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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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Oh, that tiny dick thing again? I swear, you liberals all get your talking points from one site so it seems.

Let's see, you make the claim I have a tiny dick, so my response is supposed to be "Gee! I don't want people to think I have a tiny dick, so I'll stop carrying my gun!"

Liberals are such simpletons. You really think we can't see through your bogus reverse psychology routine? LOL! You are as obvious as Trumps hair for crying out loud.

guy, it's really tiny. I hate to keep breaking that to you.

Clearly, the gun industry knows about your insecurities and plays on them. A guy who has an avi of someone shooting a gun clearly has some "shortcomings" if you know what I mean.
One cannot be denied his rights absent due process, including the rights enshrined in the Second Amendment – even if one is suspected of being a terrorist.

Likewise, Muslims in the United States cannot be denied their fundamental rights, including the rights enshrined in the First Amendment, and be compelled to 'register with the government,' or have mosques 'investigated,' or suspected of being a 'terrorist' for no other reason than being Muslim.
Try it, see how easy it is.

sure it's easy. They resist...


See. Easy.

It sure is when you employ the reno burn children methodology. Somehow, I can see you favoring and enjoying a pol pot type of governance replacing the US constitution.
what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," is NOT plain English?

Even in those days, you didn't need to belong to a militia to own arms.

In those days, people owned slaves, but slaves were not allowed to have guns. so clearly, it was meant in the context of a "militia', not every whackadoodle who could plop down $100 for a Saturday Night Special.

Back in those days, a musket had a fire rate of 1 shot per minute. Now we have fully automatic weapons and 100 round clips and apparently, if you are a guy who thinks you are the Joker, you can buy one and mow down a whole theater full of Batman fans.

So maybe instead of making laws based on what we THINK a bunch of slave-rapists who shit in chamberpots meant when they talked about a well regulated militia meaning people could have arms, we should think about what works well in the here and now.

2000 guys on the TERROR WATCH LIST being able to buy guns is not a good idea in 2015.

The more I see you post on this subject, the more I realize how little you know about it.

is it your fear of phallic symbols that makes you suffer from hoplophobia?
what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," is NOT plain English?

Even in those days, you didn't need to belong to a militia to own arms.

In those days, people owned slaves, but slaves were not allowed to have guns. so clearly, it was meant in the context of a "militia', not every whackadoodle who could plop down $100 for a Saturday Night Special.

Back in those days, a musket had a fire rate of 1 shot per minute. Now we have fully automatic weapons and 100 round clips and apparently, if you are a guy who thinks you are the Joker, you can buy one and mow down a whole theater full of Batman fans.

So maybe instead of making laws based on what we THINK a bunch of slave-rapists who shit in chamberpots meant when they talked about a well regulated militia meaning people could have arms, we should think about what works well in the here and now.

2000 guys on the TERROR WATCH LIST being able to buy guns is not a good idea in 2015.

Back then slaves were not considered citizens, therefore, had no Constitutional rights. Hell, they weren't even considered people.

You seem to know it all Joe. You know more than the justices on the Supreme Court, you know more than our founders. Is there anybody you don't know more than Joe?

Did our founders also have the choice between "chamberpots" and actual toilets with running water Joe?
Oh, that tiny dick thing again? I swear, you liberals all get your talking points from one site so it seems.

Let's see, you make the claim I have a tiny dick, so my response is supposed to be "Gee! I don't want people to think I have a tiny dick, so I'll stop carrying my gun!"

Liberals are such simpletons. You really think we can't see through your bogus reverse psychology routine? LOL! You are as obvious as Trumps hair for crying out loud.

guy, it's really tiny. I hate to keep breaking that to you.

Clearly, the gun industry knows about your insecurities and plays on them. A guy who has an avi of someone shooting a gun clearly has some "shortcomings" if you know what I mean.

My insecurities? You're the one afraid of armed citizens--not me.

No, that "insult people into submission" doesn't work with us. We are more intelligent than your average liberal. Every time you libs get backed into a corner, it's insult time: tiny dick, homophobe, racist...... it doesn't work Joe. Maybe in your "tiny" mind you think you're accomplishing something, but not in the real world.
Back then slaves were not considered citizens, therefore, had no Constitutional rights. Hell, they weren't even considered people.

You seem to know it all Joe. You know more than the justices on the Supreme Court, you know more than our founders. Is there anybody you don't know more than Joe?

Did our founders also have the choice between "chamberpots" and actual toilets with running water Joe?

The Supreme court includes hacks like Uncle Thomas... I'm sure I have a better bead on this than he does.

You see, I do know enough to know that other industrialize democracies either ban private gun ownership or limit it severely, and the funny thing is- they have nowhere near our crime rates, or death rates or our murder rates.

Probably because they based their laws on "What makes sense', not "What did a bunch of slave-rapist who shit in chamber pots think."
My insecurities? You're the one afraid of armed citizens--not me.

No, that "insult people into submission" doesn't work with us. We are more intelligent than your average liberal. Every time you libs get backed into a corner, it's insult time: tiny dick, homophobe, racist...... it doesn't work Joe. Maybe in your "tiny" mind you think you're accomplishing something, but not in the real world.

Guy, frankly, you show your insecurities with every post.

33,000 people die from gun violence every year. Another 70,000 are injured, and we have 500,000 gun crimes.

This is an awfully high price to compensate for your "shortcomings".
Back then slaves were not considered citizens, therefore, had no Constitutional rights. Hell, they weren't even considered people.

You seem to know it all Joe. You know more than the justices on the Supreme Court, you know more than our founders. Is there anybody you don't know more than Joe?

Did our founders also have the choice between "chamberpots" and actual toilets with running water Joe?

The Supreme court includes hacks like Uncle Thomas... I'm sure I have a better bead on this than he does.

You see, I do know enough to know that other industrialize democracies either ban private gun ownership or limit it severely, and the funny thing is- they have nowhere near our crime rates, or death rates or our murder rates.

Probably because they based their laws on "What makes sense', not "What did a bunch of slave-rapist who shit in chamber pots think."

Oh, you mean such heavy gun restrictions like they have in France?

We have very stringent recreational narcotics laws in this country, yet, we have more people locked up in prisons than any industrialized country in the world because of drugs. If laws work so well, why don't we have the least amount of people in our prisons?

When a person gets a DUI, do you blame the availability of automobiles? If a person injures himself with a circular saw, do you blame the availability of saws? If not, then why do you blame guns instead of people for accidents and deliberate actions used with them?
thanks once again for pointing out once again how big government

is usually a failure and unrelibable

It didn't "fail". It did EXACTLY what the NRA wants it to do.

The NRA wants Terrorists, Criminals and the mentally ill to have guns.

So guys with tiny dicks like yourself will want them, too.

well in your post you pointed out that indeed it did fail

but in leftard world failure means success
So you admit that Holder and Obozo demonstrated their utter incompetence on Fast and Furious, right???

Then Obozo used executive privilege in an attempt to cover it up...

No, I just don't think it was that big of a deal.

250,000 guns cross the border every year. Losing track of a couple dozen of them while being able to catch some of the bad actors who were doing the gun walking isn't a bad trade off.

Of course, in a SANE world, we'd strictly regulate who can buy and sell guns, just like every other civilized country does.

3,000 walked.....on purpose.....to help push gun control...
So let me get this straight: you're all for all kinds of foreigners coming over here, but then want to restrict gun usage? That's how a typical lib solves a problem.

I could explain it to you again, and you still wouldn't understand.

Okay, one more time. We let people on the Terror Watch List buy guns, even though they are on the terror watch list.

We let crazy people buy guns.

We let felons buy guns.

The problem isn't "Foreigners". We were all foreigners at one point. We have someone in our family tree who wasn't born here.

the problem is gun laws that are so lax that the people who clearly shouldn't have guns - citizens or foreigners- can get them.

We don't let felons buy guns twit....they steal them or get straw buyers....because your stupid background checks are only meant for people who obey laws....
My insecurities? You're the one afraid of armed citizens--not me.

No, that "insult people into submission" doesn't work with us. We are more intelligent than your average liberal. Every time you libs get backed into a corner, it's insult time: tiny dick, homophobe, racist...... it doesn't work Joe. Maybe in your "tiny" mind you think you're accomplishing something, but not in the real world.

Guy, frankly, you show your insecurities with every post.

33,000 people die from gun violence every year. Another 70,000 are injured, and we have 500,000 gun crimes.

This is an awfully high price to compensate for your "shortcomings".

Compensate for my shortcomings? You're the one obsessed with my dick! Talk about showing ones insecurities with every post........
Sure, we all came from families of foreigners at one time or another, but not from places that harbor people that want to kill every American.

right. There's a scary Arab under your bed.

Terrorists killed 14 Americans last year. Gun nuts killed 11,000. I'm more worried about you gun nuts than terrorists.

Don't know how you COULDN'T understand this.. These folks have not been convicted of anything -- yet. And IIRC -- about 30% or more are MISTAKES. This is exactly why we (the folks that like ALL of the first 10 Amendments) would never allow shoddy constructs like a "terror watch list" to infringe on rights.

And besides, if they went to purchase a gun and were denied -- they'd have to be told why.

What makes you think that REAL terrorists buy their stuff at retail stores anyway?

Okay. Nidal Hasan. bought his gun at a gun store.

Why wouldn't they buy their stuff at a gun store.

twit......according to the FBI table 8 there were 8,124 gun murders in the United States...and that is going down, not up as more Americans buy, own and carry guns for self defense..

Of those 8,124 gun murders the majority are criminals....with long histories of violence and violent criminal convictions murdering other criminals with histories of violence and criminal convictions.....

You believe normal people who have no history of violence, no criminal history, buy a gun, go home and shoot their wife over a burnt dinner or driving home shoot the guy who cuts them off at the light.....and that is not true, it is not a fact and it is not reality...

So we don't have a gun problem in the United States...we have a criminal culture that is violent and uses illegally obtained guns in illegal crimes to kill other criminals....and then you use those criminals to justify gun control laws that target normal people who own guns and don't use them to commit crimes....

that is how mentally ill you left wing gun grabbers are.....

Okay. Nidal Hasan. bought his gun at a gun store.

Why wouldn't they buy their stuff at a gun store

nidal hasan was not a criminal at the time of his terrorist attack at Fort Hood....he passed all the gun control laws you created and then used his gun....in a gun free zone....to murder people who did not have guns themselves because they followed the law and did not bring a gun into a gun free zone....

Criminals can't buy at gun stores because of the current, mandated background checks.....so they get their guns by stealing them or by getting someone who can pass a background check buy them for them....thus making background checks useless for anything other than tripping up law abiding gun owners...
I don't know what the process is by which one gets added to that list, but I very much doubt if it involves proper due process of law, consisting of being tried and convicted of a crime. That being the case,why shouldn't they be able to buy guns? Merely being suspected of having ties to terrorism is not legitimate grounds for denial of any of one's basic Constitutional rights. Innocent until proven guilty.

Well, besides the fact the Second Amendment is about MILITIAS and not gun ownership, by your same logic, why do we deny the mentally ill the right to buy guns. (Of course, the mentally ill can just lie about being mentally ill, and the gun industry is just happy to sell them guns, anyway.)

If they haven't committed a crime yet, why do we deny them the right to own a gun? Oh, that's right. Becuase they are fucking mentally ill, you dumbass.

Of course, every time we have one of these characters like Mercer or Loughner or Holmes or Lanza shoot up a school, we find out EVERYONE in their lives knew they were crazy. But they were still able to get a gun, anyway, because the National Rampage Association has convinced stupid people this is a "right".

MEANWHILE- other countries, gun ownership is a privilege. And while you do have the occassional terrorist attack or crime, they don't have anywhere near our murder rates.

They don't have the murder rate because their criminals don't commit murder as often.......our criminals do......especially against other criminals..but Europe is Catching up...as is Australia..and they banned guns...and their gun murder rate is going up, not down.....after the confiscation and ban...
If we should be able to take their right to own a gun in the US, why don't we just arrest them and throw them in prison for life?

because locking people up is impratical and expensive.

Gun confiscation is easy.

No...locking up violent criminals is cost effective because they do far more expensive damage when they are running loose. It is far more expensive having them run around rather than spending 30 grand a year to lock them up.
Oh, so that's why........

You see, I thought it had to do with liberty and rights that we protect in the USA. And now I find out that it's because of expense and convenience.

Guns don't make you free or compensate for your tiny dick. Hate to keep breaking that to you.

Oh, that tiny dick thing again? I swear, you liberals all get your talking points from one site so it seems.

Let's see, you make the claim I have a tiny dick, so my response is supposed to be "Gee! I don't want people to think I have a tiny dick, so I'll stop carrying my gun!"

Liberals are such simpletons. You really think we can't see through your bogus reverse psychology routine? LOL! You are as obvious as Trumps hair for crying out loud.

it is called Projection...he actually does have a tiny dick.......and the only way he can feel good about himself is by attacking others....
what part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms," is NOT plain English?

Even in those days, you didn't need to belong to a militia to own arms.

In those days, people owned slaves, but slaves were not allowed to have guns. so clearly, it was meant in the context of a "militia', not every whackadoodle who could plop down $100 for a Saturday Night Special.

Back in those days, a musket had a fire rate of 1 shot per minute. Now we have fully automatic weapons and 100 round clips and apparently, if you are a guy who thinks you are the Joker, you can buy one and mow down a whole theater full of Batman fans.

So maybe instead of making laws based on what we THINK a bunch of slave-rapists who shit in chamberpots meant when they talked about a well regulated militia meaning people could have arms, we should think about what works well in the here and now.

2000 guys on the TERROR WATCH LIST being able to buy guns is not a good idea in 2015.

yes...Ted "the swimmer" kennedy was on the terror watch list.....our governemnt at work...and though his policies terrorized this country until is long over due death.....he was by no means a violent terrorist....
Back then slaves were not considered citizens, therefore, had no Constitutional rights. Hell, they weren't even considered people.

You seem to know it all Joe. You know more than the justices on the Supreme Court, you know more than our founders. Is there anybody you don't know more than Joe?

Did our founders also have the choice between "chamberpots" and actual toilets with running water Joe?

The Supreme court includes hacks like Uncle Thomas... I'm sure I have a better bead on this than he does.

You see, I do know enough to know that other industrialize democracies either ban private gun ownership or limit it severely, and the funny thing is- they have nowhere near our crime rates, or death rates or our murder rates.

Probably because they based their laws on "What makes sense', not "What did a bunch of slave-rapist who shit in chamber pots think."

yes...let your inner racist out joe...
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