2000 mules continues to do real damage.

There has been massive scrutiny and nothing has come of it.

Scrutinize away this film is irrelevant
I know it is relevant by the hysterical and foamy-mouthed denials by the useful idiots on the left. You are free to have a different opinion.
We'll see how the midterms play out. I'm feeling pretty good... you?
I know it is relevant by the hysterical and foamy-mouthed denials by the useful idiots on the left. You are free to have a different opinion.
We'll see how the midterms play out. I'm feeling pretty good... you?
The midterms will work out as they work out regardless of this film or the endless screaming of fraud by a few maga idiots.

I dont care how they work out but this fringe group is not helping the GOP
The midterms will work out as they work out regardless of this film or the endless screaming of fraud by a few maga idiots.

I dont care how they work out but this fringe group is not helping the GOP
You have your opinions, I have mine. Enjoy your shellacking.
I won't be shellacked. I can't be shellacked.
A typo is hitting the wrong adjacent key by mistake. You misused a word, you illiterate imbecile.

a typo is also not paying attention to autocorrect.

but hey, if being the grammar police makes you happy, then I am happy for you! It seems to be all you have going for you.
a typo is also not paying attention to autocorrect.

but hey, if being the grammar police makes you happy, then I am happy for you! It seems to be all you have going for you.
You should stick to golfing, kid. You suck at writing and thinking.
The audience that would be receptive to the theory have been influenced to be receptive to fascism, as is being promoted by Trump's faithful.
If it's not the jews that have cause Americans' pain, it will be some other minority.

As was true with Hitler's rise to power, the people can be convinced of any hate propaganda being proposed.

You're likely completely convinced that Trump's election was stolen!
Your actions tell a truer story.
No they don't. you have seen no actions.

The facts are these. There is no evidence of fraud or theft in the 2020 election despite endless accusations and scrutiny.

This film will have no effect on the midterms. People are just as sick of the constant lies of election fraud as they are of the endless bleating by the left about Jan 6.

The outcome of the midterms will be determined by anger against the GOP for the threat to roe vs wade AND by the massive failure of Biden with the economy and Ukraine etc.

It is any bodies midterm and I dont give a damn which party wins.
No they don't. you have seen no actions.

The facts are these. There is no evidence of fraud or theft in the 2020 election despite endless accusations and scrutiny.

This film will have no effect on the midterms. People are just as sick of the constant lies of election fraud as they are of the endless bleating by the left about Jan 6.

The outcome of the midterms will be determined by anger against the GOP for the threat to roe vs wade AND by the massive failure of Biden with the economy and Ukraine etc.
Keep spouting your propaganda. Perceptive adults can see right through it.
It is any bodies midterm and I dont give a damn which party wins.
1. Anybody's.
2. Don't.
3. It's obvious which side of the fence you're leaning towards.
No they don't. you have seen no actions.

The facts are these. There is no evidence of fraud or theft in the 2020 election despite endless accusations and scrutiny.

This film will have no effect on the midterms. People are just as sick of the constant lies of election fraud as they are of the endless bleating by the left about Jan 6.

The outcome of the midterms will be determined by anger against the GOP for the threat to roe vs wade AND by the massive failure of Biden with the economy and Ukraine etc.

It is any bodies midterm and I dont give a damn which party wins.
I think that fascism has a foothold and this movie with it's lies and exaggerations just reinforces it.

Without the preconditioning by Trump, the movie is an obvious fraud.

I fear there's no way back to democracy for America now. Trump and the Republicans will come to power and there will be no way at to remove them.

If there even are ballot boxes, they will be fixed in the hands of the fascists.

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