2012 Democratic National Convention: Charlotte, NC - September 4th - 6th


I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.

Nutters will rue the decision to call the ACA "Obamacare".

The popularity of the components of the law is beating them over the head. The President they hate is going down in the History books as a man who cares.

I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.


Ask the Senate and House GOP leaders.

I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.


Ask the Senate and House GOP leaders.

I'll take that as an "I don't know."

Me neither.

Does that bother you a bit?


I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.


I guess the country would do well to vote out some obstructionist Republicans then.

I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.


You ask that because you refuse to recognize the PRIMARY motivators of the gridlock. You think it is being even handed and fair to claim that both sides are equally to blame. Problem is, they are not.

President Obama is the type of leader who can build a working consensus....with a LOYAL opposition. When traditionally Republican ideas and policies are blocked and voted down by Republicans......you know where to place responsibility.

Obama tried....and he continues to try........at the risk of losing some of his base. He met the GOP half way on many issues.....like the fucking BUSH tax cuts. The GOP never did their part. Period.

I'd still like to know how -- after all the confetti has been swept up and assuming that neither party has domination of the White House, Senate and House -- anything of substance is going be accomplished when we have no one who can build a working consensus.

Just wondering over here, don't mind me.


You ask that because you refuse to recognize the PRIMARY motivators of the gridlock. You think it is being even handed and fair to claim that both sides are equally to blame. Problem is, they are not.

President Obama is the type of leader who can build a working consensus....with a LOYAL opposition. When traditionally Republican ideas and policies are blocked and voted down by Republicans......you know where to place responsibility.

Obama tried....and he continues to try........at the risk of losing some of his base. He met the GOP half way on many issues.....like the fucking BUSH tax cuts. The GOP never did their part. Period.

I wouldn't disagree for a moment that the GOP has been obstructionist, absolutist. Of course they have, and their excuse is they're trying to save the country from Marxism or whatever.

So, where does that leave us? I'm just trying to deal with reality here. All the celebrating in the world the day after election day could pretty easily be wasted.

President Obama is the type of leader who can build a working consensus....with a LOYAL opposition.

Leadership is consensus building among the unloyal.

No, asshole. If you are an American citizen, you have a duty to provide LOYAL opposition to your government when you do not agree with something. The elected officials who represent YOU in Congress are required to do such on your behalf. If they are not loyal in their opposition, what are they? There is a word for it.
The children have taken over this thread time to go

who gives a shit about the Democrat convention anyway
President Obama is the type of leader who can build a working consensus....with a LOYAL opposition.

Leadership is consensus building among the unloyal.

No, asshole. If you are an American citizen, you have a duty to provide LOYAL opposition to your government when you do not agree with something. The elected officials who represent YOU in Congress are required to do such on your behalf. If they are not loyal in their opposition, what are they? There is a word for it.

You can loyally oppose.

A leader will find, then demonstrate, mutual upside to the unloyal opposition and bring about compromise and results.

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