
Then they went on to say that J6 and followers of Trump were the existential threat to "democracy."
The irony is that the Democrat voter fraud crimes and election rigging crimes are the real threat to "democracy".
The Left's denial of reality is one of the things that make the Democrat Party a crazy cult.
Minor convictions won't accomplish much, if anything. No court would overturn the election at this point. The benefit of all this evidence of fraud will be to prevent leftist fuckstains from doing it again.

only if it is proven in court. Nobody but the most MAGA of MAGA folks give a fuck about what is in some movie
When they take that same "evidence" to a court of law and get some convictions, let me know.

Till then it is just another movie telling people what they want to hear
Courts no longer play any part in real public opinion. They are for sale just like all the other government agencies. Nobody cares if anyone gets convicted...

The purpose of the film will find its fulfillment in November. Let's posit that the film is totally false......doesn't matter. What matters is the effect....this is what we have now become.
Courts no longer play any part in real public opinion. They are for sale just like all the other government agencies. Nobody cares if anyone gets convicted...

The purpose of the film will find its fulfillment in November. Let's posit that the film is totally false......doesn't matter. What matters is the effect....this is what we have now become.

In Nov the GOP will win a lot of seats just like the party out of power does almost every mid-term. Folks like you will give a 1000 reasons why this time is different.
only if it is proven in court. Nobody but the most MAGA of MAGA folks give a fuck about what is in some movie
Nothing needs to be proven in court for people to believe there was a shit-ton of hinky bullshit last election and act accordingly to prevent it from happening again.
Why do you moonbats seem so frightened of people paying better attention to combat fraud?
Because you were the beneficiary of said fraud in 2020?
Honest adults welcome extra scrutiny of such an important event.
The purpose of the film will find its fulfillment in November. Let's posit that the film is totally false......doesn't matter. What matters is the effect....this is what we have now become.
Remember when Harry Reid was called out for lying about Romney's taxes?
His response was "Well, we won, didn't we?"
Nothing needs to be proven in court for people to believe there was a shit-ton of hinky bullshit last election and act accordingly to prevent it from happening again.
Why do you moonbats seem so frightened of people paying better attention to combat fraud?
Because you were the beneficiary of said fraud in 2020?
Honest adults welcome extra scrutiny of such an important event.

frightened? hardly. I find it all rather amusing that you lemmings think this movie will make a differing in the mid-terms when the only people that give a crap about the movie are people that will be voting straight ticket Repub no matter what

Considering I voted for the Libertarian candidate in 2020 not sure how I benefited from anything that took place then
Nothing needs to be proven in court for people to believe there was a shit-ton of hinky bullshit last election and act accordingly to prevent it from happening again.
Why do you moonbats seem so frightened of people paying better attention to combat fraud?
Because you were the beneficiary of said fraud in 2020?
Honest adults welcome extra scrutiny of such an important event.
There has been massive scrutiny and nothing has come of it.

Scrutinize away this film is irrelevant

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