2016: Conservatism WON the presidential popular vote

That is a totally different subject. Everybody knows Trump will be inaugurated. We are discussing whether the majority of the voters in the country want that to happen, and you can't accept the fact that the numbers say they don't.

Feel free to keep rambling about totally irrelevant shit, I don't care, won't change reality.

Irrelevant as far as who is inaugurated. Totally relevant as far as the country accepting him as the legitimate president who intends to represent the entire country

He was duly elected according to the Constitution, you can't get more legitimate than than fuck head. I think you need a new supply of buthurt cream.

Then why are Trump supporters starting crazy threads like this one? Why can't YOU people let it go?

Because they are embarrassed about only being able to claim the presidency by a technicality, instead of the will of the people.

Technicality ? Lol !! The electoral college is now a "technicality". You guys are hilarious.
"Uneducated" means lacking education.

That's what they are. Trump's "left behind" white males are uneducated.

Its shows a lack of an education when they declare their poor forgotten victimized plight. It has to be someone else's fault. So why not blame liberals and the oppressive federal government.
ShaklesOfBigGov, post: 16192439
Our public schools are more concerned with their little therapy sessions, than they are in providing our kids with the tools they need to equipment them in obtaining a successful career.

More right wing 'we are victims' hogwash. Quit crying.

Your hillbilly assbackward states get the educations they are too efn cheap to pay for:

Screw your blame the liberals crap.

How Blue States Are Outperforming Red States

. The top 15 states with the largest percentage of the population having bachelor's degrees are blue. Massachusetts tops the list with of its population 38% holding a bachelor's degree. The best red state for bachelor's degrees is Kansas with 29% of its population holding bachelor's degrees. On the worst end of the spectrum, only 17% of the population of West Virginia has a bachelor's degre

. This graph indicates the number of patents filed in 2013 per 100,000 population in each state. 13 of the top 14 states for patents filed per capita are blue. Idaho is the highest ranking red state. That is something Idahoans should be proud of, but in fairness, it might also be a product of the small sample size in a sparsely populated state.

. The partisan gap is even more dramatic with regard to post graduate degrees (e.g., a master's degree, PhD, law degree, medical degree, MBA, etc.). The 16 states in which the largest percentage of the population has graduate degrees are all blue. Massachusetts again leads the pack with 16% of its population holding a graduate degree and Arkansas has the fewest graduate degrees per capita at 6%.

yeah sure, all those Blue State doctors, lawyers, MBA's were traumatized by liberal educations teaching that losing is the same as winning.

What do we get from Red State educations. Memorized Bible Verses and white men are owed something cuz white Christian men founded this country.

Clinton did not pander to them. Trump aroused the worst in them. Uneducated victims in red and swing states now blaming liberal teachers for there plight.

Like I said - Hogwash!

Republicans are good at hogwash.
"Uneducated" means lacking education.

That's what they are. Trump's "left behind" white males are uneducated.

Its shows a lack of an education when they declare their poor forgotten victimized plight. It has to be someone else's fault. So why not blame liberals and the oppressive federal government.

So it's the educated that rioted?

It is the educated that threatened to leave the US because their person didn't win and Trump is going to ruin the entire country?

It is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Is it the educated that wanted to talk to the Electoral College to undermine the system because they believe they know better and Trump is going to be a disaster.

Your education level is the same as 88% of the rest of the country. Your high school education, your job doesn't make you anymore or less of an American or any more or less educated as those that voted for Trump.

The left tried to minimize the Trump voter and it back fired.

I dislike Trump, but I am smart enough not to underestimate those you think you are better than.
Papageorgio, post: 16197035
It is the educated that threatened to leave the US because their person didn't win and Trump is going to ruin the entire country?

That Trump will ruin the country is indeed a fairly highly educated opinion. Are we becoming the forner Soviet Union where citizens are not free to leave.
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.
Only if you count the illegals in California.
Papageorgio, post: 16197035
It is the educated that threatened to leave the US because their person didn't win and Trump is going to ruin the entire country?

That Trump will ruin the country is indeed a fairly highly educated opinion. Are we becoming the forner Soviet Union where citizens are not free to leave.

They are free to leave, in fact I was hoping they would. And the Constitution is much stronger than Trump so the idea that Trump would ruin the country is a very uneducated guess.
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.

Yep Trump won, that is the way it is, he didn't win "technically," he won Constitutionally.
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.
Only if you count the illegals in California.

We don't have any proof if illegals voted in California or not. We have tons of speculation but nothing else. So as far as I'm concerned, Clinton she had more votes but she didn't win and the uneducated left have no claim to her winning.
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.
Only if you count the illegals in California.

Do you really believe that, or do you just enjoy writing stupid stuff?
Papageorgio, post: 1619703
t is the educated that claim Trump didn't technically win, because their candidate didn't win and it is not the will of the people, even though the Constitution was followed?

Cite. Trump won the presidency but Hillary won nearly three million more than Trump of all votes cast.
Only if you count the illegals in California.

We don't have any proof if illegals voted in California or not. We have tons of speculation but nothing else. So as far as I'm concerned, Clinton she had more votes but she didn't win and the uneducated left have no claim to her winning.

I live in California; trust me when I tell you that they voted, and they voted in droves.
Unkotare, post: 16199403
I see you have to admit those you want to look down on are only as "uneducated" as you.

You know damn well that Republicans look normally down on people who lack self initiative to take personal responsibility for their own lot in life? Its just that needing white male bigots and homophobes to win elections Republicans forget about the line, pull yourself up by your bootstraps.

. The origin of this descriptive phrase isn't known. It refers of course to boots and their straps (laces) and to the imagined feat of a lifting oneself off the ground by pulling on one's bootstraps. This impossible task is supposed to exemplify the achievement in getting out of a difficult situation by one's own efforts.

I did. I'm white started out very poor.

Republicans admonish minorities of course all the time using the boot strap line.

When for centuries minorities were unnecessarily burdened by the extra weight of men like Trump and his father that discriminated using their housing developments against black people.

White males blaming liberal education for their duffucult stake in life is absurd.

Pass on buying 4ft tires on your pickup truck and go to school and get some vocational training. Or drive your pickup truck to where the jobs are.
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