2000 mules continues to do real damage.

Tell us more about the ballot box stuffing you saw in the movie you never watched that isn't actually in the movie anyway.

That's was hilarious.
I said we have videos of boxes being stuffed... I never said what was in the movie... The movie talks about cell phone tracking that shows the mules gong to the boxes daily....
You need to put the bong down man... seriously dude....
I said we have videos of boxes being stuffed... I never said what was in the movie... The movie talks about cell phone tracking that shows the mules gong to the boxes daily....
You need to put the bong down man... seriously dude....

So that's your weaselly way out? Sorry liar, it's still a lie. And its pretty hilarious how you wait to be utterly destroyed to try to use this out, in a thread about the movie. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. You cultists can't even help yourselves.

So that's your weaselly way out? Sorry liar, it's still a lie. And its pretty hilarious how you wait to be utterly destroyed to try to use this out, in a thread about the movie. Out of the frying pan, into the fire. You cultists can't even help yourselves.
Idiot.... read my words... you jumped to a conclusion that was wrong.... Now do the stand up thing stoner boy and apologize....
You were wrong as hell and I proved it but still call me a liar???? you do smoke too damn much dope....

Yes, your lies about ballot box stuffing are still lies, even in light of your embarrasisng lie that you weren't talking about the movie. I granted you that childish lie, because you are still wrong and a liar even after granting it to you.

That's how wrong and how much of a liar you are. Plain as day.
Yes, your lies about ballot box stuffing are still lies, even in light of your embarrasisng lie that you weren't talking about the movie. I granted you that childish lie, because you are still wrong and a liar even after granting it to you.

That's how wrong and how much of a liar you are. Plain as day.
An opinion of videos that we have all seen about stuffed ballots and blocking GOP poll watchers at ballot centers is not a lie tard.... And at true the vote I've seen video of people sliding stacks of ballots into street drop boxes....
No lie just fact.... You may not like it but there is no lie....
An opinion of videos that we have all seen about stuffed ballots and blocking GOP poll watchers at ballot centers is not a lie
Of course it is. You don't get to cloak your complete and utter lies by calling them "opinion". What are you, 4 years old? Grow up.
Of course it is. You don't get to cloak your complete and utter lies by calling them "opinion". What are you, 4 years old? Grow up.
You need to apologize you were wrong... Just admit it.... Hard headed pot smoker with a racked up brain and zero memory does not even deserve the time I give you....
You know it's working because lefty is totally preoccupied with discrediting it.

Lefty never wastes time and energy on things that don't matter and THIS IS MATTERING in a big way! The purpose of the movie is not to change minds... no one will change their mind. But those who already thought there was probably a steal are being solidified and will definitely not change their minds to the other way of thinking now and that is a pretty big accomplishment. The greatest flattery to the movie is the fact that the fact checkers have taken up the cause. These organizations are better known as professional liars, re-liars and re-re-liars to anyone who knows better now.

Nothing could convince me more that the movie is dead on than the fact that the fact checkers is have decided to pay attention to it.

The dems are scared... They see the eyes of the people opening....

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