2000 mules continues to do real damage.

You and the experts a full of shit.
When I run errands and or go the gym, and I have my gps app on, when I get back I get a notification of my phone. LA Fitness, how would you rate this business, or Kroger, or Subway or whatever. And there are other businesses right next door, an entrance 15' left or right. The GPS is fucking dead on, not within 100'. Anyone can enable this on their phone.

The standard used by 'True the Vote' for a 'visit' to a ballot drop off box was 100 feet. The geo tracking under controlled conditions is accurate to within about 10m. In real world conditions, its worse.

So we have people coming within 130 ft of say, a library....like say, driving by, being counted as a 'mule'.

And that's assuming that True The Vote was accurate in their placement of the boxes. The graphics in 2000 Mules has some ballot drop off locations listed that are MILES away from the actual dropoff locations.

There's a reason why True the Vote refuses, even when presenting to LESIGLATURES, to release the actual analysis. You've been Cyber Ninja'd again.
And again, where did these 380,000 ballots come from? Each has to be attached to a specific voter, with a specific signature on file. If they made up ballots, they wouldn't match the registration records. if they printed fake ballots from actual voters, there would be hundreds of thousands of double votes in these states.

There weren't.

You poor souls are stuck on square one of this silly, stupid little conspiracy, broken by the most obvious questions.....that you never bothered to ask.
I provided a link... check it out....
Sure you did. And now I am supposed to read a link you never read and do work to debunk an equally retarded opinion. Because that is how you think.

You claim unicorns exist, then you think it's the world's job to prove they don't. Your "proof"? A link to someone else claiming unicorns exist.

No, you will need to do better. Describe in your own words exactly what the link will show, and why it is ballot box stuffing, and how it could change the result. I especially look forward to your explanation for how you know they are votes for Biden. And how you know they are fake votes.

Only then will you have posted anything worthy of response. You're the alien abductee. You're the spoonbender, here. You are the crazy person ranting about contrails, here. Provide your evidence and argument, or go sit in the corner with all the other nutters.
What hearings, have they been ordered into a court of law?

Ordered by a court of law? Why would they need to be ordered by a court of law to turn over their analysis to the public?

They're making MOVIES about this shit. And yet if you ask to see the actual evidence, their actual analysis, True the Vote straight up refuses to do it.

They're insisting that we just take their word for it.
Um, no.
The standard used by 'True the Vote' for a 'visit' to a ballot drop off box was 100 feet. The geo tracking under controlled conditions is accurate to within about 10m. In real world conditions, its worse.

So we have people coming within 130 ft of say, a library....like say, driving by, being counted as a 'mule'.

And that's assuming that True The Vote was accurate in their placement of the boxes. The graphics in 2000 Mules has some ballot drop off locations listed that are MILES away from the actual dropoff locations.

There's a reason why True the Vote refuses, even when presenting to LESIGLATURES, to release the actual analysis. You've been Cyber Ninja'd again.
Oh so they haven't released their data....so how in FUCK do you know it is 100' blah blah you lying FAG. You know what is funny, not once in the doc did they mention which party or the political affiliation of the NGOs etc did the ballot stuffing. Immediately you leftists went into attack mode because you know your team is criminal as fuck.
Sure you did. And now I am supposed to read a link you never read and do work to debunk an equally retarded opinion. Because that is how you think.

You claim unicorns exist, then you think it's the world's job to prove they don't. Your "proof"? A link to someone else claiming unicorns exist.

No, you will need to do better. Describe in your own words exactly what the link will show, and why it is ballot box stuffing, and how it could change the result. I especially look forward to your explanation for how you know they are votes for Biden. And how you know they are fake votes.

Only then will you have posted anything worthy of response. You're the alien abductee. You're the spoonbender, here. You are the crazy person ranting about contrails, here. Provide your evidence and argument, or go sit in the corner with all the other nutters.
Its the true the vote website dumbass and I don't give a shit what you do... you are an idiot....
Ordered by a court of law? Why would they need to be ordered by a court of law to turn over their analysis to the public?

They're making MOVIES about this shit. And yet if you ask to see the actual evidence, their actual analysis, True the Vote straight up refuses to do it.

They're insisting that we just take their word for it. Um, no.
Funny thing is, if they had any evidence, they would happily parade it into a court of law, and some cultist would happily pay all their legal fees.

Instead they are parlaying the claim that it exists it into personal profit in the right wing bubble.

It's only obvious...they have nothing
Its the true the vote website dumbass and I don't give a shit what you do... you are an idiot....
That's what I thought.

The requests I made are pretty standard requests. And anyone with any actual evidence or argument would easily meet those requests.

You have neither. So we get tantrums.
Oh so they haven't released their data....so how in FUCK do you know it is 100' blah blah you lying FAG. You know what is funny, not once in the doc did they mention which party or the political affiliation of the NGOs etc did the ballot stuffing. Immediately you leftists went into attack mode because you know your team is criminal as fuck.

Because they turned it over pieces of it to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation And Georgia laughed them out of the room.

"According to a letter obtained by GPB News, GBI Director Vic Reynolds said that cellphone data provided by Texas-based True the Vote that allegedly shows 279 cellphones that were tracked multiple times within 100 feet of an absentee drop box alone was not evidence of a crime.

"As it exists, the data, while curious, does not rise to the level of probable cause that a crime has been committed," Reynolds wrote, adding that for the GBI to get the same cellphone data they would need probable cause. "We cannot make that showing with what has been provided."

Which explains why they refuse to release the information to the public.

If their evidence is as damning as they claim, they'd be RUNNING to release to the public. Yet they refuse. We have to listen to D'Souza paraphrase it with fake graphics and maps of Moscow.

You've been played.
That's what I thought.

The requests I made are pretty standard requests. And anyone with any actual evidence or argument would easily meet those requests.

You have neither. So we get tantrums.
Go to the site and look for yourself.... or just stay stupid all the rest of your days....
Go to the site and look for yourself.... or just stay stupid all the rest of your days....
Haha, you don't even realize how much you are embarrassing yourself.

You never saw it. That's obvious by now.

You also are in possession of no arguments that are supported by evidence that state the ballot box stuffing happened at all, much less that it could have affected the outcome, or that they were all Biden votes, or that any of them were fake votes.

No evidence. No argument.

But unicorns exist, I swear!
Haha, you don't even realize how much you are embarrassing yourself.

You never saw it. That's obvious by now.

You also are in possession of no arguments that are supported by evidence that state the ballot box stuffing happened at all, much less that it could have affected the outcome, or that they were all Biden votes, or that any of them were fake votes.

No evidence. No argument.

But unicorns exist, I swear!
You haven't seen the movie and you won't go to the site and look for yourself so I don't know what else to do to help you....
I saw what I said I saw... how can you say what was and wasn't in a movie that you haven't seen?....lmao
Haha, you don't even realize how much you are embarrassing yourself.

You never saw it. That's obvious by now.

You also are in possession of no arguments that are supported by evidence that state the ballot box stuffing happened at all, much less that it could have affected the outcome, or that they were all Biden votes, or that any of them were fake votes.

No evidence. No argument.

But unicorns exist, I swear!
I can't post the movie here I tried but watch the trailer dummy....

You haven't seen the movie and you won't go to the site and look for yourself so I don't know what else to do to help you....
I saw what I said I saw... how can you say what was and wasn't in a movie that you haven't seen?....lmao
No need to do either. I am not the one claiming to be addicted by aliens or claiming to be able to bend spoons with my mind. You and the frauds at True the Vite are.

And all of you frauds genuinely believe the burden is on everyone else to disprove Amy fantastical claim you make.

You have never watched the movie or seen this video. Thanks for wasting my time.
I can't post the movie here I tried but watch the trailer dummy....

Wait, you had a very long hissy fit because I reasonably assumed, in a thread about that movie, that you were talking about the movie, when you made your lying claim. You insisted that you were not.

Now you are saying the contents of the movie show you are correct.

Holy shit dude... what is wrong with you?
No need to do either. I am not the one claiming to be addicted by aliens or claiming to be able to bend spoons with my mind. You and the frauds at True the Vite are.

And all of you frauds genuinely believe the burden is on everyone else to disprove Amy fantastical claim you make.

You have never watched the movie or seen this video. Thanks for wasting my time.
You have not seen the movie but you are saying what I saw in the movie wasn't in the movie yet I showed you it was by posting the movie trailer... You don't want to admit you are wrong... Not my problem....
Wait, you had a very long hissy fit because I reasonably assumed, in a thread about that movie, that you were talking about the movie, when you made your lying claim. You insisted that you were not.

Now you are saying the contents of the movie show you are correct.

Holy shit dude... what is wrong with you?
What??? are you on drugs again?....LOL
You have not seen the movie but you are saying what I saw in the movie wasn't in the movie yet I showed you it was by posting the movie trailer... You don't want to admit you are wrong... Not my problem....
More vapid whining...not a shred of evidence or argument...

Poor Rambunctious has had another mental break.

This reminds me of the interviews in Blade Runner, when they made the droids malfunction and out themselves by simply asking them questions.

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