2014.......US Economy Kicks Ass

Obama created the fracking boom and the China slowdown, which are the two main reasons for this economic upturn? Please explain how he did that.
Both consumer confidence and CEO confidence are down. Why is yours up?

Not true. Does it give you a chubby anyway?
Makes me see you for the fool that you are. :slap:

Wrong on that too. Why did you think you could say something so inaccurate and not be called on it? You might be too used to conversing with dummies.
I'm calling you on your bullshit. :slap:

You are?

I make a thread celebrating the great performance of the US economy in 2014...which is supported by the data and the facts.

You make a claim that consumer confidence and CEO confidence are both down......which....for 2014....is untrue. While CEO confidence has fluctuated after reaching a 7 year high earlier in the year, consumer confidence is up by a significant amount for the year.


Monthly Data - Conference Board s Consumer Confidence Index

This just in from reality


United States, gross debt to GDP ratio.
2006: 63%
2008: 73%
2010: 95%
2012: 102%
2014: 106%

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