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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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Which is it? And BTW, France also has 60 million people compared to our 315 million. That's less than 1/5 of our population.

Okay, but they have 1/24th of our murder rate. (16000 / 665).

Less guns means less murder. This really isn't complicated, even for a mouth breather like you.

Ah yes, that liberal fantasy that if we make it harder for legal citizens to own guns, that would stop the bad guys from getting them; just like it worked out so well with narcotics.
Try it, see how easy it is.

sure it's easy. They resist...


They broke no law... FBI pumped flammable gas into their compound.... BATF started to penetrate private property by force without search warrant...
remember the Warsaw Ghetto.... same thing, less sophistication...

See. Easy.
If they haven't committed a crime yet, why do we deny them the right to own a gun? Oh, that's right. Becuase they are fucking mentally ill, you dumbass.

If that's a valid reason to deny any essential rights to any person without proper due process of law, then I think it is clear that just cause exists to deny you every such right.
Correct, no gun laws would stop a terrorist attack, but they did stop people from being able to shoot back and protect themselves.

Yes, the gun nut fantasy that they can stop crime or terrorist attacks.

Never happens. Usually because when something bad goes down, it's usually over before anyone can pull out a gun.

Wrong, it does happen in this country. Armed citizens have saved countless lives by having their firearm and either protecting themselves or other people.

In the US, nut cases look for Gun Free zones to carry out their evil deeds. In places like France, the entire country is a gun free zone. As witnesses have testified, the terrorists walked through that concert hall almost fearlessly as if nothing to fear. And why not? They didn't have anything to fear. They were the only ones in the place with guns.
A gun doesn't cost you $700.00 a month. No Republican ever said they would FORCE people to own guns like the Commies did with health insurance, and furthermore, even if they did, they wouldn't force other people to help you pay for your guns like the Commies did with Commie Care.

World View: Obamacare in Death Spiral as UnitedHealth Announces Pullout

United Health Care didn't announce a pullout, just that they were losing money on the exchanges.

Uh, guy, the rest of us are paying for the uninsured, whether we want to or not. Because when they show up at the emergency room to treat that cold, where do you think the money to pay for that comes from?

From insurance companies. Health facilities increase rates that insurance companies have to pay to offset their losses like people in the emergency room. Of course, they are only a drop in the bucket. The biggest losses to health facilities come from people that are on government programs that pay a fraction of the bill for their patients.
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3,000 walked.....on purpose.....to help push gun control...

Bullshit. undercover operations do these sorts of things all the time.

We don't let felons buy guns twit....they steal them or get straw buyers....because your stupid background checks are only meant for people who obey laws....

Or they buy them from gun dealers who KNOW they are selling to straw buyers, or who don't check background checks.

So again- you prosecute the gun sellers and THEY WILL Clean up their acts.

yes...Ted "the swimmer" kennedy was on the terror watch list.....our governemnt at work...and though his policies terrorized this country until is long over due death.....he was by no means a violent terrorist....

Tiny, now you are sputtering... The fact is, the reason why being on the Terror Watch list isn't a block on buying a gun, is because you buddies at the NRA INSISTED that not be a disqualifier.

Mostly, because they had some funny idea that if you did that, people who talk shit about shooting government agents- you know, like you do - could be classified as "Terrorists".

Although the thought of sending Wayne LaPeirre down to Gitmo for some quality waterboarding does have some appeal to it.

No...locking up violent criminals is cost effective because they do far more expensive damage when they are running loose. It is far more expensive having them run around rather than spending 30 grand a year to lock them up.

Tiny, then how is it all the other industrial democracies get by with not locking that many people up? Germany only locks up 78,000, Japan only locks up 69,000, we lock up 2 MILLION.

If guns and prisons were the answer, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the world, not the highest.

Nope...wrong...they allow the transaction to happen then they make the arrest....they allowed these guns to disappear into Mexico in the hands of drug cartels with no way of knowing where they went or who had them....no arrests were made or attempted....

If a gun seller is going to break the law too....then you arrest them as well....after you arrest the criminal with the gun he rats out the seller...twit. Gun sellers who are willing to go to jail for selling illegal guns...for years, will not be stopped by any of your laws...they have to actually be caught breaking the law...I know that little step is not one you care about but fascists like you never care about sending innocent people to your work camps.....

No. The terror watch list is not a conviction of a crime twit...you can't deny people a right just on the say so of a government agency....you lefties love that concept, but we don't allow it here...twit. And considering how you morons call anyone belonging to the NRA a terrorist....there is good reason to back the Constitution on that one....

Other countries do not have the criminal culture that we have, generations of minorities being told they are victims of other people...and so anything they do, any crime they commit is justified...try saying that to anyone in Japan and see how far you get.......

And we aren't locking up gun criminals...obama has reduced the number of federal gun crime convictions...I wonder why...considering he was selling guns to drug cartels to push his gun grabbing agenda....and now he has let out 6,000 felons.....allegedly non violent pot smokers...anyone believe that....?

You can't push gun control when the gun murder rate is going down...way down, as more Americans buy and carry guns.....you have to create a crisis so you can use it and not let it go to waste.....
That's not even funny Joe.. The guy worked for the ARMY as a Chief Psychmeister. He was not on any lists and NOT considered a terrorist. Tho --- the "Soldier of Allah" on his biz card would have raised flags if the Fed Govt wasn't so inept about identifying POTENTIAL Islamic extremist threats.

I agree, it isn't funny. A guy like Nidal Hasan had no business being in the Army. He also had no business being able to buy a gun.

The difference is, the Army took steps to weed out the next potential Nidal Hasan. The Gun Industry, meh, not so much. Don't you dare talk about background checks!!!!

Yeah.....and the fact that another person shot up Fort Hood....right? The Army is now infected with obamaitis...they couldn't stop nuts from getting in if they wanted to......

And background checks are a joke.......none of you gun grabbers can explain how they actually work....you chant the words "Background checks....Background Checks......." like some sort of religious mantra.......since they don't stop one criminal from getting a gun and they haven't stopped one mass shooter from getting a gun.....and since that is the truth...what do you twits want...."Universal Background Checks...." Since the first, federally mandated background checks are avoided easily by criminals.....of course, the Universal Checks will be avoided in exactly the same way as the current background checks are....but keep chanting "Universal Background Checks...." and then when those fail you can move on to your next pointless, useless gun control law targeted at law abiding people while doing nothing to stop criminals....

You guys are twits.......dangerous twits....
Oh, you mean such heavy gun restrictions like they have in France?

France had 665 homicides in 2014, with 148 committed with guns.

We had 16000 homicides with 11000 committed with guns.

No, gun laws are not going to stop highly organized terrorist attacks. They do stop run of the mill who drank the last can of beer homicides, though.

We have very stringent recreational narcotics laws in this country, yet, we have more people locked up in prisons than any industrialized country in the world because of drugs. If laws work so well, why don't we have the least amount of people in our prisons?

We lock up users and not dealers. We should treat the user as a medical issue, not a criminal one. That still means you can't keep your Meth Lab in your Trailer Park, Cleetus.

When a person gets a DUI, do you blame the availability of automobiles? If a person injures himself with a circular saw, do you blame the availability of saws? If not, then why do you blame guns instead of people for accidents and deliberate actions used with them?

Cars and saws aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

We had 8,124 gun murders, the majority committed by violent career criminals who murdered other violent, career criminals........

Gun laws in France and every other part of Europe can't stop criminals from getting fully automatic rifles let alone terrorists...their criminal gangs prefer AKs too......they just don't have a culture of gun murder like our inner city democrats do......

But that is changing.....their criminals are getting a taste for gun murder......and then what will you say when they have all of the gun control you dream of....and they have gun murder rates as high as ours....

What in his record would have prevented him from serving?

The fact he had "Solider of Allah" on his business cards.

The fact that he had told his superiors that he didn't want to serve, and they kept him in, anyway.

The fact that he was batshit crazy and a lousy psychiatrist who gave really bad advise to the soldiers sent to him.

But unfortunately, by the 8th year of Bush's War on an Emotional State, no one was really signing up anymore, so they insisted on keeping Misfits like Hasan and Bergdahl and Manning that should have washed out otherwise.

No....we had record enlistments.....it was left wingers like you who infiltrated the military and made it a career ender to question the activities of guys like hasan..........that is why no one said anything about the guy or followed up when the few people actually complained....I just posted a video on the left and how they help muslim terrorists...you should check it out.....he may have even mentioned you by name...
Which is it? And BTW, France also has 60 million people compared to our 315 million. That's less than 1/5 of our population.

Okay, but they have 1/24th of our murder rate. (16000 / 665).

Less guns means less murder. This really isn't complicated, even for a mouth breather like you.

Wrong...America has more guns and our gun murder rate is going down, not up......and Australian murder rates stayed the same, they just didn't use guns...and they still had gun crime and mass shootings after the ban......and their gun crime is increasing, not decreasing....after the confiscation...
Correct, no gun laws would stop a terrorist attack, but they did stop people from being able to shoot back and protect themselves.

Yes, the gun nut fantasy that they can stop crime or terrorist attacks.

Never happens. Usually because when something bad goes down, it's usually over before anyone can pull out a gun.

No..in most cases of mass shooting no good people have guns because they obeyed your stupid gun free zone laws....so you nuts ban guns for good people and when no one is there with a gun to stop the mass shooter who ignored your law...you say...see...no one stops mass shooters with guns....nice trick you have there...

And of course, in the times where people actually are armed in the face of mass shooters...they stop them and save lives.....
He didn't want to serve?


can you imagine how many would leave the service the first time they got a blister, if all they had to do was say they wanted out?

The rest of your post?

Pure comedy, as usual.

Actually, the man had been in for something like 21 years, had received a commission and several promotions.

And at some point, he went nuts, at which point someone should have stepped in and gotten him discharged.

Except, of course no one did. Because by 2004, people weren't signing up and they didn't want to lose the people they had. They were pulling back guys who had already served their time.

But from the Wiki, you have this..

Hasan was investigated by the FBI after intelligence agencies intercepted at least 18 e-mails between him and Anwar al-Awlaki between December 2008 and June 2009.[63] al-Awlaki was a major influence on radical English-speaking jihadis internationally, and contact with him by an American officer would naturally raise concerns.[64]

In one of the e-mails, Hasan wrote al-Awlaki: "I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife. Hasan also asked al-Awlaki when jihad is appropriate, and whether it is permissible if innocents are killed in a suicide attack.[65] In the months before the shooting, Hasan increased his contacts with al-Awlaki to discuss how to transfer funds abroad without coming to the attention of law authorities.

Yup. this guy is someone they totally needed to keep in AND let him buy a gun.

yeah...those are the guys you want to trust your life too....they knew he was a radical extremist and they did nothing....and your gun free zone made sure his victims couldn't stop him either.......a double win for you anti gun morons...
Oh, you mean such heavy gun restrictions like they have in France?

France had 665 homicides in 2014, with 148 committed with guns.

We had 16000 homicides with 11000 committed with guns.

No, gun laws are not going to stop highly organized terrorist attacks. They do stop run of the mill who drank the last can of beer homicides, though.

We have very stringent recreational narcotics laws in this country, yet, we have more people locked up in prisons than any industrialized country in the world because of drugs. If laws work so well, why don't we have the least amount of people in our prisons?

We lock up users and not dealers. We should treat the user as a medical issue, not a criminal one. That still means you can't keep your Meth Lab in your Trailer Park, Cleetus.

When a person gets a DUI, do you blame the availability of automobiles? If a person injures himself with a circular saw, do you blame the availability of saws? If not, then why do you blame guns instead of people for accidents and deliberate actions used with them?

Cars and saws aren't designed to kill people. Guns are.

We had 8,124 gun murders, the majority committed by violent career criminals who murdered other violent, career criminals........

Gun laws in France and every other part of Europe can't stop criminals from getting fully automatic rifles let alone terrorists...their criminal gangs prefer AKs too......they just don't have a culture of gun murder like our inner city democrats do......

But that is changing.....their criminals are getting a taste for gun murder......and then what will you say when they have all of the gun control you dream of....and they have gun murder rates as high as ours....

That's likely not going to happen since it's not the guns--it's the people.

In our multicultural society, we have some people that are more prone to violence than others. Prison doesn't scare some people here that much because it's a badge of honor to end up in jail. That is not to say that people prefer jail to the outside world, only that they don't fear it as much as they might in other countries. Here, they call it Street Credentials, or street cred for short.

You could give everybody in Europe a gun and it may not change their murder rate at all or just slightly above what they have now. What people like Joe never accepted is that it's not the gun that kills people--it's people that kill people. Just the same, you could take everybody's gun away from them in the US, and we might still have the same murder rate or even higher.
They broke no law... FBI pumped flammable gas into their compound.... BATF started to penetrate private property by force without search warrant...
remember the Warsaw Ghetto.... same thing, less sophistication...
I hope that's not what you want.....There would be pussies to give up their right but then there would be some who would go down fighting...Lots of casualties what nobody wants...

wouldn't bother me that much. I look at Waco and Ruby Ridge as 'weeding out the gene pool'.
Ah yes, that liberal fantasy that if we make it harder for legal citizens to own guns, that would stop the bad guys from getting them; just like it worked out so well with narcotics.

No, it worked in Japan, the UK, Australia, France, Italy, Germany and every other industrialized democracy that bans guns and have very low murder rates.

Wrong, it does happen in this country. Armed citizens have saved countless lives by having their firearm and either protecting themselves or other people.

DGU's are a lie. They simply don't happen that often.

From insurance companies. Health facilities increase rates that insurance companies have to pay to offset their losses like people in the emergency room. Of course, they are only a drop in the bucket. The biggest losses to health facilities come from people that are on government programs that pay a fraction of the bill for their patients.

Again, guy, countries with universal health coverage spend half what we do per capita. While we spend 17% of our GDP on health care, most countries spend 8-11%. The real problem- Greedy Doctors, Greedy Drug Companies and Greedy insurance companies.
Nope...wrong...they allow the transaction to happen then they make the arrest....they allowed these guns to disappear into Mexico in the hands of drug cartels with no way of knowing where they went or who had them....no arrests were made or attempted....

actually, most of the guns were recovered. Of 2000 involved in the program, only about 200 were lost. But never mind, you guys have your conspiracy theories and you are sticking to them.

No. The terror watch list is not a conviction of a crime twit...you can't deny people a right just on the say so of a government agency....you lefties love that concept, but we don't allow it here...twit. And considering how you morons call anyone belonging to the NRA a terrorist....there is good reason to back the Constitution on that one....

You NRA guys call the government "Jack Booted Thugs" and think you need guns to shoot government agents. Probably a good idea to call you terrorists... Proving the old adage, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No....we had record enlistments.....it was left wingers like you who infiltrated the military and made it a career ender to question the activities of guys like hasan..........that is why no one said anything about the guy or followed up when the few people actually complained....I just posted a video on the left and how they help muslim terrorists...you should check it out.....he may have even mentioned you by name...

Guy, I'm a decorated veteran. YOu are some whiny bitch who snivels someone might want to take away that compensation for your tiny dick.

Hasan didn't get away with anything because of Political Correctness. He got away with it because 1) The Army wasn't letting ANYONE get out at that time and 2) You had a bad case of "Officer's Country".

In short, if he had been an E-4 instead of an O-4, you are damned right they'd have railroaded his ass out of there. But the Army basically covers for officers no matter what they get caught doing.
They broke no law... FBI pumped flammable gas into their compound.... BATF started to penetrate private property by force without search warrant...
remember the Warsaw Ghetto.... same thing, less sophistication...

Well, they did break laws. They were molesting kids and selling illegal guns. And the ATF had a valid search warrant, issued by a judge.

but 80 less freaky cultists in the world... I'm good with that.
So they can buy them under Obozo??

Guess that means he doesn't need another "Fast and Furious" to arm them like he did with the Mexican drug cartels, huh??

idiota :cuckoo:

lear your president's name, moron.
No..in most cases of mass shooting no good people have guns because they obeyed your stupid gun free zone laws....so you nuts ban guns for good people and when no one is there with a gun to stop the mass shooter who ignored your law...you say...see...no one stops mass shooters with guns....nice trick you have there...

No, guy, the better trick is when the mass shooter does his business while the gun nut just stands their slack jawed because he and everyone else is already dead before he knew what happened.

Like that guy who shot two cops in Las Vegas, and the gun nut came to the rescue, and promptly got shot in the back by his accomplice.

Or the guy in Tuscon who rushed out with his gun and almost shot one of the unarmed bystanders who disarmed the shooter.
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