2014 is USA's Coolest Year on Record

Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

Well said and very true. Climate changes. I am not a global warming denier.....but there are simply too many variables to properly model what the weather will do years out.

The undeniable fact is that models predicting rapid expansion of temperatures over the last ten years have been dead wrong. Of course the media will not admit that....nor the global warming cult....but that is the truth.

As to what will happen in the next 10-20 years....I have no fucking clue. But I suspect the scientist don't as well. :)
We had a cool summer, but I left my SUV running all night and the temperatures spiked to 115 degrees

We went to the Rodeo last night. It was fabulous to see all the gas guzzling pick up trucks and SUVs in the parking lot. Needs us some Warmin'.

Why would that be "fabulous"? We don't consume enough oil? What, are we going to drown in an oil flood unless we burn it up?


I think it's fabulous when people don't fall for the Anti-Humanity AGW nonsense.

Why would we want to intentionally waste resources? Expensive ones I might add? Doesn't make sense.
Are you saying the value of gas guzzing pickups and SUVs is simply political spite?

You are making an assumption that driving a truck or SUV is an intentional waste of resources.

If somebody likes an SUV, can afford it and the gas to power it, then yay for him.

I'm FOR freedom of choice.
I drive a truck because I always drove a truck.

A truck is what you throw your shit in.
We went to the Rodeo last night. It was fabulous to see all the gas guzzling pick up trucks and SUVs in the parking lot. Needs us some Warmin'.

Why would that be "fabulous"? We don't consume enough oil? What, are we going to drown in an oil flood unless we burn it up?


I think it's fabulous when people don't fall for the Anti-Humanity AGW nonsense.

Why would we want to intentionally waste resources? Expensive ones I might add? Doesn't make sense.
Are you saying the value of gas guzzing pickups and SUVs is simply political spite?

You are making an assumption that driving a truck or SUV is an intentional waste of resources.

If somebody likes an SUV, can afford it and the gas to power it, then yay for him.

I'm FOR freedom of choice.

"Choice" isn't relevant here. The question is whether it's wasteful.

What's the purpose of a motor vehicle? To go somewhere. So how is a vehicle intentionally not going anywhere yet running not a waste of resources?

And why would you celebrate conspicuous consumption of an expensive resource on which we're dependent?

You know I have you cornered. You know that, right? :D
Call Batfink. That always distracts me. ;)

Any thoughts on "water snobs" that are covering the planet with plastic bottles that contained tapwater?
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming. Not. SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.
The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.
NOAA s National Weather Service
HCN: The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.
NOAA s National Weather Service

LOLOLOLOL........and the extremely gullible 'boringdickhead' strikes again with more demented denier cult drivel.

First off, the entire USA only covers about 2% of the Earth's surface so any temperature records pertaining only to the U.S. are meaningless in terms of GLOBAL warming.

Secondly, the U.S. experienced its hottest year on record in 2012. It's not true of course, but if the USA had gone from its hottest year on record to its coldest year on record in only two years, that would indicate some very serious climate disruption.

Thirdly, 2014 is NOT the "Coolest Year on Record", nor have any "SCIENTISTS determined" that it is. You have once again fallen for some deranged denier cult propaganda lies, you poor delusional retard.

State of the Climate - National Overview - September 2014

The September national temperature was 66.2°F, 1.3°F above average. This ranked as the 26th warmest September in the 120-year period of record. The average maximum (daytime) September temperature for the contiguous U.S. was 78.3°F, 0.5°F above the 20thcentury average, ranking near the median value in the 120-year period of record. The average minimum (nighttime) September temperature was 54.1°F, 2.2°F above the 20th century average, the eighth warmest on record.

Climate Highlights — warm season (April — September)
The contiguous U.S. warm season temperature was 65.7°F, 0.6°F above average. This ranked as the 36th warmest April-September on record. The average maximum (daytime) warm season temperaturefor the contiguous U.S. was 78.1°F, 0.2°F above the 20th century average, ranking near the median value in the 120-year period of record. The average minimum (nighttime) warm season temperaturewas 53.3°F, 1.1°F above the 20th century average, the 17th warmest on record.

Much of the West and the East Coast were warmer than average during the April-September period. California had its warmest April-September on record with an average temperature of 70.0°F, 3.3°F above average. This bested the previous record set just last year by 0.6°F. Oregon had its second warmest warm season, Washington its third warmest, and Nevada its ninth warmest. On the East Coast, Florida had its tenth warmest April-September on record. Central locations in the U.S., stretching from the Rockies to the Midwest, had near to below average warm season temperatures. No state had a top 10 cold April-September.

Climate Highlights — year-to-date (January — September)

Year-to-date 2014 Statewide Temperature ranks

The January-September contiguous U.S. temperature was 55.3°F. This was 0.2°F above the 20th century average, but also marked the coldest first nine months of a year since 1996. The West continued to be much warmer than average, where six states had a top 10 warm year-to-date. California was record warm for January-September, with a temperature 4.1°F above its 20th century average. The East was cooler than average, particularly the Midwest and the Mississippi River Valley, where January-September 2014 was among the 10 coldest such periods in nine states. No state was record cold.
The year-to-date average maximum (daytime) temperature for the contiguous U.S. was 67.4° F, 0.1°F above average. This ranked near the median value in the 120-year period of record, but was the coldest since 1997. The average minimum (nighttime) temperature was 43.1°F, 0.2°F above the 20th century average, also ranking near the median value.

I am sure all those folks in California too good to let their kids ride school buses cause most of that warming as they sit in huge lines to pick up Buffy and Bo from school.
Why would that be "fabulous"? We don't consume enough oil? What, are we going to drown in an oil flood unless we burn it up?


I think it's fabulous when people don't fall for the Anti-Humanity AGW nonsense.

Why would we want to intentionally waste resources? Expensive ones I might add? Doesn't make sense.
Are you saying the value of gas guzzing pickups and SUVs is simply political spite?

You are making an assumption that driving a truck or SUV is an intentional waste of resources.

If somebody likes an SUV, can afford it and the gas to power it, then yay for him.

I'm FOR freedom of choice.

"Choice" isn't relevant here. The question is whether it's wasteful.

What's the purpose of a motor vehicle? To go somewhere. So how is a vehicle intentionally not going anywhere yet running not a waste of resources?

And why would you celebrate conspicuous consumption of an expensive resource on which we're dependent?

You know I have you cornered. You know that, right? :D
Call Batfink. That always distracts me. ;)

Any thoughts on "water snobs" that are covering the planet with plastic bottles that contained tapwater?

Yeah that's a corporate turd of an idea that needs to disappear yesturdday.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

Don't know where you live but in western North Carolina I was running my wood stove on October 4th. :eek:
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.

Well said and very true. Climate changes. I am not a global warming denier.....but there are simply too many variables to properly model what the weather will do years out.

The undeniable fact is that models predicting rapid expansion of temperatures over the last ten years have been dead wrong. Of course the media will not admit that....nor the global warming cult....but that is the truth.

As to what will happen in the next 10-20 years....I have no fucking clue. But I suspect the scientist don't as well. :)

Agreed. My position is and has always been, I don't have the perspective to know we're causing a temp rise or fall or whatever -- I doubt anyone does -- but what the hell's the harm in cleaning up after ourselves?

All this partisan denialist crap smacks of energetically resisting the idea of putting food away in your kitchen just because yesterday you left it out and didn't see any roaches or rats.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service

Everyone knows cooler temp is caused by Global Warming.

Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

Don't know where you live but in western North Carolina I was running my wood stove on October 4th. :eek:


Hot as Hell here, but, frost predicted first week of November.

I am ready, you can't see shit in the woods for the bugs and leaves on the trees, and the deer are not really moving.

GF in NC says she's been cold, but, she won't run heat for nothing unless I am there.

Then I get 66 on the heaters.

Whoop tee doo!
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

That did not happen, fellow. Even when we had that cool period, in the '70's, most of the scientists were predicting warming.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s


The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

Don't know where you live but in western North Carolina I was running my wood stove on October 4th. :eek:


Hot as Hell here, but, frost predicted first week of November.

I am ready, you can't see shit in the woods for the bugs and leaves on the trees, and the deer are not really moving.

GF in NC says she's been cold, but, she won't run heat for nothing unless I am there.

Then I get 66 on the heaters.

Whoop tee doo!

That's normal for Sleaziana. I lived there 12 years. And was there the week after my wood stove.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
Scientists have not declared 2014 to be the coldest year for the US on record. Only blogger Steven Goddard (your source) and the flying monkey brigade have done that.

Scientists use average temperature, not an arbitrary figure such as blogger Goddard (real name Tony Heller) has done. 2014 thus far has been an average year, but still has 3 months before taking its place in history, although if looked at globally, 2014 has been an exceedingly warm year.

Risking my scientific reputation :), I'll go ahead and declare it "The Warmest Year On Record."
And that is wrong. And again, the adjustments are not necessary, or is changing the proxie data with manufactured numbers to make hockey sticks. So, where is the science? Seems more like math. Explain what exacty is the science you refer to?
I'm referring to "the scientists" who the OP claims have declared 2014 to be the coolest year in US history, which they have not.

Thus, the OP fails.
Hey, so tell me scientifically how average data sets can show that the earth is warming? It does not show how warm the earth actually is, nor does it show how cold. So an average at 55 degrees is warming how when highs can go up to 120 degrees F?
If you are uncertain that the earth is warming, and you think that someone's messing with the temperature record, you only need look at the actual condition of the earth: the melting of land ice (glaciers) and the sea level rise, which are unexplainable in a cooling earth.
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

That did not happen, fellow. Even when we had that cool period, in the '70's, most of the scientists were predicting warming.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s


The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.
I was referring to late 50's, early 60's when I was a kid, and lakes froze in Baton Rouge, and we always had frosts for rabbit season.

Climate fluctuates.

Everyone knows that.

Whether man causes all of it is the only issue.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
Scientists have not declared 2014 to be the coldest year for the US on record. Only blogger Steven Goddard (your source) and the flying monkey brigade have done that.

Scientists use average temperature, not an arbitrary figure such as blogger Goddard (real name Tony Heller) has done. 2014 thus far has been an average year, but still has 3 months before taking its place in history, although if looked at globally, 2014 has been an exceedingly warm year.

Risking my scientific reputation :), I'll go ahead and declare it "The Warmest Year On Record."
And that is wrong. And again, the adjustments are not necessary, or is changing the proxie data with manufactured numbers to make hockey sticks. So, where is the science? Seems more like math. Explain what exacty is the science you refer to?
I'm referring to "the scientists" who the OP claims have declared 2014 to be the coolest year in US history, which they have not.

Thus, the OP fails.
Hey, so tell me scientifically how average data sets can show that the earth is warming? It does not show how warm the earth actually is, nor does it show how cold. So an average at 55 degrees is warming how when highs can go up to 120 degrees F?
If you are uncertain that the earth is warming, and you think that someone's messing with the temperature record, you only need look at the actual condition of the earth: the melting of land ice (glaciers) and the sea level rise, which are unexplainable in a cooling earth.
Seas rise and fall.

People once lived in caves now hundreds of feet under water.

You want a new Ice Age?
Doesn't surprise me -- I don't think I even had to turn on a fan all summer.
Last winter, most frigid ever, couple of winters before that didn't even show up. No question weather is in upheaval.
Uncommonly hot October here.

Not cold once, much less any frost.

Not like the mini-Ice Age that had the "active climate change scientists" claiming we were all going to freeze, and the "cryptozoologists" claiming it would be so cold the Abominable Snowman might move to Europe.

Of course, the "ancient alien theorists" blamed it on exhaust from the spaceships of the "grays".

That did not happen, fellow. Even when we had that cool period, in the '70's, most of the scientists were predicting warming.

What were climate scientists predicting in the 1970s


The fact is that around 1970 there were 6 times as many scientists predicting a warming rather than a cooling planet. Today, with 30+years more data to analyse, we've reached a clear scientific consensus: 97% of working climate scientists agree with the view that human beings are causing global warming.
I was referring to late 50's, early 60's when I was a kid, and lakes froze in Baton Rouge, and we always had frosts for rabbit season.

Climate fluctuates.

Everyone knows that.

Whether man causes all of it is the only issue.

Now nobody has stated that man causes all of it. What is stated is that by increasing the amount of GHG's in the atmosphere, we are increasing the amount of heat from the outgoing longwave infrared that the atmosphere absorbs. By doing that, we raise the temperature and increase the probability of extreme weather events, as well as acidifying the ocean.

We have seen in the geological past where rapid changes of GHG's have caused extinction events, and changed weather patterns. Why should we expect the result to be any differant when the increase is coming from mankind's activites, instead of Trapp volcanics.
Oh nooeessss!!1!!1!!!!!! We're all going to boil away due to Global Warming.


SCIENTISTS (from the government!), and we all know how much the Progs love to quote SCIENTISTS, have determined that the USA is having the Coolest Year on Record in 2014.

View attachment 33385

The percentage of US HCN stations to reach 90 degrees was the smallest on record this year, with four of the five coolest years occurring above 350 PPM CO2. The most widespread heat occurred in 1931, when more than 98% of stations were over 90 degrees.

NOAA s National Weather Service


The Historical Climate Network (HCN) was identified in response to the need for the most accurate, unbiased, modern historical climate record available for detecting climate change in the US over the past 100 years or more, The HCN is a sub-network of Cooperative Observer Network (COOP) consisting of 1221 stations. The HCN stations are maintained by the NOAA’s NWS and the HCN data set is maintained by NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC). The HCN-M will sustain the Nation’s regional climate record through modernization of the HCN.

NOAA s National Weather Service
Scientists have not declared 2014 to be the coldest year for the US on record. Only blogger Steven Goddard (your source) and the flying monkey brigade have done that.

Scientists use average temperature, not an arbitrary figure such as blogger Goddard (real name Tony Heller) has done. 2014 thus far has been an average year, but still has 3 months before taking its place in history, although if looked at globally, 2014 has been an exceedingly warm year.

Risking my scientific reputation :), I'll go ahead and declare it "The Warmest Year On Record."
And that is wrong. And again, the adjustments are not necessary, or is changing the proxie data with manufactured numbers to make hockey sticks. So, where is the science? Seems more like math. Explain what exacty is the science you refer to?
I'm referring to "the scientists" who the OP claims have declared 2014 to be the coolest year in US history, which they have not.

Thus, the OP fails.
Hey, so tell me scientifically how average data sets can show that the earth is warming? It does not show how warm the earth actually is, nor does it show how cold. So an average at 55 degrees is warming how when highs can go up to 120 degrees F?
If you are uncertain that the earth is warming, and you think that someone's messing with the temperature record, you only need look at the actual condition of the earth: the melting of land ice (glaciers) and the sea level rise, which are unexplainable in a cooling earth.
I am not uncertain that Earth is warming.

I am uncertain that Greedy White Men cause 100% of the warming.

I want the Third World hordes denuding the planet of sticks and twigs to burn for fuel to take their share of the blame too.

Is that too much to ask?
Scientists have not declared 2014 to be the coldest year for the US on record. Only blogger Steven Goddard (your source) and the flying monkey brigade have done that.

Scientists use average temperature, not an arbitrary figure such as blogger Goddard (real name Tony Heller) has done. 2014 thus far has been an average year, but still has 3 months before taking its place in history, although if looked at globally, 2014 has been an exceedingly warm year.

Risking my scientific reputation :), I'll go ahead and declare it "The Warmest Year On Record."
And that is wrong. And again, the adjustments are not necessary, or is changing the proxie data with manufactured numbers to make hockey sticks. So, where is the science? Seems more like math. Explain what exacty is the science you refer to?
I'm referring to "the scientists" who the OP claims have declared 2014 to be the coolest year in US history, which they have not.

Thus, the OP fails.
Hey, so tell me scientifically how average data sets can show that the earth is warming? It does not show how warm the earth actually is, nor does it show how cold. So an average at 55 degrees is warming how when highs can go up to 120 degrees F?
If you are uncertain that the earth is warming, and you think that someone's messing with the temperature record, you only need look at the actual condition of the earth: the melting of land ice (glaciers) and the sea level rise, which are unexplainable in a cooling earth.
I am not uncertain that Earth is warming.

I am uncertain that Greedy White Men cause 100% of the warming.

I want the Third World hordes denuding the planet of sticks and twigs to burn for fuel to take their share of the blame too.

Is that too much to ask?

Yes....it's racist. :(
Those are some fine strawmen, complete with WelfareQueens flagrant race-card tossing, but, as is usual with denier arguments, they deliberately avoid the actual issues.

Saying we need to warm the planet now to avoid an ice age is every bit as stupid as claiming you have to run the furnace full blast in July to avoid getting cold in winter. And whining about greedy white men is also race-card tossing.

Just please stop making everything about race. Make it about science, like the rational people here do.
Now don't go playing poor victim on me. The third world has contributed through population increase which has led to massive deforestation. But, at present, the primary increase in the GHG load in our atmosphere comes from North America and Europe. China and India are working overtime to contribute their fair share now, so that will have changed in another generation.

I am not interested in the blame game. I am interested in seeing that mankind's contributions to the CO2 and CH4 in the atmosphere rapidly decline. And, at the same time, that we maintain our wonderful standard of living, and see that of the third world nations continue to get better.

No problem can be solved by those denying it's very existance. And when those in denial
stand in the way of addressing the problem, they become part of the problem.

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