2012 Presidential Debate - Townhall

Who Will Win Tonight's Debate

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I wanna know WHY if obama announced the day after that it was a terrorist attack why the fuck he let the State deparment announce it wasn't a full five days later? wtf is going on???
From Obama's Rose garden speech.

"No acts of terror will ever shake the resolve of this great nation, alter that character or eclipse the light of the values that we stand for."

He did NOT call what happened in Benghazi a terrorist attack.
Assault weapons...Another non-issue lolberal meme softball.

What a farce.

Romney is already looking like a dick head on this issue. The issue was about automatic assault rifles, and dildo Mr. Etch-A-Sketch wants to talk about "Fast and Furious", which has nothing to do with automatic weapons. It has to do with how easy it is to buy a gun in the US, and why Mexican drug cartels choose to buy their weapons here, and reimport them.
Why the fuck are we talking about guns?

Gramps, go out and buy a TV....


Are you at a Library computer?
That stupid psycho asshole doesn't look like no Kalashnikov to me.
Watching the focus group Romny is doing pretty good. At the beginning CNN said it was made of 5 Romny supporters and six Obama voters.
I wanna know WHY if obama announced the day after that it was a terrorist attack why the fuck he let the State deparment announce it wasn't a full five days later? wtf is going on???

check the transcript I posted.



Candy lied her ass off to back Obama. Hopefully people look this up on their own time and vote Romney. Fuck you Obama.
Assault weapons...Another non-issue lolberal meme softball.

What a farce.

Romney is already looking like a dick head on this issue. The issue was about automatic assault rifles, and dildo Mr. Etch-A-Sketch wants to talk about "Fast and Furious", which has nothing to do with automatic weapons. It has to do with how easy it is to buy a gun in the US, and why Mexican drug cartels choose to buy their weapons here, and reimport them.
No, it's SEMI-AUTOMATIC rifles, not automatic....Huge difference.

And those were the weapons involved in F&F.

Get your head out of your ass, s0n.
So far, tide is with Obama. Romney has become undone in the last 20 min.

what are you watching?
Real Housewives?

I'm sorry if you have your head too far up romneys ass to see that ,whining about time, talking over the mod and totally disregarding questions to make a point about a question already moved on from, is not a recipe for a win.
Oh, and now we have the obligatory "outsourcing of jobs". Really? The USA is still the second largest manufacture of goods in the world, second only to a country that is fucking three times our size in population.
Assault weapons...Another non-issue lolberal meme softball.

What a farce.

Romney is already looking like a dick head on this issue. The issue was about automatic assault rifles, and dildo Mr. Etch-A-Sketch wants to talk about "Fast and Furious", which has nothing to do with automatic weapons. It has to do with how easy it is to buy a gun in the US, and why Mexican drug cartels choose to buy their weapons here, and reimport them.

who gives a rats ass about assault rifles. The economy is in the shitter because of Obama and his policies....

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