2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
Two fundamental techniques undergird progressives’ success at narrative spinning. The first is skillful framing of the debate through investing heavily in public opinion making machinery. This disarms critics while giving lawmakers cover to vote for bills they’ve neither read nor understood. Thus framed, policies are judged only by their stated intentions, never their actual results. This allows politicians to promote new pieces of legislation named for their lofty objectives, even if the thousands of pages of vague and contradictory content deliver just the opposite.

The second is dodging all responsibility for failure. This is accomplished by blaming insufficient resources, the prior administration, the greedy 1 percent, sabotage by Republicans, or even the people’s obdurate failure to appreciate the progressive benefits conferred upon them. When the going gets tough, reality can be dismissed with a slogan. Forward!

Progressivism has been on the rise for the past century since a pedantic Princeton professor seized the White House with a mere 42 percent of the vote. From “He kept us out of War,” to fighting a “War to end all Wars,” Woodrow Wilson became the prototype activist president. He relegated the concept of strictly limited and enumerated powers to the dustbin of history while helping to turn the Constitution into a “living document.” The federal government was set on a new course with a social, economic, and cultural footprint that has been expanding ever since.

Progressivism reached its pinnacle in the presidency of Barack Obama. Running on “Hope and Change” and claiming the mortgage meltdown was “Bush’s fault,” he went on to achieve passage of the Affordable Care Act with Wilsonian promises that will forever be linked to his name. But unlike Wilson’s “War to end all Wars,” which was not proven a lie until after its author had passed from this world, Obamacare inconveniently began unraveling before it was even launched.

And so, 2013 may prove to be the year the progressive spell was finally broken. The crash of Obama’s signature health care legislation, the Detroit bankruptcy, a hapless foreign policy as ill-defined as the Syrian red line, the meteoric growth of Food Stamp Nation, millions of long-term unemployed leaving the workforce, college graduates begging for jobs while struggling under $1 trillion in loans, the collapse of the global warming juggernaut, the debasement of the dollar with nothing to show for it but a stock market bubble—there are just too many progressive fingerprints on an unbroken string of failures for a good-intentions hall pass to carry much weight this time.

2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality - Forbes
First paragraph from the article you linked:
"When it comes to crafting winning political narratives, progressives have a natural advantage over conservatives. That’s because progressives have a free hand to project rosy visions of the future while conservatives must constantly defend against progressives’ distorted depictions of the past."

So change from the Bush administration's policies was too "rosy" for you?
First paragraph from the article you linked:
"When it comes to crafting winning political narratives, progressives have a natural advantage over conservatives. That’s because progressives have a free hand to project rosy visions of the future while conservatives must constantly defend against progressives’ distorted depictions of the past."

So change from the Bush administration's policies was too "rosy" for you?

It's called reading comprehension. The change was a disaster as shown by the above 8% unemployment, the $17 trillion debt, and the loss of Constitutional freedoms.

The only thing "rosy" was the false narrative (ie lies) Obama used to get elected and the false narrative (ie lies) he uses to convince libtards that he's actually doing a good job (see bold section above). Again, reading comprehension.

You're proving the article accurate! :lol:
2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality

You couldn't be more wrong.

The progressive narrative will carry on, absolutely blind, deaf and dumb to reality.
First paragraph from the article you linked:
"When it comes to crafting winning political narratives, progressives have a natural advantage over conservatives. That’s because progressives have a free hand to project rosy visions of the future while conservatives must constantly defend against progressives’ distorted depictions of the past."

So change from the Bush administration's policies was too "rosy" for you?

It's called reading comprehension. The change was a disaster as shown by the above 8% unemployment, the $17 trillion debt, and the loss of Constitutional freedoms.

The only thing "rosy" was the false narrative (ie lies) Obama used to get elected and the false narrative (ie lies) he uses to convince libtards that he's actually doing a good job (see bold section above). Again, reading comprehension.

You're proving the article accurate! :lol:

I only negated half of your sentence. I was trying to be nice. :)
2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality

You couldn't be more wrong.

The progressive narrative will carry on, absolutely blind, deaf and dumb to reality.

Nobody said it wouldn't carry on. It simply states the reality of what occurred - it was the year the progressive narrative undeniably collided with reality. It's why liberals are so out of their minds right now and why they are working over time with their lies.
What year will the conservative narrative collide with reality?

Conservatism is rooted in reality. It collided in 1776 and created the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Sadly, the rise of liberalism/progressivism has done significant damage to that empire.
2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality

You couldn't be more wrong.

The progressive narrative will carry on, absolutely blind, deaf and dumb to reality.

Nobody said it wouldn't carry on. It simply states the reality of what occurred - it was the year the progressive narrative undeniably collided with reality. It's why liberals are so out of their minds right now and why they are working over time with their lies.

All that means is they will move on to a new set of lies and continue to march.
What year will the conservative narrative collide with reality?

Conservatism is rooted in reality. It collided in 1776 and created the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Sadly, the rise of liberalism/progressivism has done significant damage to that empire.

^Things that are completely debatable opinions are highlighted in green. The thing that is wrong is highlighted in red.
17 trillion in debt.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions.

Huge tax cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% costing trillions.

A deregulated and ruined economy costing trillions more.

Tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life from Iraq costing trillions more into the future.

A "votes for drugs" bill costing another trillion

Rebuilding Iraq costing another trillion.

And it's all the fault of Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with any of it.
Two fundamental techniques undergird progressives’ success at narrative spinning. The first is skillful framing of the debate through investing heavily in public opinion making machinery. This disarms critics while giving lawmakers cover to vote for bills they’ve neither read nor understood. Thus framed, policies are judged only by their stated intentions, never their actual results. This allows politicians to promote new pieces of legislation named for their lofty objectives, even if the thousands of pages of vague and contradictory content deliver just the opposite.

The second is dodging all responsibility for failure. This is accomplished by blaming insufficient resources, the prior administration, the greedy 1 percent, sabotage by Republicans, or even the people’s obdurate failure to appreciate the progressive benefits conferred upon them. When the going gets tough, reality can be dismissed with a slogan. Forward!

Progressivism has been on the rise for the past century since a pedantic Princeton professor seized the White House with a mere 42 percent of the vote. From “He kept us out of War,” to fighting a “War to end all Wars,” Woodrow Wilson became the prototype activist president. He relegated the concept of strictly limited and enumerated powers to the dustbin of history while helping to turn the Constitution into a “living document.” The federal government was set on a new course with a social, economic, and cultural footprint that has been expanding ever since.

Progressivism reached its pinnacle in the presidency of Barack Obama. Running on “Hope and Change” and claiming the mortgage meltdown was “Bush’s fault,” he went on to achieve passage of the Affordable Care Act with Wilsonian promises that will forever be linked to his name. But unlike Wilson’s “War to end all Wars,” which was not proven a lie until after its author had passed from this world, Obamacare inconveniently began unraveling before it was even launched.

And so, 2013 may prove to be the year the progressive spell was finally broken. The crash of Obama’s signature health care legislation, the Detroit bankruptcy, a hapless foreign policy as ill-defined as the Syrian red line, the meteoric growth of Food Stamp Nation, millions of long-term unemployed leaving the workforce, college graduates begging for jobs while struggling under $1 trillion in loans, the collapse of the global warming juggernaut, the debasement of the dollar with nothing to show for it but a stock market bubble—there are just too many progressive fingerprints on an unbroken string of failures for a good-intentions hall pass to carry much weight this time.

2013: The Year The Progressive Narrative Collided With Reality - Forbes

After reading only a few sentences I knew this writer was good.

Looking forward to finishing the article.

Great find.

Thanks for sharing.

17 trillion in debt.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions.

Huge tax cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% costing trillions.

A deregulated and ruined economy costing trillions more.

Tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life from Iraq costing trillions more into the future.

A "votes for drugs" bill costing another trillion

Rebuilding Iraq costing another trillion.

And it's all the fault of Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with any of it.

One thing is for certain - it is all the fault of massive, unconstitutional government. And since that is what you Dumbocrats support, and us conservatives oppose, yes - it really is "all of the fault of Dumbocrats".

If the federal government adhered to their 18 enumerated powers, we wouldn't be $17 trillion in debt. Hell, we wouldn't be $17 in debt. All of the programs that are bankrupting this nation were forced through by Dumbocrats, against the warnings of Republicans:

Social Security (Dumbocrats - 1931)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Obamacare (Dumbocrats - 2010)
17 trillion in debt.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions.

Huge tax cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% costing trillions.

A deregulated and ruined economy costing trillions more.

Tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life from Iraq costing trillions more into the future.

A "votes for drugs" bill costing another trillion

Rebuilding Iraq costing another trillion.

And it's all the fault of Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with any of it.

One thing is for certain - it is all the fault of massive, unconstitutional government. And since that is what you Dumbocrats support, and us conservatives oppose, yes - it really is "all of the fault of Dumbocrats".

If the federal government adhered to their 18 enumerated powers, we wouldn't be $17 trillion in debt. Hell, we wouldn't be $17 in debt. All of the programs that are bankrupting this nation were forced through by Dumbocrats, against the warnings of Republicans:

Social Security (Dumbocrats - 1931)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Obamacare (Dumbocrats - 2010)

"let them die" is cheaper? You sure?
17 trillion in debt.

Two unpaid for wars costing trillions.

Huge tax cuts that redistributed the wealth of the nation to the top 1% costing trillions.

A deregulated and ruined economy costing trillions more.

Tens of thousands of young Americans maimed for life from Iraq costing trillions more into the future.

A "votes for drugs" bill costing another trillion

Rebuilding Iraq costing another trillion.

And it's all the fault of Democrats. Republicans had nothing to do with any of it.

One thing is for certain - it is all the fault of massive, unconstitutional government. And since that is what you Dumbocrats support, and us conservatives oppose, yes - it really is "all of the fault of Dumbocrats".

If the federal government adhered to their 18 enumerated powers, we wouldn't be $17 trillion in debt. Hell, we wouldn't be $17 in debt. All of the programs that are bankrupting this nation were forced through by Dumbocrats, against the warnings of Republicans:

Social Security (Dumbocrats - 1931)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Obamacare (Dumbocrats - 2010)

"let them die" is cheaper? You sure?

Andrew Wilkow has a great question which he poses all the time: "why do Democrats frame the argument as central planning or nihilism as if there is no other option"?

You're claiming that if the federal government doesn't do it, everyone dies. That's an absurd position that even you don't believe. There are tens of thousands of charities doing amazing work every day in this country and attempting to create the false narrative of central planning or nihilism only is not only disingenuous - it's a slap in the face to the selfless actions of all of those organizations and the people who donate to them.
One thing is for certain - it is all the fault of massive, unconstitutional government. And since that is what you Dumbocrats support, and us conservatives oppose, yes - it really is "all of the fault of Dumbocrats".

If the federal government adhered to their 18 enumerated powers, we wouldn't be $17 trillion in debt. Hell, we wouldn't be $17 in debt. All of the programs that are bankrupting this nation were forced through by Dumbocrats, against the warnings of Republicans:

Social Security (Dumbocrats - 1931)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Medicaid (Dumbocrats - 1967)

Obamacare (Dumbocrats - 2010)

"let them die" is cheaper? You sure?

Andrew Wilkow has a great question which he poses all the time: "why do Democrats frame the argument as central planning or nihilism as if there is no other option"?

You're claiming that if the federal government doesn't do it, everyone dies. That's an absurd position that even you don't believe. There are tens of thousands of charities doing amazing work every day in this country and attempting to create the false narrative of central planning or nihilism only is not only disingenuous - it's a slap in the face to the selfless actions of all of those organizations and the people who donate to them.

Why do Republicans believe the elderly eating cat food were the "good old days"?
"let them die" is cheaper? You sure?

Andrew Wilkow has a great question which he poses all the time: "why do Democrats frame the argument as central planning or nihilism as if there is no other option"?

You're claiming that if the federal government doesn't do it, everyone dies. That's an absurd position that even you don't believe. There are tens of thousands of charities doing amazing work every day in this country and attempting to create the false narrative of central planning or nihilism only is not only disingenuous - it's a slap in the face to the selfless actions of all of those organizations and the people who donate to them.

Why do Republicans believe the elderly eating cat food were the "good old days"?

Are you trying to say they weren't???? :lol:
What year will the conservative narrative collide with reality?

Conservatism is rooted in reality. It collided in 1776 and created the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Sadly, the rise of liberalism/progressivism has done significant damage to that empire.

Conservatives in 1776 would have been those who wanted to stay loyal to the King.

Progressives were bravely fighting to oust the old guard and the monarchy and start a new nation. Progress.
What year will the conservative narrative collide with reality?

Conservatism is rooted in reality. It collided in 1776 and created the greatest empire the world has ever seen. Sadly, the rise of liberalism/progressivism has done significant damage to that empire.

Conservatives in 1776 would have been those who wanted to stay loyal to the King.

Progressives were bravely fighting to oust the old guard and the monarchy and start a new nation. Progress.
No, those were the real liberals.

The progressives didn't come along until the end of the 19th century, seeking to progressively turn the republic, created a century prior, into a Marxist mob rule state.

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