2012: Huge mosque built in TN despite protests; 2015: Muslim terror attack in TN. Shocker.



The lowest picture has cement blocks in the lower left hand of the picture, In the USA we do not use and or produce a 6 cell cement block...
Well then that might not be an accurate picture...........thanks for pointing that out...............
Tennessee Mosque opens after years of controversy - NY Daily News


Lefties called Tennesseans racist rednecks for not wanting an Islamic mosque in their home town. That was 2012.

Now? Crazy Muslim (oxymoron. ..they all the same) goes on killing spree despite living in a wonderful suburb.

THIS is why we dont want them here. We have enough of our own problems than to need to import batshit crazy Muslims to make it worse.

Another moron posting on what he knows nothing about.

Murfreesboro is nowhere near Chattanooga. There are three Tennesssees, and Chattanooga is in the East one. Murfreesboro is the Central one. And nobody from Chattanooga is gonna drive all the way the fuck out to Murfreesboro to attend mosque. Chattanooga's got their own.

Not that that has jack squat to do with a shooting or religion anyway.
Not to mention this moronic theory that somehow Muslims come from mosques, like babies come from the Stork.

Well I told ya we shouldn't have let the Catholic church into North Carolina. Once we did that we got Eric Rudolph.

Fucking idiot.

Chattanoogans Give Zero Fucks About New Mosque
I can drive an 18 wheeler from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga in just over an hour, and I know people who drive over an hour to get to work, so driving an hour to a religious worship center is not a stretch at all.

I-24 connects both towns.
The lowest picture has cement blocks in the lower left hand of the picture, In the USA we do not use and or produce a 6 cell cement block...

Good sleuthing, MG.
One of the comments says it's a "former Soviet bloc" area. Another notes the video artifacts look like VHS (which they do) and wonders how old it is. And we all know how easy it is to fake news with internet image generators, so .................. not buying. At all. Not without some kind of credible source, of which YouTube and internet image generators fall (Bob Uecker voice) "juuuuuuuuuust a bit outside".

Tennessee Mosque opens after years of controversy - NY Daily News


Lefties called Tennesseans racist rednecks for not wanting an Islamic mosque in their home town. That was 2012.

Now? Crazy Muslim (oxymoron. ..they all the same) goes on killing spree despite living in a wonderful suburb.

THIS is why we dont want them here. We have enough of our own problems than to need to import batshit crazy Muslims to make it worse.

Another moron posting on what he knows nothing about.

Murfreesboro is nowhere near Chattanooga. There are three Tennesssees, and Chattanooga is in the East one. Murfreesboro is the Central one. And nobody from Chattanooga is gonna drive all the way the fuck out to Murfreesboro to attend mosque. Chattanooga's got their own.

Not that that has jack squat to do with a shooting or religion anyway.
Not to mention this moronic theory that somehow Muslims come from mosques, like babies come from the Stork.

Well I told ya we shouldn't have let the Catholic church into North Carolina. Once we did that we got Eric Rudolph.

Fucking idiot.

Chattanoogans Give Zero Fucks About New Mosque
I can drive an 18 wheeler from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga in just over an hour, and I know people who drive over an hour to get to work, so driving an hour to a religious worship center is not a stretch at all.

I-24 connects both towns.

I know lots of people who drive more than an hour to get to the church of their choice. Our pastor used to live an hour away, as far as that goes.
I just love how when ever an assumed Christian kills someone the left screams religion is evil. But thousands are murdered by Muslims and the left screams Religion had nothing to do with it.
Tennessee Mosque opens after years of controversy - NY Daily News


Lefties called Tennesseans racist rednecks for not wanting an Islamic mosque in their home town. That was 2012.

Now? Crazy Muslim (oxymoron. ..they all the same) goes on killing spree despite living in a wonderful suburb.

THIS is why we dont want them here. We have enough of our own problems than to need to import batshit crazy Muslims to make it worse.

Another moron posting on what he knows nothing about.

Murfreesboro is nowhere near Chattanooga. There are three Tennesssees, and Chattanooga is in the East one. Murfreesboro is the Central one. And nobody from Chattanooga is gonna drive all the way the fuck out to Murfreesboro to attend mosque. Chattanooga's got their own.

Not that that has jack squat to do with a shooting or religion anyway.
Not to mention this moronic theory that somehow Muslims come from mosques, like babies come from the Stork.

Well I told ya we shouldn't have let the Catholic church into North Carolina. Once we did that we got Eric Rudolph.

Fucking idiot.

Chattanoogans Give Zero Fucks About New Mosque
I can drive an 18 wheeler from Murfreesboro to Chattanooga in just over an hour, and I know people who drive over an hour to get to work, so driving an hour to a religious worship center is not a stretch at all.

I-24 connects both towns.

It's a hundred miles, so .... "just over an hour" if you have a police escort with nobody on the road, maybe.
Not saying it can't be done; I'm saying Murfreesboro has jack shit to do with Chattanooga. If you're a Muslim, or any other religious denomination in Chattanooga ---- you don't drive a hundred fucking miles to do your worship. You go to the one in Chattanooga. Not rocket surgery.
I just love how when ever an assumed Christian kills someone the left screams religion is evil. But thousands are murdered by Muslims and the left screams Religion had nothing to do with it.
"There are lots of fabulous Muslims! It's not the religion!"
As opposed to "Christianity is evil!" and "All Christians are idiots!"
The lowest picture has cement blocks in the lower left hand of the picture, In the USA we do not use and or produce a 6 cell cement block...

Good sleuthing, MG.
One of the comments says it's a "former Soviet bloc" area. Another notes the video artifacts look like VHS (which they do) and wonders how old it is. And we all know how easy it is to fake news with internet image generators, so .................. not buying. At all. Not without some kind of credible source, of which YouTube and internet image generators fall (Bob Uecker voice) "juuuuuuuuuust a bit outside".

These folks was trying to say there was a secret hiding location in SE Okiehoma by MacAlister, yet for a photo all they showed was a mountain ridge...With ominous grass and trees....

Al-Fuqra is the name of a violent Muslim extremist sect which has come under law enforcement scrutiny in the February 1993 bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. Headed by Sheikh Mubarak Ali Jilani Hashemi (also Hasmi) in Pakistan, the majority of its members are of African-American descent. The sect is an offshoot of orthodox African-American Muslims and has no connection to the Nation of Islam led by Louis Farrakhan.

Over the past thirteen years, followers of the sect have visited Pakistan to receive religious indoctrination from Sheikh Jilani. Additionally, Al-Fuqra members have sent funds to Jilani regularly at his base in Lahore, Pakistan. Press reports indicate that members of the sect in the United States number between 1,000 and 3,000.

Yet the contents of a Colorado Springs storage locker owned by members of the sect which was confiscated by police in 1989 revealed a hoard of explosives, military manuals, bomb-making instructions and detailed plans of the sect's intended targets. The materiel found at the site included 30 pounds of explosives, three large pipe bombs, and ten handguns and silencers. Among the explosives were three pipe bombs "fused and ready to blow," homecooked plastic explosives, and other bomb-making components, such as electric wiring, fuses, mercury switches and timing devices.
Why don't you Islamophobes go visit the mosque and get an idea of the people in your community.

What is the worst that could happen? You become wild-eyed suicide pack carrying "Death to America" screaming muslim terrorists? Get real.
I also support strict immigration laws. My great grand-daddy came here from Spain. Why is it so difficult to come here legally?

Those absolute idiots in Europe caved in allowing Sharia Law there. They can suck it.
What should we do about places like Islamberg..................

Cruise missile.
Hunting permits..............a draw.......................lol
The lowest picture has cement blocks in the lower left hand of the picture, In the USA we do not use and or produce a 6 cell cement block...
Well then that might not be an accurate picture...........thanks for pointing that out...............

Really -- ya think??? :banghead:

Islamberg (Wiki):
>> Islamberg is a rural hamlet in Hancock, Delaware County, New York,[1] founded by Mubarak Ali Gilani, a Pakistani Sufi cleric.

The hamlet was founded in the late 1980s, when, reportedly inspired by Gilani, a group of primarily African American Muslims left New York City, reportedly to escape crime, poverty and racism. They built a community of some 40 family houses, with its own grocery store and bookstore and place of worship. Islamberg is the first of a number of communities set up under the direction and tutelage of Gilani.[citation needed] According to locals, the land previously belonged to a woman from Deposit, New York, who opened up her home in the late 1970s or early 1980s to disadvantaged young people.[2] <<
Didja catch the word Sufi" Or do "they all look alike" to you?

When was the last time you heard of a Sufi terrorist? Oh wait, I remember -- never. Remember the bullshit term "Ground Zero Mosque" in New York? A Sufi congregation. Targets of Wahabbists like the ones that perpetrated 9/11. And rhetorical targets of internet wags with image generators who can't tell the difference between a Sufi and a Wahabbi.

Then there's this:

>> "I think there is a lot of misinformation that is out there, certainly on the Internet," said Capt. James Barnes from the New York State Police Bureau of Criminal Investigation. Barnes told CBS News that he's had a personal relationship with the community of Islamberg for 12 years.

"I go back to the numerous time that the state police has been invited to their lands, and again, I don't know any other place where, if something nefarious is occurring that they would willingly invite law enforcement personnel to come in and have lunch with them and interact with them on a frequent basis," said Barnes. "I would say that the amount of crime that is associated there at the land is less than it is anywhere else."

"If we were planning a terrorist attack on the United States of America don't you think law enforcement would know? Don't you think the FBI would know?" said Adams.

In a case that underscores how dangerous this atmosphere of suspicion can be, a one-time Congressional candidate from Tennessee, Robert Doggart, faces charges in connection with an alleged plot to attack Islamberg.
-- which segues to:

>> Have you heard about the Christian terrorist Robert Doggart, who was plotting a violent attack against a Muslim-American community in New York state? Probably not, because as opposed to when U.S. law enforcement officials arrest a Muslim for planning a violent assault, they didn’t send out a press release or hold a press conference publicizing Doggart’s arrest.

So let me tell you about Doggart and his deadly plan to use guns and even a machete to attack American Muslims in upstate New York. Doggart, a 63-year-old Tennessee resident, is an ordained Christian minister in the Christian National Church. In 2014, he unsuccessfully ran for Congress as an independent, espousing far right-wing views.

But don’t dismiss Doggart as some crazed wingnut howling at the moon. He served in the U.S. Naval Sea Cadet Corps, worked for 40 years in the electrical generation business, has a master’s degree and a Ph.D. from La Salle University, and claimed he had nine “committed” men working with him to carry out this attack. << -- America Snores when Christian Terrorist Threatens to Massacre Muslims
This is where the path pointed by bigot bullshit artists leads. Ignorance begets Paranoia, Paranoia begets Suspicion, Suspicion begets fear and loathing. And the next step is violence. "Get them before they get us".

"The tools of conquest do not necessarily come with bombs, and explosions, and fallout. There are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes, prejudices, to be found only in the minds of men. For the record, prejudices can kill and suspicion can destroy; and a thoughtless, frightened search for a scapegoat has a fallout all of its own for the children, and the children yet unborn. And the pity of it is, that these things cannot be confined to the Twilight Zone.”
--- Rod Serling. Fifty-five years ago.

The part of Emmanuel Goldstein when Serling wrote that was played by "Communism" and the "threat" of Soviet nuclear attack.

That came out of World War Two and the "threat" of Jews.....

That came out of the earlier Twentieth Century and the "threat" of foreigners and Catholics....

That came out of the "threat" of descendants of African slaves....

Etc etc ad nauseum...

Some of us just never learn.
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