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2000 People on "Terror Watch List" able to buy guns!

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That's likely not going to happen since it's not the guns--it's the people.

In our multicultural society, we have some people that are more prone to violence than others. Prison doesn't scare some people here that much because it's a badge of honor to end up in jail. That is not to say that people prefer jail to the outside world, only that they don't fear it as much as they might in other countries. Here, they call it Street Credentials, or street cred for short.

You could give everybody in Europe a gun and it may not change their murder rate at all or just slightly above what they have now. What people like Joe never accepted is that it's not the gun that kills people--it's people that kill people. Just the same, you could take everybody's gun away from them in the US, and we might still have the same murder rate or even higher.

so your argument is that because of the 400 years of institutionalized racism you wont' take responsiblity for, the slightly higher murder rate in minority neighborhoods are the problem, not the guns that made a domestic violence incident fatal in your white trash trailer park.
That's likely not going to happen since it's not the guns--it's the people.

In our multicultural society, we have some people that are more prone to violence than others. Prison doesn't scare some people here that much because it's a badge of honor to end up in jail. That is not to say that people prefer jail to the outside world, only that they don't fear it as much as they might in other countries. Here, they call it Street Credentials, or street cred for short.

You could give everybody in Europe a gun and it may not change their murder rate at all or just slightly above what they have now. What people like Joe never accepted is that it's not the gun that kills people--it's people that kill people. Just the same, you could take everybody's gun away from them in the US, and we might still have the same murder rate or even higher.

so your argument is that because of the 400 years of institutionalized racism you wont' take responsiblity for, the slightly higher murder rate in minority neighborhoods are the problem, not the guns that made a domestic violence incident fatal in your white trash trailer park.

Why should I "take responsibility" for 400 years of whatever? How old do you think I am anyway?

Slightly high murder rate? Try nearly five times as much.

Sure, it's the fault of guns, not the 73% out of wedlock birth rates of minorities; some in the 90% range in their neighborhoods. And it certainly can't be governments fault that promotes single-parent households with their welfare and food stamps. Nooooooo, it's the guns fault.
Ah yes, that liberal fantasy that if we make it harder for legal citizens to own guns, that would stop the bad guys from getting them; just like it worked out so well with narcotics.

No, it worked in Japan, the UK, Australia, France, Italy, Germany and every other industrialized democracy that bans guns and have very low murder rates.

Wrong, it does happen in this country. Armed citizens have saved countless lives by having their firearm and either protecting themselves or other people.

DGU's are a lie. They simply don't happen that often.

From insurance companies. Health facilities increase rates that insurance companies have to pay to offset their losses like people in the emergency room. Of course, they are only a drop in the bucket. The biggest losses to health facilities come from people that are on government programs that pay a fraction of the bill for their patients.

Again, guy, countries with universal health coverage spend half what we do per capita. While we spend 17% of our GDP on health care, most countries spend 8-11%. The real problem- Greedy Doctors, Greedy Drug Companies and Greedy insurance companies.

Is that what it is? Well if insurance and drug companies are greedy, it certainly reflects in their growth. How much money do you have invested in those companies anyway? I'm sure you've gotten rich off of them since you know so much.

Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits
3 years, 4 months ago

The Captain's Journal » Do Gun Bans Reduce Violent Crime? Ask the Aussies and Brits

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And if you want more, just ask. I have bunches and bunches of stories that I don't have time to post right now. :deal:
No..in most cases of mass shooting no good people have guns because they obeyed your stupid gun free zone laws....so you nuts ban guns for good people and when no one is there with a gun to stop the mass shooter who ignored your law...you say...see...no one stops mass shooters with guns....nice trick you have there...

No, guy, the better trick is when the mass shooter does his business while the gun nut just stands their slack jawed because he and everyone else is already dead before he knew what happened.

Like that guy who shot two cops in Las Vegas, and the gun nut came to the rescue, and promptly got shot in the back by his accomplice.

Or the guy in Tuscon who rushed out with his gun and almost shot one of the unarmed bystanders who disarmed the shooter.

Walmart....shot by someone he didn't see...one case....vs. 1.5 million times Americans use guns to stop violent crime and the other mass shootings stopped by concealed carriers which you ignore....

And the gabby giffords shooting in Tuscon...of course you lie about that....the concealed carrier came out and saw a guy with a gun...who happened to be another concealed carrier ready to respond to the real shooter. The one concealed carrier calmly disarmed the other one and then had no reason to fire since the attacker was already subdued...

So neither one stood their slack jawed, they both reacted responsibly and they didn't shoot because they didn't have to.....had the shooter not screwed up and allowed one of his victims to get too close, he would have been shot by the concealed carrier twit.
Nope...wrong...they allow the transaction to happen then they make the arrest....they allowed these guns to disappear into Mexico in the hands of drug cartels with no way of knowing where they went or who had them....no arrests were made or attempted....

actually, most of the guns were recovered. Of 2000 involved in the program, only about 200 were lost. But never mind, you guys have your conspiracy theories and you are sticking to them.

No. The terror watch list is not a conviction of a crime twit...you can't deny people a right just on the say so of a government agency....you lefties love that concept, but we don't allow it here...twit. And considering how you morons call anyone belonging to the NRA a terrorist....there is good reason to back the Constitution on that one....

You NRA guys call the government "Jack Booted Thugs" and think you need guns to shoot government agents. Probably a good idea to call you terrorists... Proving the old adage, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

No....we had record enlistments.....it was left wingers like you who infiltrated the military and made it a career ender to question the activities of guys like hasan..........that is why no one said anything about the guy or followed up when the few people actually complained....I just posted a video on the left and how they help muslim terrorists...you should check it out.....he may have even mentioned you by name...

Guy, I'm a decorated veteran. YOu are some whiny bitch who snivels someone might want to take away that compensation for your tiny dick.

Hasan didn't get away with anything because of Political Correctness. He got away with it because 1) The Army wasn't letting ANYONE get out at that time and 2) You had a bad case of "Officer's Country".

In short, if he had been an E-4 instead of an O-4, you are damned right they'd have railroaded his ass out of there. But the Army basically covers for officers no matter what they get caught doing.

Most of the guns were not recovered and the ones that were were in crime scenes where Mexican citizens had been murdered with them..some 300...plus our federal agent...

No...political correctness and an unwillingness to call muslim terrorists, muslim terrorists allowed him to stay in the army.........he hadn't been over seas and he was a psychiatrist....not a combat soldier...twit.

"Wrong, it does happen in this country. Armed citizens have saved countless lives by having their firearm and either protecting themselves or other people."


There is no objective, documented evidence whatsoever in support of this; there is no evidence citizens carrying firearms have 'saved countless lives.'

Citizens have the right to carry firearms pursuant to the right to self-defense, as enshrined in the Second Amendment; citizens are not required to 'justify' the exercising of a fundamental right as a 'prerequisite' to indeed do so.

"Wrong, it does happen in this country. Armed citizens have saved countless lives by having their firearm and either protecting themselves or other people."


There is no objective, documented evidence whatsoever in support of this; there is no evidence citizens carrying firearms have 'saved countless lives.'

Well I don't know what to tell you. I just posted several stories above that shows people with firearms did save themselves or others. What more are you looking for?
Well, they did break laws. They were molesting kids and selling illegal guns. And the ATF had a valid search warrant, issued by a judge.

but 80 less freaky cultists in the world... I'm good with that.
They did not molest kids and the .50 MMG was licensed....
Well, they did break laws. They were molesting kids and selling illegal guns. And the ATF had a valid search warrant, issued by a judge.

but 80 less freaky cultists in the world... I'm good with that.
They did not molest kids and the .50 MMG was licensed....

Not to mention they could have picked up Koresh on any of his several trips to town.
That's not even funny Joe.. The guy worked for the ARMY as a Chief Psychmeister. He was not on any lists and NOT considered a terrorist. Tho --- the "Soldier of Allah" on his biz card would have raised flags if the Fed Govt wasn't so inept about identifying POTENTIAL Islamic extremist threats.

I agree, it isn't funny. A guy like Nidal Hasan had no business being in the Army. He also had no business being able to buy a gun.

The difference is, the Army took steps to weed out the next potential Nidal Hasan. The Gun Industry, meh, not so much. Don't you dare talk about background checks!!!!

Yeah.. Real difficult for a guy IN THE ARMY -- to get access to guns. Army hasn't done SHIT about their over-zealous pursuit of political correctness. And in THAT case -- it got folks killed.

That's why generally, myself and others, do not trust the Feds to operate a process that can deny rights. Not guns, not voting, not speech. Because they are INEPT and UNACCOUNTABLE. Let Fedex or MasterCard run the Instant Check program and you'll see a lot less high profile screw-ups. Screw-ups that consistently get people killed. Like the S.C. idiot who shot up a church. HAD a very arrest prior for a drug violation that slipped thru the cracks on a gun buy. Because the relationship between Feds and locals is dominated by two groups of bureaucrats who NEVER GET DISCIPLINED or FIRED for screw-ups..
They broke no law... FBI pumped flammable gas into their compound.... BATF started to penetrate private property by force without search warrant...
remember the Warsaw Ghetto.... same thing, less sophistication...

Well, they did break laws. They were molesting kids and selling illegal guns. And the ATF had a valid search warrant, issued by a judge.

but 80 less freaky cultists in the world... I'm good with that.
No they did not have a search warrant.... and they pumped high flammable agents into the compound...welcome to the land of the free...
That's not even funny Joe.. The guy worked for the ARMY as a Chief Psychmeister. He was not on any lists and NOT considered a terrorist. Tho --- the "Soldier of Allah" on his biz card would have raised flags if the Fed Govt wasn't so inept about identifying POTENTIAL Islamic extremist threats.

I agree, it isn't funny. A guy like Nidal Hasan had no business being in the Army. He also had no business being able to buy a gun.

The difference is, the Army took steps to weed out the next potential Nidal Hasan. The Gun Industry, meh, not so much. Don't you dare talk about background checks!!!!

Yeah.....and the fact that another person shot up Fort Hood....right? The Army is now infected with obamaitis...they couldn't stop nuts from getting in if they wanted to......

And background checks are a joke.......none of you gun grabbers can explain how they actually work....you chant the words "Background checks....Background Checks......." like some sort of religious mantra.......since they don't stop one criminal from getting a gun and they haven't stopped one mass shooter from getting a gun.....and since that is the truth...what do you twits want...."Universal Background Checks...." Since the first, federally mandated background checks are avoided easily by criminals.....of course, the Universal Checks will be avoided in exactly the same way as the current background checks are....but keep chanting "Universal Background Checks...." and then when those fail you can move on to your next pointless, useless gun control law targeted at law abiding people while doing nothing to stop criminals....

You guys are twits.......dangerous twits....

Might have made it more difficult for the S.C. shooter IF it worked correctly. But no registration/database/program from the Feds really works correctly..
I hope that's not what you want.....There would be pussies to give up their right but then there would be some who would go down fighting...Lots of casualties what nobody wants...

wouldn't bother me that much. I look at Waco and Ruby Ridge as 'weeding out the gene pool'.

Of course you don't mind gassing women and children. Or losing vital evidence from the crime scene -- like that big metal front door at Waco that MIGHT have shown who fired first. When a Federal army starts arriving and shooting your kid's dogs in front of them, and the local sheriff could have shown up and helped serve the warrant and when agents of BATF were at a BBQ at your compound a month before shooting on your practice range --

You tend to be surprised when they shoot first..

But you don't care. Don't care that your OP suggests we put people who have NOT BEEN CHARGED on a no-fly or no-gun list without recourse. Because we KNOW -- you HATE the Bill of Rights and probably this country. And want to re-make it on YOUR rules and sensibilities. If you actually have any sensibilities..
Yeah.. Real difficult for a guy IN THE ARMY -- to get access to guns. Army hasn't done SHIT about their over-zealous pursuit of political correctness. And in THAT case -- it got folks killed.

It wasn't political correctness that was the problem, guy. It was that the Army protects officers and wasn't letting anyone out for some silly reason like they thought the war was stupid.

This is when the Army was lowering it standards to take in felons, were calling back guys who had completed their service, and were rotating the same National Guard units for the fourth time through theater.

That's why generally, myself and others, do not trust the Feds to operate a process that can deny rights. Not guns, not voting, not speech. Because they are INEPT and UNACCOUNTABLE. Let Fedex or MasterCard run the Instant Check program and you'll see a lot less high profile screw-ups. Screw-ups that consistently get people killed. Like the S.C. idiot who shot up a church. HAD a very arrest prior for a drug violation that slipped thru the cracks on a gun buy. Because the relationship between Feds and locals is dominated by two groups of bureaucrats who NEVER GET DISCIPLINED or FIRED for screw-ups..

you see, this is where you are a little bit confused. The reason why the check system is so bad is because the NRA doesn't want it to be effective. So you get craziness like if your background check isn't finished in three days the sale can go through, regardless.

So we go back to my solution. You make the gun owners responsible. The reason why Fed Ex and Mastercard are so good at running their programs is because they take a financial and liability hit if they get it wrong.
Yeah.. Real difficult for a guy IN THE ARMY -- to get access to guns. Army hasn't done SHIT about their over-zealous pursuit of political correctness. And in THAT case -- it got folks killed.

It wasn't political correctness that was the problem, guy. It was that the Army protects officers and wasn't letting anyone out for some silly reason like they thought the war was stupid.

This is when the Army was lowering it standards to take in felons, were calling back guys who had completed their service, and were rotating the same National Guard units for the fourth time through theater.

That's why generally, myself and others, do not trust the Feds to operate a process that can deny rights. Not guns, not voting, not speech. Because they are INEPT and UNACCOUNTABLE. Let Fedex or MasterCard run the Instant Check program and you'll see a lot less high profile screw-ups. Screw-ups that consistently get people killed. Like the S.C. idiot who shot up a church. HAD a very arrest prior for a drug violation that slipped thru the cracks on a gun buy. Because the relationship between Feds and locals is dominated by two groups of bureaucrats who NEVER GET DISCIPLINED or FIRED for screw-ups..

you see, this is where you are a little bit confused. The reason why the check system is so bad is because the NRA doesn't want it to be effective. So you get craziness like if your background check isn't finished in three days the sale can go through, regardless.

So we go back to my solution. You make the gun owners responsible. The reason why Fed Ex and Mastercard are so good at running their programs is because they take a financial and liability hit if they get it wrong.
Joes pussy is hurting...... Again
Might have made it more difficult for the S.C. shooter IF it worked correctly. But no registration/database/program from the Feds really works correctly..

So let me get this straight. You guys put in a shitload of loopholes into the check system, like being on the terrorist watch list can't deny you a right to buy a gun, and then you complain the system that you specifically designed to be weak isn't doing its job?

And when a bunch of preschoolers get killed, you guys say, "Well, gee, if only another nut with a gun had been there, we'd have solved the problem."
Might have made it more difficult for the S.C. shooter IF it worked correctly. But no registration/database/program from the Feds really works correctly..

So let me get this straight. You guys put in a shitload of loopholes into the check system, like being on the terrorist watch list can't deny you a right to buy a gun, and then you complain the system that you specifically designed to be weak isn't doing its job?

And when a bunch of preschoolers get killed, you guys say, "Well, gee, if only another nut with a gun had been there, we'd have solved the problem."
Here you go joe...

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No they did not have a search warrant.... and they pumped high flammable agents into the compound...welcome to the land of the free...

Uh, yeah, they did.

Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: Introduction | DOJ | Department of Justice

On the morning of Sunday, February 28, 1993, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) attempted to serve an arrest warrant for Vernon Howell, a/k/a David Koresh, and a search warrant at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. The arrest warrant charged Koresh with unlawful possession of a destructive device, in violation of 26 United States Code, section 5845(f). Both the search warrant and the arrest warrant were signed by a United States Magistrate Judge. The search warrant authorized a search of the premises of the 77 acre compound located at Route 7, Box 47-B (a/k/a The Mount Carmel Center), Waco, Texas for evidence relating to the unlawful possession of fully automatic machine guns and destructive devices. While attempting to serve these warrants, ATF agents came under heavy gunfire from individuals in the compound. As a result, four ATF agents were killed and fifteen wounded.

Now, you can argue that way the warrant was executed was sloppy and stupid, which it was. You can also argue that spraying tear gas on a bunch of nuts who think the end of the world is Nigh is probably not even a good strategy.

But there was a warrant. It was legal. Shooting at agents serving that warrant was not justified.
Here's the problem with your thinking...under our Constitution, we have the concept of due process. You can't just strip someone of their rights because they are a "suspect". Gun laws are designed to limit access to weapons by those already convicted in a court of law.

If we were giving these guys due process, we wouldn't have them on a list at all.

People can be put on a list as part of due process. It's called being a "suspect". But even when that happens, you still have rights. In your line of feeble thought, we might as well suspend their right to counsel or a trial before peers. Because the government never makes a mistake afterall....
No they did not have a search warrant.... and they pumped high flammable agents into the compound...welcome to the land of the free...

Uh, yeah, they did.

Report to the Deputy Attorney General on the Events at Waco, Texas: Introduction | DOJ | Department of Justice

On the morning of Sunday, February 28, 1993, agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) attempted to serve an arrest warrant for Vernon Howell, a/k/a David Koresh, and a search warrant at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas. The arrest warrant charged Koresh with unlawful possession of a destructive device, in violation of 26 United States Code, section 5845(f). Both the search warrant and the arrest warrant were signed by a United States Magistrate Judge. The search warrant authorized a search of the premises of the 77 acre compound located at Route 7, Box 47-B (a/k/a The Mount Carmel Center), Waco, Texas for evidence relating to the unlawful possession of fully automatic machine guns and destructive devices. While attempting to serve these warrants, ATF agents came under heavy gunfire from individuals in the compound. As a result, four ATF agents were killed and fifteen wounded.

Now, you can argue that way the warrant was executed was sloppy and stupid, which it was. You can also argue that spraying tear gas on a bunch of nuts who think the end of the world is Nigh is probably not even a good strategy.

But there was a warrant. It was legal. Shooting at agents serving that warrant was not justified.
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