2000 mules continues to do real damage.

Liar. Shameless liar. If you had watched it, you would not have spoken the easily debunked lie you posted above. Damn son. Embarrassing.
I watched it twice moron.... And you are acting like you watched it?... Don't make me laugh troll....
I watched it twice moron
Clearly a demonstrable lie, as already demonstrated. I suppose I would believe you were in the same room while it was playing on a screen, but you clearly did not watch it or retain its contents. This has already been demonstrated. You can stop embarrassing yourself, now.

2000 mules continues to do real damage.​

You know it's working because lefty is totally preoccupied with discrediting it.

Absolutely. The Left are circling the wagons trying to deny it. Just earlier, I caught PBS with a news special on the threat to our democracy, and what was the basis of their story? January 6. Abnd they had "experts" on from Yale and Harvard, so you just can't argue with them!
  • They pointed out that 81% of all republicans still believe the election was stolen! Did they provide any evidence to the contrary which is what proved to THEM the election was solid? No.
  • Did they explore how that belief fueled and actually caused the J6 protest? No.
  • Did they invite one person on to give the counter point of view? No.
  • Did they ask how an election which flew in the face of the democrat's own 2005 study on election corruption could be "the most honest ever?" No.
  • Did they explain how Trump could have millions switch to voting for Biden putting him over the top when Trump didn't lose any votes? No.
Then they went on to say that J6 and followers of Trump were the existential threat to "democracy."
Clearly a demonstrable lie, as already demonstrated. I suppose I would believe you were in the same room while it was playing on a screen, but you clearly did not watch it or retain its contents. This has already been demonstrated. You can stop embarrassing yourself, now.
learn something.....

Clearly a demonstrable lie, as already demonstrated. I suppose I would believe you were in the same room while it was playing on a screen, but you clearly did not watch it or retain its contents. This has already been demonstrated. You can stop embarrassing yourself, now.
You don't know what you are talking about... What did I say that makes you think I haven't watched 2000 mules and why the fuck would I lie about something so stupid?... I think you are projecting your dishonest type of behavior onto me....

Now what do you say we go back to the subject... And that is that the dems stole that election.... 2000 mules shows how they did it..... you should watch the movie... You might learn something....
What did I say that makes you think I haven't watched 2000 mules
Already addressed. The lie fed to you by others before you ever watched it (if at all), demonstrated to be a lie. Do you even remember what happened 5 minutes ago, anymore? I hope this is just bad acting, for your sake.
Already addressed. The lie fed to you by others before you ever watched it (if at all), demonstrated to be a lie. Do you even remember what happened 5 minutes ago, anymore? I hope this is just bad acting, for your sake.
My opinion on what took place is just that an opinion.... Opinions are not lies just because you don't agree with it.....:auiqs.jpg:
Please tell me you know the difference.....:laugh:
My opinion on what took place is just that an opinion...
haha, no. You aren't going to slither your way under that rock, sorry. Nothing in the movie shows anything close to what you asserted with 100% confidence.

This happened to you, because you were spoonfed this lie BEFORE watching it, if you ever watched it at all. . So, you repeated it. Because you liked the sound of it.

Now you have been shown it is false. A normal person would not still be clinging to the corpse of their blatant lie.

And a normal person would now ask themselves, "If the ONE thing I managed to shart out of my mouth was a demonstrable lie, are the other things I think I know about this movie ALSO lies?"

Now's your chance.
haha, no. You aren't going to slither your way under that rock, sorry. Nothing in the movie shows anything close to what you asserted with 100% confidence.

This happened to you, because you were spoonfed this lie BEFORE watching it, if you ever watched it at all. . So, you repeated it. Because you liked the sound of it.

Now you have been shown it is false. A normal person would not still be clinging to the corpse of their blatant lie.

And a normal person would now ask themselves, "If the ONE thing I managed to shart out of my mouth was a demonstrable lie, are the other things I think I know about this movie ALSO lies?"

Now's your chance.
Slither out of what rock??? LMAO you made an accusation that you can't prove... Calm down tard.... You are wrong get over it....
Slither out of what rock??? LMAO you made an accusation that you can't prove... Calm down tard.... You are wrong get over it....
Your embarrassing fake LOLs and crybabying does not change the fact that the one claim you sharted was demonstrably false. So, either you didn't watch it and are lying about it, or you watched and are lying about it.

Or, you are too dense and detached from reality to understand what you saw.

Pick your poison.
We supposed to believe our own lying eyes and ears, or a dullard snow Meskin who doesn't know his elbow from his asshole?
Believe what is best for the coming introduction of fascism in the home of the shootings and the land of the gun..
hahahahaha... you poor, gullible man....

We both know you didn't watch 2000 Mules. But, to save you some time....

"In one bit of footage, we see a woman come and use a drop box. She puts in “a small stack” of ballots, Phillips says, “maybe three, maybe four,” and then removes latex gloves that she had been wearing and throws them away. This happened at 1 a.m., the True the Vote team says, making it more suspicious.
  • It’s not at all clear that the woman is putting more than one ballot in the box. There’s just one thin white rectangle that gets slipped into the box.
  • This was on Jan. 5, 2021, during Georgia’s runoff election, so it had nothing to do with the presidential race.
  • The woman is wearing gloves and a mask — suggesting that she is taking precautions against the coronavirus. "
- WaPo
LOL you're fucking dumb. They have multiple videos of her at DIFFERENT drop boxes. LOL

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