2000 mules continues to do real damage.

guys WHY do you all feed these paid shills from langley? you all take the bait like the suckers you are,thats what they want. Look at the huge list of these shills i have on ignore,some arent but the majority are,you all should put them on your list as well.
2000 Mules CONVINCED me that there was election fraud, when:

A) I didn't care before and never looked into it.
B) I voted for Biden.

No one in their right mind can argue against the facts presented in 2000 mules. PERIOD.
you are the only one on this forum who voted for Biden i have ever seen who has been brave enough to own up to it that you made a mistake. that is because you are not a paid shill from langley as the others are.

the majority of the people that did vote for him,are the same as you are,they regret it.
guys WHY do you all feend these paid shills from langley? you all take the bait like the sickers you are,thats what they want. Look at the huge list of these shills i have on ignore,some arent but the majority are,you all should put them on your list as well.
I like showing up the swamps e creatures..... they are easy....
You just can't admit it I showed your ass up big time....
In fact you are easy...
Anyone can see for themselves that you didn't. Your self soothing mastrubation is not compelling.

Not one shred of evidence or argument. Not one single video showing people stuffing ballot boxes. Not one argument for how it could affect election outcomes , or how they were fake votes, or how they were votes for Biden.

Nada. Zip. Zilch.

So you lied. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
No "mule" is seen in that trailer dropping off ballots more than once.
They were seen dropping dozens in at a time in the trailer and the movie and their cell phone was detected at drop boxes multiple times a day.... and even all night long going from one box to another... You need to see the movie not just the trailer but I can't post the movie only the link to buy and download the film....They show in the movie the same people over and over again dropping ballots in the street drop boxes... which are illegal in most states by the way.... a covid election stealing rule....
No "mule" is seen in that trailer dropping off ballots more than once.
The next shoe to drop... Whistle blowers who didn't get the pay they were promised for being a mule.... they are showing up in AZ... CA and other states....
They were seen dropping dozens in at a time in the trailer and the movie and their cell phone was detected at drop boxes multiple times a day.... and even all night long going from one box to another... You need to see the movie not just the trailer but I can't post the movie only the link to buy and download the film....They show in the movie the same people over and over again dropping ballots in the street drop boxes... which are illegal in most states by the way.... a covid election stealing rule....
You said, there is video of people using the drop boxes over and over again...

No one is seen going "over and over again." There are about 15 or so videos of various people going to a drop box; but the move claimed "mules" people went to drop boxes 38 times on average. The movie never once showed video of that.

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